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myOtaku.com: Sakabato Samurai

Monday, April 3, 2006

it cant be monday, it just cant! *falls over* ugh...im in vlass right now, so this is gonna be a kinda short post. plus theres not much to talk about. mobdays suck, sprinbg break is over. so sad....the teacher is talking about poqwerbars right now, its engineering class. he's weird like that. oh well! last night i made my own lunch for once, i think its gonna be liket hat for a while. i also made spaggetti sauce, from scratch! it turned out really good!! im so tired tho!

yesterday i slept till 2, so i was up till about midnight jsut trying to sleep!! it really sucked, so now im really tired. chibi need sleep...zzzzzzz....i guess i'll sleep next period. ok, sorry, i cant post a pic today cause photobucket is blocked, otherwise i would. i may do it latr toaday. this morning it was dark, but warm. weird... soooo...really thats all. ok, question time!!!

1) where are you right now? ~school~
2) have you ever owned a pet rock? ~i think so~
3) whats for lunch? ~pastrami sandwich!!~
4) waht time did you fall asleep? ~midnight~
5) who are you? ~im not sure anymore~
6) any questions? ~im fresh out~

this is where a pic would bw if it worent for stupid school blocks!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!

ok, byes!

*fades away into the swirling cherry blossoms*

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