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myOtaku.com: Taleybo

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

   hey, many things to talk about, like usual
okays. im gonna go by order of importants, not events. so im also gonna put a # by each paragraph goping by what frist happened in the day to the last thing so here i go:

2.okay! im happy cuz today (really yesterday) i went to the mall in burlington with uzali again! ^_^ THEY DIDN'T HAVE #12!!!!!!!!! *is ready to kill* (in case you don't know me very well, im a huge Love Hina fan, and get really mad when the store dosen't have the volume i want) ~but~ they ~did~ have kenshin 5!!!!! ^____^ yay! i know it came out on the 6th, so it's about time i got it! ^_^ and i got a new one call Kare Kano. it's really good, here let me read the back for you:
Yukino Miyazawa (you-KEY-no my-ya-ZA-wa) has it all- perfect grades, looks, the admiration of her peers. She's the #1 student at her school...at least ntil he showed up. The new boy, Soichiro Arima (soy-CHEE-roe are-EE-ma), one up's her in every department. And the worst thing about it is that he's sincere! With her ego in jeopardy, Yukino will do whatever it takes to regain the spotlight, but falling in love was never part of the plan.
cool huh?

1.i got a new cd too! MARTINA by martina mcbride! my favorite country singiner! okay so i didn't exsactly ~bey~ it ^^' well i didn't ask for it, but a friend just copied it for me ^^' so im stuck with it now.

3.im giving my site a makeover. i just feel like it, and that means my picture too. so the frist one has 6 votes, the last one up had 1. and how about this one?

well i think that covers it for now, so see ya (tell me what you think of my make over okay?)

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