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myOtaku.com: sesshomau

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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JingleStansChibi (04/02/05)

oh, thankyou! i like youre site too. It has alot of cool things like "blog of the month" and videos and such.^_^ i really do like youre background too. esspecially the chibis! i did add you as a friend.

Nocturne (04/02/05)

Your site is just too nice
i mean i love your background, your pics, the soul mate test, the clip and all the stuff on your site!
I really like it.
I am an Athrun fan so i like everything on your site
I am glad that you sign my GB too.

Take care!


SimplyJust (04/02/05)

Thanks for singing my gbook. Your site is awesome. I'll add you as a friend too since you asked so nicely.

Oreana Minamino (04/02/05)

Thanks for dropping by my page and leaving those kind comments. ^^ Love the background! It's adorable! *Pokes it* I will add you in return. Hope to hear more from you.

Marik2112 (04/02/05)

Hey, awesome site, absolutely love the music video...definitely gotta watch it again, where'd you get it??
Thanks for signing my GB, I'll add you, too!! ^^


anime girl67 (04/02/05)

Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. I'm glad you like my site. Yours is cool too, I really love the background. ^^ I'll add you back as a friend and cya later

wolf of vengeance (04/02/05)

thanks fer signin my gb!
Your site is so cool!! I love your background picture!! Gundam Seed is an awesome show! I just watched it this morning!
i added you as a friend too. Keep up the great work!!

lvinkagome2005 (04/02/05)

cool site!! great stuff about gundum seed! check out my site when u got time

Tijiya (04/02/05)

Nice site!
I love it!
I don't know anything about Kira but like it anyway!
I love your AMV!
Thanks for signing my guestbook!
I'm gonna add you as a friend!

From deep in the forest,


rinoa392 (04/02/05)

Dear Friend,
I really like your site. I like the AMV(Anime Music Video). I am thinking about getting one for my site too. I see your a Sesshomaru fan; that is so kewl. Well keep up the great work and thank you so much for signing my Guestbook. Not many people sign unless I sign theirs first.
Love ya, darling.

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