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myOtaku.com: ShadowsCastByDusk

Monday, July 23, 2007

i think my favorite comment on my last post about the little girl with the learning disorder/possible mental problem was "hope she feels better"
she switched to tohru168's group today, where she has a friend or two, and wonderfully yet hit-my-head-on-the-wall-frustratingly enough, she's being (almost) an angel for sarah.
ha ha. ha ha.
she comes to me in pottery and says "what was the PROBLEM with her, she's being so good O.o"
...making me look like an idiot who can't handle children.
but oh well.
i'm certain it's that she has friends there, she didn't get along at ALL with any of the people in my group, she was always spitting at them and kicking/hitting them and suchlike. but it's not like they were exactly stellar to her either.. well, all except one girl who didn't know her but was very nice to her anyway, despite her odd behavior. i'm very proud of that girl.
sooo anyway, i have the seventh harry potter book, i'm near to finished with it, and i'm not very pleased with it. forget that some motherf***ing bastard on youtube posted a bunch of spoilers on the comments of some random youtube video that i was unlucky enough to read, the thing just isn't that well-written.
for one thing, it's kind of taxing to read. there are no breaks, it's just angsty problem or happening after angsty problem. you get so SICK of them being in mortal danger or frustratingly off-track or close to being rendered hopeless.
then there's the confusion. they're bringing in SO MUCH new information, and digging up details from previous books that i never even remember reading about. EVERY SINGLE seemingly-random detail rowling put in a previous book, she's digging back up and giving a NEW, GREAT-BIG, OH-MY-GOD-AN-EPIPHANY meaning to. it's stressful for the brain to try and understand/remember all this shit when you're NOT someone who does nothing but reread all the harry potter books in your spare time.
another complaint, something that i noticed mostly after sarah pointed it out to me, was that she uses the SAME description for everything every time, not to mention the same cliches, like "an icy hand of fear gripped harry's heart" or snape's hair "falling in greasy curtains" around his face. EVERY time XP
the thing that REALLY bothers me, though, is the way her writing has gone downhill. no doubt you've found out from some source or other that there are a lot of deaths in this book.
she seems to have deduced that by now everyone is such a raving-lunatic fan that just killing off a character will have such impact that she doesn't have to write the event well or with much description. and she hasn't. three characters have already died (as far as i've read) and i only found one of these events sad, and even then not as sad as i thought i should have been. not to mention that i find myself hoping fervently that all of these three would stay dead, because if somebody comes back to life i'm going to scream.
i found sarah in tears in the kitchen of the camp over the fourth death, and i've finally gotten to that chapter, so i'm bracing myself in hopes that this time it'll actually make me cry some real tears.

also. my parents have gotten me a cell phone. i've already sort of personalized it and i've got it up and running, quite a feat in itself. my cell number is stupid and random and not-very-memorable, but oh well. not a terrible many people are going to be calling me on it anyway.

alright then. i'm off to (most likely) finish the last.. ever.. harry potter book.
i HOPE to be half-drowned in tears.
if i'm not, j. k. rowling better brace her fan-cheating little ass for a lawsuit.

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