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myOtaku.com: Sasaya

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

   oh man this desk is a piece of poopy!!
So!!! I made it home safe and sound. My sister was there to pick me up at the airport; thank God, too, because it was COLD.

I haven't seen snow since it snowed last season in Denver. So, flying in, peeking out my window, I was amazed to see the fluffy white stuff everywhere. neat-o!

And I glomped Tamara to death when I saw her. major glompage, I tell you what! We hung out for a while, I met her pet rat, I almost got free Italian food curtosy of Fotez, the brother unit.

But I decided to go home and spend time with my pets. This is horrible to say...but I CRIED when I saw Pickle. I picked him up, hugged him, and then the waterworks xD

My dogs were happy to see me. My bunny bit me in way of greeting, and Miss Kitty growled at me.

THEN Antonio, Alan, and Alan's new girlfriend Brittany came over. Let me tell you, I like Brittany a lot better than Alan's last GF, at least so far. **knock on wood**

And then, my mommy got home from work and it was happy ^_^

but, unfortunately, she is dragging my sorry ass to that dump known as backwoods Goshen Indiana. Fuck, am I not looking forward to that (I don't like to see most of my family...they are racist, sexist, stupid, Bible-thumpin' jerks) BUT to make me enjoy it more (or something) my mom said Antonio could come with us.

That's going to be...interesting >_> lol hopefully no one pulls that racist bullshit on him. I'm not sorry; if they fucking do that, I will not stand for it. I'll turn my back on my own family, because FUCK them; they turned their backs on me enough times. It's bad enough when they call my sister a spic and she's not there and they've never met her. Antonio is more volatile than Tamara, so if they do that...conflict!!!

Anyway. I'm already missing Portland; it feels like I never left Denver and Portland was just a wonderful dream...**sighs**

Let me tell you about my last day there!!! So, I woke up, did laundry, and then Derek and Becky and I wanted to go to the Saturday market. It had already closed, so we decided to do something else.

That something else was, sit around talking about what to do! Eventually, it was decided that Derek and I would go get dinner, since Becky didn't want to spend money.

Well, Derek and I wandered around a bit; he showed me some interesting graffiti, and some karate/kung-fu stuff, and i scraped and bruised my knee trying to emulate it. When we got to the Japanese place, it turned out that jerk only had like $3.50 on him and went to not make me feel lonely!!! >:(

SO! I said, NO we are getting you something that will satisfy you. We wound up eating at the crappy Mexican place 2 blocks behind the dorm -_-

then...we went back to my room, hung out, and later I went to the groccery store. THEN, Derek and I went to Voodoo Donuts to get souvenirs for everyone. We saw Rampaging Santas, the guys who dress up as Santa, drink alcohol with weed in it, and flock from bar to strip club all night.

Then, we gave a homeless guy a donut, and came back. Becky went to sleep, I said good-bye to Derek, and got ready for my trip =(

Now I'm home and it's weird.thank you!

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