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myOtaku.com: ShadowsCastByDusk

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

so... yeah... stuff is good.
i happen to have some stuff right here!
it's two new pages of indigo sea. i promise you, it's not just more angsting about sleep. almost the opposite, actually.. *trails off suggestively*
i'm shameless.
just go look.
i stayed up from 11 pm to 3 am just sketching out the first of those two pages, not counting inking or anything. and because of that i slept till 1:30 pm and missed half of one of the precious few days of summer left.

i managed to get up earlier this morning :)
in fact i woke up at eight, i just lay there daydreaming/trying to block out the sunlight for another hour and a half so i ended up getting up at 9:30.
i'm currently making myself some ramen.
my dad just came out of the kitchen looking wan and said "well, today i'm going where no straight man has ever gone before."
me: ".. a gay bar?"
him: "no.. what are you talking about, straight men have been in gay bars i'm sure"
me: "true... uh... victoria's secret?"
him: "no, i've been there"
me: "....ooookkay.....
..ooh! i know! key west?"
him: "no.
...my student's novel."
i laughed pretty hard at that.
he has a student in his writing class that's writing a gay novel, not that there's anything wrong with that but it's one of the WORST examples of writing ever; he has no idea what spelling, grammar, or punctuation are and his metaphors/similes are to die (laughing) over. not to mention sex just happens randomly every ohh... two pages? inexplicably. and when it does, the bad similes DOUBLE in strength.
i read a couple chapters of it just for fun... wow, you can't PAY for entertainment like that!
anyway. i don't mean to be mean, i met him and he was very nice. he must have just missed all his lower school english classes-_-'
ANYway. off to a rendezvous with the ramen. :D

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