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myOtaku.com: Suki Kohana

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Its like that (remix)-Mariah Carey ft. Fat Joe
Hey whats up this is Suki Kohana! My real name is Krystina and I live in Chicago ,Illinois. Why have I chosen the name Suki Kohana?
Well its simple, like everyone else here I love anime! Ive always loved the names of the Anime characters and I wanted to give myself a nickname. So I went onto babynames.com and looked up a pretty name! What does Suki Kohana mean? It traslates roughly into a very pretty name. It means Beloved Little Flower! Whoo! Well im so glad to be a part of myotaku.com! whoo! Im so excited that people will get to view my art! well, lets find out a bit more about me:

fav color: Pink

fav anime/manga: InuYasha

fav thing to do: shop!

fav past time: Iceskating

what im doing right now: sitting here at the computer listening to D14's Laffy Taffy while instant messaging two of my friends and typing this up.

What I said when I woke up this morning: Why does my life suck?

What im thinking right now: Why is my mom listening to classical music?

Where I live: Chi town,baby!

Cubs or sox: Cubs mostly but i was rooting for the sox in the world series.

what type of car I want to drive: My brothers 89' blue ford mustang gt

My real name: Krystina Danielle (im not including my name for safety purposes. I dont want some freak tracking me down and coming to my house and raping me.lol)

what tv show im watching right now: law and order,baby!

What I look like: Well, lets see, I have long dark red hair with light red streak in it. I have green eyes that change colors (their mostly green but dependant on the light they can be either green,gold,blue, or turquoise.) Im tall about 5'6". I have a small frame ( im a size 0/small). I have a nice smile ( thats what john said to me two days ago!whoo!)
and I have a very lean muscular build (im in very good shape because i run a few times a week and i used to iceskate so im very flexable as well.)

fav quote: Im too sexy for myself (its from a song, but hey, i live by it.lol.)

how many sibling i have: One brother who is 23 who still lives in the house.lol.

pets: One dog named rusty and 5 fish.

well enough about my bornig life. Dont forget to review my art and sign my guestbook! see you around!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

OMG!!! IM BACK!!! yeah, i know, its been like 2 months, but ive been VERY busy. the modeling thing in las vegas went great!!! i got to walk the freakin' runway!!!!!! yea, and most of you have probably been wondering where the hell I am, but im sorry for the delay. well, if some of you wanna check out my xang your welcome to, its www.xanga.com/a_wish_from_the_heart
it has pictures of me on there along with my many posts.
well, to explain why i havent been here in like 2 months is bcuz there has been alot of drama going on lately and plus ive been on bad terms w/ my mom. so yea, most of it is on my xanga.
well, thats all for now!!!

<3 Suki


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I dont have much to talk about but I will say ITS 2 DAYS UNTIL VEGAS!!!



Sunday, November 27, 2005

IM SO TIRED!!!! I went to bed at like 4:30 in the moring today and I got up about 2 hours ago! AND IM STILL TIRED!!! Well John didnt call me back so it looks like im not going to the mall w/ him today! *cries* And I found out from one of my friends that he likes me! WHEE! but the bad part about that is he supposedly already has a girlfriend! what a creep! he could have told me! uhg! *cries*
and in other good news, I got to go to my friend lisas house, and I havent seen that girl in over 4 months! WHEE! I have no clue why im so hyper when im sooooo tired! this is confusing!
I also got to go to the mall yesturday to pick out some new clothes for vegas! Surprisingly my mom and me didnt fight! It was a good day cuz we got to go to nordstroms, marshall feilds, hollister, abercrombie, J C penney, Kohls, walmart (lol), the limited, bebe, and a whole lotta other places I cant think of!
Also whats cool is I get my hair cut tommmorrow! Im gonna get it re-layered and im gonna have thin blond streaks put in it! WHEE!! And then well leave and get a proffesional picture of me taken at Hollywood Shots.
Its been a jam packed weekend for me and its worn me out so I think im gonna go back to sleep now!




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