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myOtaku.com: Soulstealer

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

   Hahahahahaha, thanks guys
It wasn't much, but I liked the comment guys, actually, I did just tell it out to her once she got all pissed off because I said some stuff that I don't really say to average people...

Yes, it's a she

xD Screw teh emo-ness, it comes and goes even though I rather despise it when it does come.

Well, yeah, I did talk to her, and incase you guy's'll like to see it, I'll just copy and paste it here...

Gimme a min...

neee neeeerrrrr

me and taylor made an exclusive club
Bishou Kingdom Hearts FANCLUB!! YAY FOR SEIFER AND DORA AND CLOUD AND LEON AND AXEL AND AND AND UH.....RIKKU AND ROXAS ( even though his voice over is jessie mccartney

Okay...this is the girl that's usually like the one that brags...said in my last post.

This is me: HOMYGOD

No rights

Talk to me about Kingdom Hearts after you've beaten the all the bosses including Kurt Zisa, Sephiroth, and Phantom!

If you don't know them
Then no!


don't talk to me about Kingdom Hearts


By the way, I'm not jealous -.-"

Her: ur a fucking retard just because i haven't beaten it all doesn't mean i cant like it or that i odnt know anything about it!
so what if i have only read the guide books and haven''t gotten that far in the game ur just being mean!

Some 3rd person bystander that has absolutely nothing to do with the problem: She's right, you know. A lot of people use the strategy guides and stuff to learn all about the game, not beating it. Because people take shortcuts when you beat it, and the strategy guide takes no shortcuts explaining.

Me: You're right, Running on empty. For an average person, I wouldn't be like that. But it can be said that I do have something against her.

Yes, I do.

Okay, firstly, the reason I said that because her obsession over something can drive me mad. And we kinda have the same friends at school you know. By the time her obsession goes crazy, she tends to brag and stuff. It drives me insane, but once this thing is gonna go to Kingdom Hearts...

well...You can say that I could tend to go a little ERK O__<

No...not just a little...a fucking hell of a lot.

Now, she might reply back, saying that this is not like her, but I think this is like her, and until I see a difference, I'm sticking with what I think.

Her: ...
heh you'd be surprised how many people have said stuff like that about me
what's worse is that they dont have the curage to say it to my face so i respect that you did
but yes the truth really does hurt
and im sorry if my obsessions bother you
i didn;t think you minded since we never really hang out....
i mean when u think about it
you're the one who introduced me to kingdom hearts in the first place...
i mean its like....
to tell u the truth
over the spring break when me and taylor noticed that i was officially hooked i was like " yay finally something that kevin wont hate me for talking about!"
but i understand
im just an irriateing person that's all
that's just my nature
hopefully one day we can find something that we both like a whole lot and we can obsess over that together xD

im sorry

Me: 04/17/2006 4:56 pm


Me: Meh...
I wouldn't have known that obsession would have driven me to insanity.

Okay, so yeah, that's the "whole nine yards"

That's all what really happened, and I sorta sound pretty...er...strange in my first accusation....like that doesn't sound like myself but whatever. That's all.

Oh well, that's over...but what I hate about the most is that she usually is all acting nice when she loses a fight and all like...she thinks she has the upper hand or something when we get in an unsettle fight.

I dunno if I should give her a chance...since this had happened before...


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