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myOtaku.com: SunderedYingYang

Friday, June 17, 2005

quiz results
Your dark side is centered around Hopeless Faith. A
shattered broken heart holding its last breath,
searching for its salvation in a cold world.
All you want is a sweet loving heart, touchs
your hand and holds you in their arms,
prmoising you they will love you forever, so
you can feel that the whole world is revolved
around the both of you only, no more sorrow or
regret, just love. You will find what you want
when you believe in yourself and when you start
making your life with your own hands.

What is the center of your dark core? (updated)
brought to you by Quizilla

Blue info
Your Heart is Blue

What Color is Your Heart?
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Your word is: Brooding. You are a true thinker and
often try to figure out the meaning of life,
why we are all here etc. You may not be so
social, and often think twice before acting but
those thoughts you have in your mind never stop
flowing in. Sometimes you can be so
concentrated you forget about other things that
you have to do. Don't change, this world needs
deep people.

What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your wise quote is: "Our greatest glory is not
in never falling, but in rising everytime we
fall" by Confucius.
Yes indeed, you see true strenght can only be
seen when a person has "fallen". Only
then one can tell how they will handle it. Just
don't make others fall so you can know who they
really are. You on the other hand may be a very
quick recoverer and don't let people bring you
down. You are your own, and you're find with
that. Emotional issues is something you handle
rather nicely.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

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