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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Sunday, October 7, 2007

So... I havent really been home for the past week... Got a day off for thanksgiving and spent my free time harassing Bruce as he's sick and I want him to get better.

So between watching him to make sure he's not licking boxes at work (cause most of them are covered by disease from around the world), working, thinking of changing occupations (more on that when and if things happen), and somewhat getting myself psyched up to move, I feel like I've been pretty busy. I still have to clean Honey's cage and pay my phone bill tonight.

I've found a new apartment and hopefully I'll move with a lack of problems. Not sure if I'll have internets right when I move in or if I'll have to wait a bit for money to flow in for that... but hopefully I'll have that hooked up quickly and I can live comfortably by myself.

One nice thing about the building I'm moving into is that its really quiet. If you've only ever lived in a house then you may not realize how much noise other people make but right now (3:30 in the morning) I've been listening to the neighbour play his crappy music for about4 hours. I'm not sure if he's playing video games or just playing music... but its loud enough that I can hear it though the wall and I find it really annoying as while I'm not trying to sleep, I know other people are. And its just effing annoying when you're forced to listen to someone elses music when you're in the comfort of your own home.

It kinda makes me want to take some of the death metal I have on my computer and hook it into a really big set of speakers. But at the same time... I only have to live with it for a few more weeks.

So anyway... I went home two weeks ago to get cake for my birthday and then ended up having to go home sick from work the following monday cause I was dead tired and couldnt finish the night. So I figure its better I avoid going home to often for the sake of my heath and my paycheck. Then I got a message today saying my grandmother is down from Newfoundland and I havent seen her in about three years (at least since my graduation). So I figure that with this information, I better get my rear end home for at least a day or enter an early grave. I better not get sick again, goddamnit.

I've kinda been disappointed with the state of the world lately. Shopping is a real drag when the people at the counter dont at least pretend to be happy that they're working. And it disturbs me that I'm usually the one wishing the person to have a good day. I think its a bit programed in from the short time I was working as a cashier... but really... it doesnt take any effort to put a smile on your face and say "Have a nice day!". Unless maybe you're dieing from cancer or something.

And while it doesnt seem related... I've had alot of people assume my favorite color is black lately... And that bothers me a bit cause generally when a person says their favorite color is black, they also think they're going to hell and life isnt worth living (depression depression depression). Well... I probably AM going to hell... and life can be pretty damn boring some times... but its not that bad, but I dont try to come off as one of those people... but maybe I do... For the record... my favortie color is Blue. But if I seem like a black person... why the hell am I the one to wish someone a good day.

Another thing that bothers me... Just for ranting sake.... I've been reading the local free paper for a while now (its the one that concentrates on local events and completely ignores the ones outside the city and comes free with your mail each wednesday) Now... I realize that being free and all... they dont have to produce much. But a few examples... the teen column that they have (which I read just to wind myself up) generally lacks any point at all. The last one I read started by talking about trying to be positive, transitioned into talking about some protest on the other side of the world, where monks are dieing, and that I havent even heard of!, and then ends, lacking any point at all. Ya huh... Miss Teen Beat. You might know about some lack of revolution in Asia. But I know that it will be over in about two weeks after all the monks are dead, and the general population isnt going to care about it. Unless of course it evolves into a civil war where the monks start throwing nuclear powered grenades. The other column that ticked me off was the one a doctor had written. It started out talking about stress and listed all sorts of nasty things that can arise from to much stress and ended with a "Stress is bad" kind of feel. I looked to see if the story continued onto another page somewhere.... but no.... it just kinda build up my anxiety and left me hanging. Oh My God! Your leg is infected with flesh eating disease that could possibly kill you! So I'm going to go check out this other guy now. Bye. I think thats part of the reason why I shouldnt read newspapers. I'm not saying I could write a better column, but for a newspaper that is meant to educate the public... I would expect most of the stories to have a point. Thats one thing I did learn from english. If your going to write an essay, dont start by talking about character development and end by talking about how the setting influences the story when the whole essay is suppose to be about the political commentary. Pick a topic. Stick with your topic. See it though.

I also think alot when I'm busy.... See what happens when I think alot?

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