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myOtaku.com: sparkle 078

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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KuroYUKIrou (07/22/07)

Hi, Sparkle078. Nice Kobato theme you have. nice choice. it looks beautiful. Thank you very much for my GB signing ^^ I like your e-cards. especially the XXXHolic. I think you're CLAMP fans.me too.
Although, you're mysterious and cute X) you're funny too. put stickers on bananas? what for? are you going to eat the bananas after labeled it?
I don't believe you're behind me! No Horrors,okay?

I added you as my friends!
hope we can be freakin' otaku friends! Have Nice Day!

winds soul (07/20/07)

HALLO!!! droppin' by from H's site!! love the site!! and you got's some cute E-cards too. ^_^ hope we can be fiends!!

~winds soul (yukai-chan)

Fire Fox Sakurie (07/19/07)

Konnichiwa Sparkle-chan! :D I love your site theme and your ecards are really good!^^ Send me a pm when you get the chance.^^ Hope you enjoy Myotaku! :) Sayonara!


MewKittyCatChan54 (07/19/07)

hello!, my friend hikarumi-chan told me to come check out your e-cards and stuff so i did...lol they are really cute! i hope to see more soon! and i really like you site! i never really got into clamps work but thats only cause the stinky library didnt have volume three of tsubasa X3 ...sorry aobut that lol
haha i love your occupation! i wanna put those stickers on bananas XD sounds kinda fun!
im gonna add you as a friend ^_^
pm me anytime! i hope we can become really good friends!

~I hope you like to run with cupcakes it will make you feel rebelious!

There are 20 angels in this world
10 are playing
9 are sleeping
and one is reading this!

love ya!

Sessy514 (07/15/07)

cool site i like the colors also im adding you k

Baptistgirl (07/13/07)

Thanks, I got my avi from photobucket. XD lol. Thanks for signing my gb. No I don't really live in the Bermuda Triangle. It's impossible right?

i'll add you as a friend too! Ttyl. you do the same and pm me k?

Innocent Chii (07/11/07)

Li-kun is so handsome! I love him and Sakura-chan as a couple. ^_^ For your question, I got my avatar from Digik Designs and my friend innocent heart made that picture that has my signature.

Since you are my friend, I'll always be here for you and to accept you.

With love too much to bare,

Innocent Chii

wallpaperotaku (07/09/07)

HI! Thanx for the comment on my manga! I love clamp too- Tsubasa is my current obsession! Adding you as a friend!!!

MerokoYui4 (07/09/07)

Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I also am a Clamp fan, I like Card Captor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayeath, Tusbasa Chronicle, and I want to read their new one "Kobato". Oh, and I like Fruits Basket. Anyway, have a great day! ^^

Chocola-chan (07/09/07)


Thanks for signing my guestbook and on the comment on my wallpaper!

See ya around,

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