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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Thursday, December 10, 2009

If looks could really kill,
then my profession would be staring.
Please know we do this cause we care
and not for the thrill.
I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spot Light- Brand New

So.... I just realized that in comparison to a fair few other people.... I'm kinda old....

I remember the days BEFORE cell phones... Which seems kinda of impossible..... I remember playing on Mac computers that just had the green screen with a green arrow... I had an old school GameBoy...

And I remember a time when I didn't get calls at 10:30 at night, during my Glee watching hours and don't worry cause it was just the fall finale, because "The computer isn't working and its all your fault cause I opened a file of yours that one time and now the program isn't working" (Not a direct quote but the direct quote involves more profanity than I think I deserved). My parents live half an hour away and I see them generally twice a month. I'm fairly certain I didn't do anything to the computer... But there's always that possibility I suppose...

Anyvay... How was everyone else's day? I slept till noon, so mission accomplished.


P.S.Thank you everyone for your input. Its hard to know what to provide the customer when you dont know what the customer likes... And now I understand worlds... they're like a cleaner version of the MyO... Psht.

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