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Thursday, May 11, 2006

hey everybody! im really srry i havent updated since saturday, ive been super busy...the end of the skool year is ever so demanding...
Anywho, on Sunday i had tons of homework to do, lol, and i went to church. i wasnt able to go to Jessica's benefit dinner cuz i was so busy, but my parents went and bought me some pasta(yum). and jessica is doing really well(for having brain cancer, i guess) except for the fact that she does have siezures occasionally. besides that shes living a pretty normal life, or so ive been told. i hate the fact that she can never be totally cured, and shes still has seizures and hafta go for some treatment, and i dont think she can have children....that sux, but i guess all i can do is pray for her..
and Monday through today was just a huge blur of skool related headaches, lol. some highlighting points(not all good) are that we are beginning Romeo & Juliet....old english is soo confusing! im having some trouble with the homework on it. in math we are done with all the chapters we are supposed to get through, so now we are reviewing for finals, and i have a 100 average in the class...it sux that we hafta come in after skool is officially over to take finals and regents'...which there are so goshdamn many of. in Global we are learning about the Renaissance, which is pretty interesting. in Spanish we started to prepare for our oral portion of the final, which we have starting next Tuesday...which we JUST started to practice for today....i hope i dont fail it XD my teacher doesnt really teach...i dont think im prepared. o yeah, and we are having a Cultural Festival put together by the foriegn language department on May 31 from 6-8, and i signed up for it for extra credit. i told my teacher i was pretty good at art so i hafta work at the face painting booth.blah. in art i handed in my StoryBook Land project the other day, and i got 100 on it! yippee! i put a lot of work into it.. o, and in bio we just finished up evolution...pretty interesting topic actually.
Besides skool, i had raquetball today. i did pretty well.
o yeah, the other day when i only had like 5 min. to go on the internet, i changed the music on my site...its by The Used...i wanna say that its "Buried Myself Alive", but i dont remember...i know so many of their songs i get them confusedO.o well, tell me if u like it or not^_^
Well, with nothing left to ramble on about, here are some pix! First off, a pic of Haku from Naruto, as requested by MysticFox. Then a pic from Nausicaa as requested by Animelover1392! enjoy!

which anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow??

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Saturday, May 6, 2006

heyy! whats up?
srry i havent updated in 4 days! ive been really busy, with studying, my art project, and since its the end of this marking period! only 1 marking period to go^_^
o yeah, and last night i had to go to a Sky Chiefs baseball game(minor league baseball) with my family because my younger brother and sister were on safety patrol at skool. im not quite sure what it was all about, but my sister won some award, and they each had a few friends come to the game and sleep over. ugh, it was so crazy....my lil bros friends wouldnt sit still. o well, their all gone now =)
This morning i had to go to get my hair trimmed. i havent had it cut since last year, and its gotten pretty long. my hair dresser seemed pretty annoyed, tho, cuz i didnt get it trimmed and now i have split ends and crap...as long as u dont chop it all off, i dont care!
Today im going to a track meet with my family and my friend Nikki. My brother is gunna be running and so is Jeremy, me and Nikki's friend, plus her ex-bf. but they are still friends, so i think it'll be ok. its just that Jeremy sis is going to this meet cuz shes friends with my lil sis, and i just hafta make sure she doesnt figure out that there was ever anything between Nikki and Jeremy....for some reasons that i prolly shouldnt say, but jeremy's life will pretty much be shot to hell if the word gets to his mom....ill stop there, since at this point u prolly dont even know what im talking about, lol.
o yeah, and tonight im going to see a play at my skool called Inherit the Wind with Julia and some of my other friends. im so busy lately! AHHH!
And tomorrow im going to a pasta benefit dinner for Jessica, she used to live next door to me. when i was a baby she used to baby sit me a lot with her sister colleen. shes in her mid 20s if im correct, not sure i havent seen her in a long time. but anyways, i went to her wedding a few years ago, and then not too long after that she figured out she had brain cancer. apparently shes doing a lot better, but she has a lot of medical expenses, so thats what the benefit dinner is for. i hope it all goes well!
well, i dont have anything else to say, so here are some pictures! and a youtube, since its saturday! a pic of Hatsuharu from Furuba, as requested by Crescent Moon9, an FF7 Advent Children pic as requested by MysticFox, and another pic from Furuba as requested by Animelover1392! and a Kenshin Music Video! very relaxing!

hope u like them! ttyl, byebye!

what anime do u wanna c tomorrow???

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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

hey everybody! srry i didnt post yesterday, i had a lot of homework not to mention a global test that i stayed up until 10;30 to study for...
so hows it going?
not much here...in skool we are working on a unique city for an art project (for art, who woulda thunk it?), and i finally came up with my idea for it last friday at the end of the mod...its STORYBOOK LAND! a reason for me to recall all those heart felt cutesy disney movies^_^ i drew a rough sketch of it in my sketch book, and it has a the city coming outta the book, and it has alice in wonderland, dumbo, and tinkerbell so far...i didnt like how tinkerbell came out, but i showed it to rachel and kara and they thought i traced it...and since i didnt im just gunna take that as a compliment=D
i was also supposed to have a character ed meeting, but their were only like 10 ppl there, so the girl whos on the student council for the club cancelled the meeting...the annoying part is is that the lady who is in charge of it and supervises us was not there! and its not the first time, either. if u remember, i lost some money a while back that i had collected for a fundraiser for character ed. the main reason y i lost it was because she was never in her office when she said she would be, and i wasnt able to give it to her, which resulted in me getting frustrates at her then being careless and losing it. dont get me wrong, it was my fault, but if she had been there when she was supposed to be it never woulda happened...and shes a guidance counselor! i feel sorry for the kids who she "guides"....
Today the lacrosse sticks my dad order came! they werent supposed to come until around May 12th, so im happy!
o yeah, after skool i had an eye appointment. ive been having trouble seeing the board lately, so i had my mom schedule it. apparently i need a couple lenses stronger...im getting blinder by the month! i also had to pick out new frames. i was gunna just have them put new lenses in the frames i have now, because they arent that old(i just got them last year when my other pair broke after i fell face first in the snow when i went sledding), but the lady who works there pointed out that if something were to happen to my glasses unexpectedly, it would take a couple days to fix them...and my vision is really bad, i would not last 2 days w/o them!
I think thats about all i have to say...so here are some pix! so many ppl commented the other day, i have lots of pictures to put up! first of all, Ichigo from tokyo mew mew (as requested by luckyviet), then one from Advent Children (as requested by KimmehWolfwood), Trigun (as requested by TimTwins13), then a kingdom hearts pic(as requested by somegirl), a picture of Lust from FMA(as requested by Reno The Turk), a picture from a samurai anime(as requested by omegasnake16), and last but not least a picture from shakugan no shana(as requested by Night shade2)!!

which anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow??

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

heyy! whats up? i hope u guys are having a good sunday...
i just got back from church about an hr. ago...then i hadta help my brother with his math homework.
This morning before we went to church i visited most of ur sites, and i visited the rest of them just now. later we are going mini golfing for my dads b-day, i hope we get ice cream^_^
srry my life has been so boring to talk about lately...but i havent really been doing anything, lol.
well, heres some pictures. One from Rurouni Kenshin (as requested by AnimeLover1392) and a pic from....nvm, guess thats it, lol! well, hope u guys like the kenshin pic!

What anime do u wanna c a pic form for tomorrow??

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Saturday, April 29, 2006

heyy everybody! omfg, its SATURDAY! im so happy...i havent done much of anything all day, just sat around being lazy watching fuse and crap...
ooo, i did have the most delicious turkey sub from wegmans grocery store! yummmy!
i really have nothing to talk about...i have some hw to do and tomorrow is my dads b-day, but aside from that my weekend is totally free. thas basically y ive been acting really lazy today...yet hyper at the same time, does that make sense?
anyways, i hafta make my dad a card...u guys dont even wanna know how old he is...i guarantee(well maybe not guarantee, but its highly probable) that hes older than any of ur dads...
omg, i am sooo obssessed with the song MakeDamnSure by Taking Back Sunday! its so awesome....i've always liked the band since my friend Rica and Nikki said something about them and i saw them on fuse, but now i think i luv them...new fav band^_^ i wish i had money, i want their new cd and their last one...and about 10 other cds, darn....
O well, im done rambling on for today^_^ heres a pic of Taking Back Sunday... and a Fullmetal Alchemist Music Video Featuring music from the band Jet! well, ttyl! byebye!

What anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow?

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Friday, April 28, 2006

heyy! its friday, and im sooo happpy! yay :P
srry i didnt update yesterday, it was half me being busy, half me being too lazy...but i did visit most of ur sites...unless i was hallucinating during that period of time...dont ask me y i would be0.o
so today was pretty normal skool day....o yeah, we are doing a new project in art class and we have to create a unique city...we've been working on it for a few days, and i just figured out today what im doing!! story book land^_^ laugh all u want, but im gunna make it look awesome...or at least ill try, hehe. all i got so far is that the cities gunna come outta the book like a pop-up book...
today in bio we got progress reports (marking period ends next week) and i have a 97, which is pretty good. but i just get sick of the 10th graders in my class that couldnt get a 90 if they tried (nothing against any of u guys in 10th grade, im specifically speaking about my bio class) always ask me what i get and look amazed at what it is. they seemed even more amazed today when i said thats what i get in about every class...o well
i dont really have much else to say, so here is a pic, and a music video from Taking Back Sunday, called MakeDamnSure! ttyl, byebye!

PS- i luv this music video because it takes things that are ugly (like buildings collapsing, animals attacking each other, etc) and make them into something beautiful....

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

hey everybody!! hows it going? i hope u guys are having a good day^_^
does it sound like i say the same tihng everyday? srry if i do...
well, not much happened today. in spanish we had to get in partners, but this time it had to be boy-girl partners....i didnt have a partner cuz all the guys i was sorta friends with already had partners, so my teacher put me with this kid named Anthony...he is so annoying, and i ended up doing all the work. he just sat their rambling on about sports and what-not...
in bio i had a test, im not so sure how i did on it tho. after the test we watched a movie on charles darwin and evolution, it was pretty interesting actually. he said we will finish it by friday, and im kinda excited cuz there is supposedly going to be a guy talkling about his beliefs, which are sort of evolution and creationism combined. its sorta what i believe in, so im interested to hear what he hasta say. ill stop rambling on now^_^
i also had a character ed. meeting after skool today, but nothing much really happened. the lady in charge just gave us dates for some fundraisers and stuf we've been talking about for a while now.
i finished my HW, and visited all ur sites already! so there isnt anything else left to say or do, lol! heres another youtube, the second part of the NANA episode, tell me what u think of this one and the last on i posted. ^_^

NANA ep.1 (part 2/3)

well, ttyl, byebye!

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

heyy everybody! im srry i havent updated since last Thurs.! wow, thas a long time, but ive been pretty busy, and other stufs interfered....
On Friday, i went to see Scary Movie 4. it was ok, i didnt think it was as good as Scary Movie 3, tho.
Saturday, i didnt do that much. i was planning on updating later on around 5pm, but then Nikki called to ask if i wanted to sleep over at Tom's house, so i had to get ready to go and she came to pick me up in half an hour.
On Sunday, we hung out at Tom's (me,Nikki, and danielle, she slept over saturday tooo) and then we went to the mall. then we played volleyball, then DDR((yay! i suck at it, but yay!)), then we went back home, and i didnt get back till around 9;15. and i had to help my bro with homework and get ready for bed, so i couldnt update.
Then yesterday i was really busy and had to watch my lil bro and sis while my mom and dad were at my other bro, Paul's, track meet. i also got to read the 6th FMA graphic novel, and the 2nd Nana graphic novel....Julia let me borrow them^_^ she borrowed Fruits basket up to #4
Tomorrow either Rachel or Brian are sposed to let me borrow the 1st Ceres graphic novel....so many new mangas to love!! hehe
Nothing much happened today, cept i had gym. ive gotta tell ya, im sooo loving lacrosse! i think its gonna be one of my new fav sports, i swear it is soo fun! and im not half bad at it^_^
anyways, without much else to say, here is a youtube, AMV, w/e u wanna call it^_^ ((im srry NightShade2, i couldnt find a pic of what u requested....ive never heard of it either :/ ))
its the first episode of the series im reading, Nana! hope u like it!

PS-u can use the .hack pic, KimmehWolfwood, i dont care, i get it from Anime Galleries Dot Net anyways, i dont make um^_^
And im srry to Reno The Turk for not visiting ur site as much as i should. i think the problem might be that we dont both update on the same days....if u get what im trying to say, lol

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

School and Raquetball

hey everybody! hows it going??
i just wanted to apologize for yesterdays post, it was really short, and kinda vague...and i forgot pictures XD
Anywayz, today was the normal skool day for me. in english we read more of our books, in math we did a graphing caluculator project, and in global we took notes. then in spanish we played a game, art i finished my mural, and in bio we took more notes. and my teacher told me i got a 100% on yesterdays test. so....the day was kinda boring and normal. o yeah, yesterday i forgot to tell u that i had gym and we did pacers...only thing i really hate about gym are pacers-_-' im not going to even tell u what i got, cuz it is shameful and i am trying to forget about it myself...but that is y my bro is on track, and i am not^_^
Today i had raquetball lessons, like i do every Thursday. It really shouldnt be called "lessons" because the level im in it is more of practice and sharpening of skills. it was ok today, i had some really awesome shots, and some really crappy ones, too. i really need to work on my foot-work, but i will spare u all some time and stop rambling on about my flaws in raquetball^_^.....
O yeah, me and my friend julia are manga swapping! shes borrowing fruits basket, and im borrowing a manga from her called Nana, it really good. its like two seperate stories about 2 girls named Nana...and i thinked Julia is becoming hooked on fruits basket just like me^_^ its not my fault, u just cant help but love it!
Anyways, since i didnt post pix yesterday, here are some requests from the day before, too!
First, a pic from .hack//sign(as requested by AnimeLover1392), then a pic from Kingdom Hearts 2(as requested by omegasnake16), an FMA pic(as requested by Magnus Lensherr), and a pic from wolfs rain(as requested by DarkWolfDemon).
i hope u guys like all of them!

hope u like the pictures! unfortunately i dont think im gunna get to many sites today, since my parents hafta use the comp and i have homework! srryXP

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

WOW, that is so ME

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself rarly. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times. revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. likes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. Repost this in the next 5 mins and your reputation will boost someway in the next 12 days

my friend nikki sent this to me in an IM. its about ppl born in july, me being one of those ppl. its so smart, that IS me!

ANYWAYZ, srry i didnt post yesterday, i did go to some ppls sites tho.
today was ok, i had a bio test which im not too sure how well i did on it.
i also went to my brother's track meet, it was really windy which made it really cold. plus the wind was getting in my eyes so i couldnt leave them open and they were all watery! AHHH! nothing else really happened today, lol.
srry i dont have more to post about!
ttyl, byebye!

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