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myOtaku.com: Tongari Typhoon

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The wind blows towards the future...

The me goes by many designations. Among them are Naito Tenshi, Tongari Typhoon, RaeCee, RC, #18, Thousands Sporks, and many, many others.

But to get to the point...

The (real) name's Rachel. Age 19. Live in New York.

You'll most frequently see me cosplaying at most of the east coast cons, staffing Anime Next, writing Trigun fanfics under the pen name Naito Tenshi, roleplaying Vash (viva la Planet Gunsmoke RP! XD), designing websites or goofing off.

You can usually track me down at Anime Next (obviously), Otakon, Anime Boston, rarely Katsucon, I-Con and BAAF if they ever have another con.

I have had four cosplay pictures published in Animerica Magazine in two issues. One has the green cover with Onizuka (I don't recall month, it's early 2003) on it, the other has a cover article on Someday's Dreamers (it's December 2003). Costumes pictured have been Vash (in various stages of completed-ness) and Knives (not yet exactly how I want him to be... but close).

So, thanks for stopping by. ^_^;; Check ya laters.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Holy crap, man, I totally forgot this place existed.


::blows dust off. sneezes::


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Sunday, February 15, 2004

Come to Kenya.

We've got lions.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2004

So I had this idea for a website that I miiight pursue, if there isn't anything like it.

See, back in the old days of my South Park fandom, we had message forums, directories, all kinds of web hookups. We had the best community of authors EVER. And I want to make a website with that kind of stuff, for the Trigun authors. ^_^

I might need some help in such a large project, but I think I'll get started on it. Any Trigun fanfic people, feel more than free to make some input and PLEASE help me spread the word? ^_^

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Well, it's a nice sentiment, but using the term "perfect" for an art style that supposedly applies to me is just kind of twistedly funny.