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myOtaku.com: ToonMasta

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

   New art comin' atcha!
Okay! So after I write this, I'm gonna upload four (yes, four!) new pictures that I'm super psyched to show you! I have another, but I'm not done coloring it. I'll probably put it up in a couple weeks.

My more exciting news is this: on Saturday (last Saturday, the 17th) I had my birthday part! My friends and I went bowling and then came back to my house to open presents, eat, and watch Panda Z and Yu-Gi-Oh! That was fun. I miss Yu-Gi-Oh! The good old episodes, not the new crap.

As for presents, I got gift cards for Borders and Target which I used to buy the first volume of Black Cat and the second volume of Bizenghast (even though I don't own the first. I've read the first one, though.) and Big Brain Academy for the Nintendo DS.

Speaking of DS games, Rice Flinga got me the coolest game ever! It's an import called "Osu! Tatakae! Oendan!" and you play as a trio of male cheerleaders (the Japanese kind, not the gay kind) who have to help all these people with their problems. It's super fun, super awesome, and has some really cool J-rock music! I made it to the last stage as Tanaka Hajime. There are two playable characters, Tanaka Hajime and Ippongi Ryuta. Ryuta's stages are a lot harder than Hajime's, and Hajime is cooler looking becasue he's got glasses. Whatever. If you have a DS and some money and are looking for a really great game, I suggest trying to buy it!

Also, my new avatar was drawn by Shroudcaster himself, who has not been on the otaku since September of last year. He gave it to me inside the card he got me for my birthday! The actual picture is bigger, and I cropped that one. Of course, since he gave me the original, I don't suppose he will put it up with his fan art. Oh well. It's very well drawn, and much too cute to be me (although I wish I was that cute). And it doesn't exactly look like me anymore since I cut my hair and dyed it black (although it's more of a brown because I didn't bleach my hair first like the directions said.) I'm gonna dye it again with better stuff once this stuff washes out.

Next week I won't be posting because I'm going camping with Doodle! It's a tradition, and it's fun. I guess I'll post again this week, but I may not have time because I have to read Crime and Punishment for English class. Till we meet again, though!

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