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myOtaku.com: Soulstealer

Thursday, April 21, 2005

   Fufufufufufu....I've burn't...I've burn't lower than ash
Great. Right now I have about 6 mnutes of freetime in my F period and I'm here just adding randomly of how my day is going..

Right now, I am sooooooooooooo sleepy. I slept for about...I dunno about 6 hours yesterday sleeping at 11:45 and waking up at 5:20 to study my ass off and I STILL think I failed the Science test.

Gr...My teacher is sooooooo evil...This is like that hardest science test I've ever taken in my whole entire life!


And the World Cultures test was pretty easy, but I don't think I got at least a 90...Dunno why. I'm gonna try to raise it up with some of these tokens. Sorry, but the token things don't work for science.

I don't know WHAT to do, cause I've done soooo bad on the science test, I think I didn't do as well on the World Cultures test, AND I have a math quiz in 8 minutes and I don't even know what the hell we're doing in math.

Wish me luck guys...But after this hell (a.k.a school) I'm gonna go visit your sites, so...

~Alchemy isn't science--but it isn't fake~

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