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myOtaku.com: Sakabato Samurai

Sunday, June 4, 2006

some fun stuff!
ok, well today was a rather uneventful day. i spent forever trying to ge this bg right! i didnt create it, but i was resizing and dimensioning it. took my forever to figure out just what to do, then i tested the size out on photobucket so now i have like four different versions on my photobucket! most of the day was spent either on the computer or playing a game similar to paintball, but with playing cards with my brother. someitmes im dead on, other times i suck. i pulled some sweet ninja moves too! i lept out from around the corner and flung a card like a shuriken and got him right in the spleen! another time i caught him right on the front of his forehead! i also got his jugular and quite a few times in other places less vital. he got hit in the crotch like 3 or 4 times today! poor kid, im so evil! ^__^ but he doesnt usually mind, untill i accidentally hit him in the face with a CD...dont ask... ok, thats really all the happend today! so...my family is watching harry potter, i dont want to! i want my anime!!! GIMME ANIME NOW!!! damn ppls...oh well, i can wait! random thought for the day: the UN is a limp dick. totally useless! they make laws and never inforce them, they are just inviting trouble! even a nation like the USA goes against there wishes like with the whole iraq thingy. whos seen teh hotel rwanda? its really depressing and thats what really made me hate the UN recently, because it was true story! anywho, before i go on a political rant: heres some fun stuff!


i may make this a permantent feature. the countdown and the poll. now heres a video! its really funny, you should watch it! you have to listen to the lyrics. let it load while playing with the other various toys.

yyh why does this always happen?

btw: like my new theme? is there anyone out there who does NOT know what it is? if you dont, i oughta slap you!! if you have time, go watch the video topside too. i love that song and it fits yusuke so well!
ok, thats all! latr! im think this may be my shortest post ever! well, if it didnt have all the stuff in it anyways...yeah, so latr! (again)

*fades away into the swirling cherry blossoms*Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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