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myOtaku.com: ShadowsCastByDusk

Monday, November 19, 2007

i'm not dead

i'm getting better

i think i'll go for a walk

i feeeel happyyyyy!

...whoever got that, you probably don't exist...

i am not in fact dead, just can't find a lot of stuff to talk about. plus i'm ashamed of not doing more manga pages. i've got one of indigo sea going, and though aya doesn't take much effort at all, i have none of that going, so i really SHOULD do another page.
i got a webcam this weekend, that's pretty cool. :D
also i'm reading an excellent book on japanese myths and legends, it's one of the most engaging things i've read in a while. certainly more engaging than "crown duel." pfft. talk about mediocre fantasy.
my english teacher, who is completely awesome and lets us read pretty much whatever we want for independent british lit (even if it's not british XD) and actually admits when she gets something wrong, is leaving us to work at the community college. the community college. it isn't exactly the high meeting of minds or anything, i'm not sure why it's like her life's ambition to work there. anyway. we'll probably get somebody stiff as a board who drones on about grammar all class long.
ah well.
thanksgiving break starts at the end of school tomorrow, so we don't have to go back till monday. my uncle and his girlfriend and their dog are coming to visit.
i got some cool long coats this weekend. i love long coats. they're all... awesome.
anyway, i think that's all my updates :)

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