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myOtaku.com: shadowguardian

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Hi!! Welcome to my page!!
Nothing much cause I like to keep things neat and simple..simple and clean ;o> (smacked!!whacked!!) ouch!..okay so it was just an excuse for being lazy! haha..
Hope you'll enjoy your visit! Oh yeah, do sign my guest book! Terima kasih!! (Malay word for 'thank you')

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

   Manga drawing
I'm starting to draw my own manga series lately and so far character design and story plot are done and I've started the drawing process. Its not some professional work though. ;o) hehe
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   Still alive n kicking!
Been such a while! Hmmph I'm getting more lazy with each passing day...Well my holiday will end in one month time and I better make use of the time I got left. Viewed the E3 upcoming release and I must say it really hyped me out! I can't wait for the release of Final Fantasy 12 and Kingdom Heart 2. Not to mention the movie Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children.Hopefully this time there won't be anymore tragic death.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

   Hmm haven't fully recovered from FFX-2 hype..hehe

Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

The result...Lenne???
Well..well well...this is certainly a surprise! I'm expecting someone else..someone like Baralai or that kid punk rocker...ermm oh yeah..Gippal! Cool hair. haha..hmm on the other hand Lenne wouldnt be so bad. She's elegant n beautiful.

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Thursday, April 22, 2004


Cuteness and loveliness is your game to win the hearts of those around you. Although you seem artificial, stubborn and shallow at times, deep down, you're all about courage, friendship and love. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?

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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Quistis! You're a popular one. Life keeps you busy,
but you still try to slow down once in a while and enjoy the
world around you, in spite of how busy you are. You're in good
shape, and you can't help being a bit of a flirt.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

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  Yaaay...got my broadband connection yesterday. Now downloading anime like crazy..duh..Lots of things had happened since my last update.

The leader of the pack, if he does the job he
expects to get the rewards. If he don't know
you, he's stone hard with emotions, otherwise
he doesn't try to show it, but he cares. He's
extremely strong and nothing is to big of an
obsticle for him.

What FF7 char are you??
brought to you by Quizilla

Yes..my favourite character of all time!! Cloud!! ahaha

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Thursday, March 25, 2004



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  Posted two of my fanarts. Well didn't expect much of it since it's a beginner's work. Just learned how to use Adobe Photoshop three days ago and there's much more to learn.
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