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myOtaku.com: Soulstealer

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Yea, I'm back, don't worry I'm still alive. Well, my popularity ranking went down (In a good way) While I was away...Odd...

Well, that's not what I'm talking about. Just telling all of you merry christmas yo. You know, I can't live without you guys, you are my anime heroes.

Okay that sounded lame, but it's true.

Well, I haven't done many things so far, but hey, my break is great so far. I'm a gonna go to my grandma's house to go party later, so yea.

I also got a game for the PS2 called ALIEN HOMINID. I order you to get it if you like humor, gore, (Not really bloody) aliens, and cartoons. lol

Trust me you gonna like a lot. That is if you get it.

Well, I don't got no pictures of christmas but you know what? I'm a gonna go visit all of ya.

Nuttin to say after that. Later.

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