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Monday, December 17, 2007


~Kenshin Christmas Marathon~

~The TV Series~
I started watching the Rurouni Kenshin anime around the beginning of December. I'd planned on making it a marathon that lasted till christmas, but I finished it today. The marathon consisted of the first two seasons of the anime and the OVAs. I didn't watch the final third season since it's all filler episodes. I remember hearing complaints, from other fans, about why they didn't do the Jinchu story arc. Well I've looked into it some and
here's the answer I have...
By the time the second season of the anime was finished, Watsuki-Sensei had not yet finished the Jinchu story arc. (This consists of Kenshin's final battle with Enishi Yukishiro, the brother of Kenshin's first wife) This story arc was very good since it summed up plot points such as Saito really being alive. After the second season of the anime we know that he is, but Ken's group never find out. Back to the subject, the animators decided
to make 'filler' episodes until Watsuki finished Jinchu. Unfortunatly the 'fillers' were a flop and Kenshin's popularity fell. So in the end Jinchu was almost animated, but just not quick enough.
~The OVAs~
Okay, so does anyone here think that Kenshin was cooler when he was the Battousai? Of course he was. And the first two OVAs center around that and his meeting Tomoe. This could also be considered a small substitute for volumes 19-21 of the Ruro. Ken. manga. It's extremely well done and given my highest rating. The last OVA is another 'filler' type. It's about Kenshin's death. It actually made me cry the first time I saw it. Kenshin was
so cool but he died so pitifully. On the upside we get to see more of Older Yahiko, Sanosuke, and even Kenji!!!!!!! Turns out that Kenji is like his father in his way of speaking. It's usually rude, but you can still detect a hint of politeness. I just realized that he looks and acts almost perfectly like Itachi. If you watch past the end credits on the last episode you see a special scene. It had Kenji walking past the place where Kenshin dies and
we see his girlfriend, who is from Watsuki-Sensei's first manga 'Rurouni'.

~Quiz Time~
1. What was the first manga you ever read?
2. Did you start with the first volume of that manga?
3. (Provided you've read Ruro. Ken. and seen the last OVA) Did you think he'd die like that when you were still reading the manga?
4. Who's your favorite Kenshin character?

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