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myOtaku.com: S.E.B.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

~Act: 12- Part: 03~

"Man this place is creepy!" Mey whispered staying close to the group. The team walked down the corridor keeping
a look out for any traps. "They must have a leakage problem, the floor's soaked," Daikirai said shaking the water
from her sandals. The dimly lit halway seemed to stretch on for miles. Small holsters held lit candles on the walls
and the flamse gave off a orange glow. The group finally came to a door at the end of the hallway. The door had
words written on it that were hard to read. "What's it say?" Aki asked trying to get a better view. "I'm not sure,
looks like a warning though," Sai said opening the door.
On the other side of the door was a large room with several statues along the wall. On the oposite side of the
room stood six figures. "It's Hanataro and his team!" Kuroneko yelled pointing. "They intend to fight us? After
what happened yesterday?" Sai asked grabbing for a scroll. "Wait! Who are those others?" Mey asked holding
Sai back, "Don't rush in." "That blonde one! It's Kena-Sensei!" Aki yelled. The other two girls looked closer. "It
is! We've found him!" Daikirai shouted. Kena raised a hand and Hanataro's team charged forward. "Agh! They're
on the attack!" Sai said spreading his arms to guard his team. Hanataro's team broke up and went around Sai.
Mimyo targeted Daikirai and managed to lure her from the group. Mey chased after Dai. Hanataro and Zerni
ganged up on Mey and slammed him hard against the wall. Aki moved to help but Ne had charged and punched
the ground where Aki was about to step. A huge crater formed and rocks were propelled a Aki. Even with her
sand sheild Aki was forced back. Sai then noticed that Magi was walking calmly towads him. "You're not like the
others" Magi said, "You seem like a serious threat." "Only one way to find out!" Sai said unrolling a scroll. Sai
drew several wolves and they came to life. Sai jumped on the back of one of the wolves and gave the order to
charge. The pack of wolves tore at Magi's uniform and had Magi on the retreat. Kuroneko was totally alone. All
of her comrades had left her to fight their own battled and she was starring down Kena.
Kena arose from his chair on the other side of the room and walked slowly across the room. Kuroneko and Kena's
eyes were fixed on one another. Both knew that the others were fighting for their lives but neither let their vision
drift. There were yells and the sounds of metal clashing in the background but all Kuroneko could hear was Kena's
sandals as they hit the floor. Before she knew it Kena was within arms length from her. "Well, how've you been?
Kuroneko," Kena said grinning. At first Kuroneko jumped. It had been so long since she had heard Kena speak and
now he was taunting her. She felt her face begin to burn. Her hands tightened into fists. "What's wrong? Not
hurt are you?" Kena asked leaning forward. Kuroneko lost control. She slugged Kena hard. The hit didn't even
phase him. "Oh come now, is that all you've got?" Kena taunted. Kuroneko looked Kena in they eyes, "No it's not,
Kena-Sensei!" Kuroneko removed her headband and put it in her backpack. She then took out another headband
and threw the backpack across the room. "By the end of this day" Kuroneko said, putting the headband on, "You
will be wearing this again!" Kena recognized that she was wearing his old headband that he had abandoned after
joining the Akatsuki. "Take that off right now!" Kena demanded advancing towards Kuroneko. Kuroneko held her
ground, "Not until we leave here together. And You are wearing it!" Kena's blood boiled. He threw a punch at
her only to have it blocked. Kuroneko twisted Kena's arm behind his back and caught him. Before she knew it
Kena turned into sand and the real Kena was behind her. "I'll rip it off of your forehead then!" Kena made a
grab for the headband.

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