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myOtaku.com: Seira Relur

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Merry Meet.
I am Seira Relur, or The Hidden Pagan to some sites. I'm a junior in this awful country. This is one reason I will be moving to different countries all the time, starting with England and at some point, Japan. I don't label myself since that gives one borders to what they can and cannot do. Though some would call be punk because I just like those type of clothes. I'm raised under a roof of hardcore Catholics, but have been secretly practicing Paganism for over a year now. Hence the name, The Hidden Pagan. The work I do that is showed on here is all done on Adobe Photoshop 7.0.

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Blessed Be.

Friday, January 14, 2005


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Sohma Kyo

Which member of the Sohma family are you? (Fruits Basket)
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Monday, December 27, 2004


He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he will always love you from the bottom of his heart! And if your friends start
He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that
scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he
will always love you from the bottom of his
heart! And if your friends start telling you
hes not your type, ignore them or laugh in
their faces. You are the key to unlock that
heart of his^^.

What kind of boyfriend would you have?(with pics and obviously for girls^^)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Sunday, December 19, 2004

   Steam Let-er Out-er
Merry Meet, Everyone!

That was fake enthusiasm. Why? Because my Dad recently decided on alcohol, crack, his secretary, and other shit over his own wife and daughters. He was yelling at my mom saying shit like "I never really did love you", "You're poisoning the girls into thinking that I'm the bad guy and that you're all the victims" and my personal favorite that he said to me and my older sister... "I don't know why you're letting you're mom brainwash you with shit about me ruining your life and future. My drinking doesn't affect any of you in any way." Yeah, I'm a Junior! And he thinks that I'm so blind as to not be able to see that he hasn't been coming home some nights, do shit for his secretary like take her out of state, then bitch about taking me to school when its only a 5 minute drive in the direction he's heading in the first place! Sorry about that. I haven't really liked him for a few years now. Ever since he turned my stomach into a mix of black, blue, green and yellow for trying to let a cat in the house to save it from the cold (over react much?). I'm glad that my mom finally quit lying to herself and kicked him out, but what makes me furious is how much this is making my mom so miserable and heartbroken. She is too good of a person to deserve that kind of pain. I mean, she has already had to work five jobs and now she has to come up with the money all on her own. We'll probably lose the house, most of our animals (18 cats, 2 dogs, and a raccoon), and I don't know about this computer, but I'll make sure Dad doesn't take it for all your sakes and my sanity. I'm sick of people saying "maybe it was for the best", "Oh I'm so sorry, are you okay?" and "If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you." It WAS for the best! I WAS okay until you kept reminding me of reality! And if I WAS ever to need someone to talk to, it probably won't be you anymore, now that I can predict every word you will say! I'm not weak! I don't give into such stupid emotions, and I don't need pity. It makes me feel like a fool.

Sorry again about this little outburst. I needed to let out some steam.

Blessed Be.

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