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myOtaku.com: SoraIIIX

Friday, September 28, 2007

Soooooooo.....I'm totally gonna do that dojinshi contest for Black Sun Silver Moon because...I love that manga xD and it was fate that this contest came about. It shocked me that something so little known was going to be the focus of a contest xD I just had to do it.
It kinda surprised me that people who haven't even read the manga want to be in the contest O___o;; I mean, why do it if you haven't read it. Just knowing the basic plot doesn't really help but, you know...whatever : / There are only three entries and they seem pretty good so I'm up to some competition XD I've never won a contest before (this is my first one on TheOtaku) so I'll be pretty excited if I win, but I doubt I will xD
But its not about winning, its about having fun. But i've spent over $70.00 to for this contest D<
A beginner package, tones, manga paper, pens, the works! So I at least better get a lot of comments or something xD lol just kidding.
I've drawn three and a half pages without the cover and inked two of the pages. I need to tone soon >___>;; even though I've got a month. I'm really excited :3 I hope I win though. That'd be really spiffy.

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