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myOtaku.com: Sakabato Samurai

Monday, April 10, 2006

thanks everyone! i was suprised how many ppl actually read the whole rant. i thouroughly enjoyed reading everyones responses and comments. i seemed to get alot of disagreements about my stem cell comment. it appears i misunderstood what excactly stem cells were. i thought they were just an anti-aging thing. i did some more research on it and discovered why they are important and what all the contoversy over them is. sorry about that guys. again, i enjoyed all the renforcement of my ideas and ideals and also hering others opinions. sounds like lots of you agree with me for the most part. im glad im not the only one who feels this way. those of you who disagree on some points helped broaden my view and bring some subjects and other sides to light. i do realize that the world is not all black and white.

i got just really heated up over the subject because that day in global perspectives (similar to current events) we talked about what happened in somalia and rwanda as well as whats happening now in iraq. it really got me stirred up. ive calmed down now. i may ont be as radical and freaked out about my ideals as i was at that point, but i still believe them. ive decided that im politcally an independant. i also have to acknowledge that i am still human like the rest of you, as much as i may not want to be, and struggle with the same problems as the rest, somewtimes i give into human nature just like anyone else. i dont want you guys to think that i am some "holier than thou" psyco who thinks that i am better that the rest or a hypocrite; because im not. i recognize my own weakness along with the rest humanity, but it still disgusts me.

of course, there are alot of things that i didnt cover in my rant, but i dont think i'll go over those now. otherwise, this post may end up even longer. some quick points tho:

-i think ecveryone is jut using bush as a scapegoat.

-there are plenty of primarily good ppl out there

-i am christian and belive in god and tat there is a little of him in all of us and power of the human soul

-it is possible to overcome the natural weaknesses

-some people use their fame to bring issues they care about to light and attention and its not their fault everything they do attracts media attention

-there is a difference between human nature and the nature of the soul, they are conflicting forces in all of us.

and now a quick over view of it all:

1)human nature sucks
2)the government is crooked
3)society is going down the crapper.

and thats all there is. next time i will probably be going back to my old style of posting, or i may post some of my writing that is related to this subject. ok, latr!

*fades away into the swirling cherry blossoms*

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