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myOtaku.com: ToonMasta

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

   My goodness.
Well, Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it - and to those of you who don't. My weekend started off good, but...

Well, on Friday Doodle visited school with me and we hung out for a while and that was fun, but then on Friday night through Sunday everyone in my family was really sick. My mom had a fever of 103, my brother was reallly dizzy, and I was pretty sick myself. My dad was the only one who wasn't sick, and he was the only one who was able to go to church on Easter. I feel bad about that now.

I got the Death Note soundtrack from Doodle - yay! It's very cool, but some of the tracks are just boring drum-type-stuff. I also have the first five episodes of the anime saved to my laptop now. I want to download more anime! I'm going crazy!

I started a new game in EarthBound, one of the coolest games ever that I never beat before because I sucked at all video games the last time I played it. It's way easier than I remember it being before. I made it to the traffic jam in the desert, for those of you who've played it. My stuff is named as follows:
Ness: Adam
Paula: Molly
Jeff: Seth
Poo: Kenji
Dog: Dist
Food: Apples
Thing: Puppet

Not that you people even care. Being in Twoson was a big accomplishment for me, sadly, so I'm excited about getting as far as I have - and with such ease!!!

Yesterday, the Oracle and I took the bus to Powell's and sold some books. We made $42 between the two of us selling a bag full of children's picture books! I got some fairy tale books with my money, but I wish I'd gotten a Pinky St. figurine instead of one of the books I got...

Well, back to senior thesis! Also, I'm taking suggestions for fanart. ASYLUM's 25 crazies are almost done - I have 20 or so already! - so I may put up pics of some of them soon... I'll take requests, though!

BTW, do you people remember Shroudcaster? Remind me to tell him to get on - I know him in person - because he has a rockin' awesome Eyeshield 21 piece - at the risk of blasphemy against the artists, I'd say it's good enough to be their own work. It so rocks. He displayed it in a show for midterms, so I got to see it.

Anyhoo, gotta fly. Lots of things to do - like senior thesis!

Ja mata!

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