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Thursday, April 13, 2006

   Yey. :D

It's Thursday, but it's like Friday. :D My friend will come over after my violin lesson... We'll play ToS ALLLLL night. ^^ YAY! Fun. Although, I might zonk out after a while. I've got a bit of a cold. ::grumbles:: I always get colds when i DON'T want them. I went to school today, just because if I stayed home, my friend couldn't come. T.T; I'm feeling a bit better now, though my throat hurts a little. Ick.

We played DUCK, DUCK, GOOSE TODAY!!! It was so cool. XD During my last class, we went outside and played. It was awesome. It's really warm out now! I got hot! I'm so glad summer's comming. X3 I was getting tired of winter. DX

UUUhhh... I have not-so-much homework this weekend. But I have like 5 pictures people are waiting for. XD My friend asked me to draw her one months ago. ^_^; She keeps bugging me. XD You know, for an assingment, I had to draw Hitler... That was odd... But i got a good grade on it. XD (The actual assignment was to make a WWII political cartoon.)

Uggh, we watched this uber depressing movie about the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki druing WWII. It was sad. And made me hate war more. T_T; ::sigh:: humanity sucks.

I'm stupid. XD

Ooh. I got bored the other night when I couldn't sleep, and made a comic page. It's my other story, no "Promise Me" I'm not sure what to call it.... Maybe something stupid like "The Door to Eden". Yeah, I know, that's stupid, but it matches my story. XD It's about Ray and Lynn, who are searching for a woman named Eden (from my past pictures). It'm more complicated than than that, but I don't want to bore you all. XD I'll just link the page and shut up.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Eh. Shading sucks... especially on Lynn's face. I dun care. Yesh, I KNOW Shiva looks uber weird. I haven't gotten a good character design for her yet. And yes, she does have weird ears sticking out the sides of her head. That's a whole 'nother story too. XD AHH! Talking too much. ::stops::



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Tuesday, April 11, 2006


GAH! It ate me agaaain... D: At least we have Friday off this week because it's a holy day. ^_^ We don't have Monday off, though, so that kind of sucks.

My friend is probably going to sleep over after school Thursday. We're gonna play ToS the whole time. X3 Or at least most of the time. She obsesses about Kratos with me! YAY! Here's a funny converstaiong we had on neopets (yes, I go on neopets. Just for the Role Playing... Oh, stfu.) Here... (( = stuff i'm adding to clarify

Kyba (her on-line name): Omigoodness. It's...KRATOS! I LOVE YOU KRATOS! -stalks- xDDD [We should so make a comic((it would be about the jokes we have about Kratos. We have PLENTY)). xD]

RK: YAY KRATOS! We totally should. No joke. X3 He's my altime hero.

Kyba: KRATOS! KRATOS! -drools- He's cooler than your mom...[I had to say it. Sorry. xD] Oh yeah, we should. Same here. <3

RK: lmao. That's okay. It made me laugh. XDDD Kratos is so cool. Wait till you hear /his/ story. *faints* You know, some people say TOS is a big mass of cliche, but I dun care. It pwns. <333

Kyba: Kratos is cooler than anyone on the face of this planet. And anyone in any alternate dimensions. You can't deny it...xDD

RK: I won't even try to deny it. XD

Kyba: xD Because no one can. -glomps Kratos- My Kratos! MIIIIIIIINE!

RK: HEYYYY! *grabs Kratos and flees* *throws tomatos at j00*

Kyba: -throws a shoe at j00- GET BACK HERE WITH MY KRATOS, FOOL! -grabs Kratos and flees in opposite direction- NO STEALIE!

RK: *gasps* *steals your vans* ((She had just told me about her new Vans shoes and was all excited. XD)) COLLATERAL!... Only not. *flops* I know. We can SPLIT him! Wait... wait, no... not that either.

There are too few Kratos in teh world. D:

Kyba: Noooo...! My vans! But Kratos is better...I wish we could split him...-huggles Kratos- SAY WASHTUBS!! ((Washtubs. hmmm....))

Amen, amen...

[/end silliness] It was like 2 am when we did this, so that's why i might be hard to understand. XD Strange people we ARE. ^_^;

Uhhh... I have HOMEWORK. *grumbles* Gah. I hate homeworrrrk. I'll leave you all with another AMV. It's by a band I just found called VAST. Good stuff. :D



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Sunday, April 2, 2006

   Last Day...

Last day of Spring Break. *sad* Oh well. D:

I've been obsessed with this one song lately... the opening for Ghost in Shell. I really love it. O.O I don't even really like the anime all that much. So I found a AMV with the song and Kenshin in stead. ^.^ This video made me realize how much I like the movie Kenshin, as opposed to the anime kenshin. XD

Oh! I forgot! I saw the musical WICKED!! Just this week! It was AMAZING! *spins* The music is so awesome, and the acting was too. My cousin, aunt, and grandparents came too. They all loved it. X3 It was sooo goooood. The weird thing was, my friend was right behind us. O.O At the same palce... It was really quite funny. XD

On Thursday, I went to my friends house at noon... I had just woken up 2 hours before. XD We "worked on homework" ... kinda.... Then we went bowling with some other peoples... Played some DDR on macheans. Which was kinda hard a frist because i'm not used to the foot thingers... Went to Walgreens. XD Got candy... stayed up till 3 AM. And yeah. I was tired. X3 Fun stuff.

Oddly enough, I've been stressed out alot lately. It's pretty much all self-induced, but stress none the less. *sighs* I hope school isn't too bad this week. D:

Oh yeah, one more thing. I have a pic up here. It's Kalas. :D Yay Kalas! Okay, I have to do homework now. See ya later, guys!


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Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

IT CAME! ::jumps up and down:: It's SO COOL! ::spazz:: And the cover is the SHIZ. Kalas looks badass. X3 I'm listening to it right now... I was worried i wouldn't like it because i hear it in the game already, but i still like it. I'm not sick of it! ::happy:: The last song on the 2nd CD is really cool. It's like the main theme, only it sounds like a music box. o.o I love it!! X3 I wish i could find an MP3 for you all... If this doesn't give me inspiration for my Baten Kaitos fanfiction, I don't know what will. XD

Sorry for not being on lately. Not many people were on anyway, so i figured there was no point. XD Nothing much as happened... although, I saw an exhibit on modern art the other day. O.e; Some if it didn't even look like art... I swear, there was one piece that was just two canvases outlined in red and black. D8 How the heck is THAT art?? Oh well. Some of it was cool though. ^_^x

I'm getting a new violin today! My orchestra teacher even came out to the store with my mom and i on Saturday, just so he could make sure we were making the right purchase. O.O He's such a nice guy! And on his own spring break, too. He's by far my favorite teacher. X3 Anyway, this new violin is so much nicer than my old one. It was a rental, and rentals are always really poor quality. T.T; I'm lucky my parents are letting me get a new one. XD

Okay, i'm through rambeling. ^.^x Later!


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Saturday, March 25, 2006

   Desert Rose...

I want to make a signature for a RP site. Can you tell me which one you like best? Click here for choices! Please?? It'll only take a second. =3

Yesterday i did alot of RPing, so i decided to make a sig. ^_^ Yay! That's why i didn't visit yester day. XD I was "busy".

Yay from Spring Break! .... It was snowing yeseterday. *dies* No snow yet today, i think. Thank goodness.

Hey! Wanna hear a cool song? Of course you do! XD I'll post a video. I love these things... More Wolf's Rain. This video is interesting. It makes me want to watch Wolf's Rain (i've only seen a few episodes)

The song is Destert Rose by Sting. Yay! ^_^x If you can't watch it but want to hear the song, i have an MP3 link. ^_^x

Lame post, i know. I'll go now, i guess! Bye!


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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Breath (2AM) by Anna Nalick. Sucha pretty song. X3

YEAH. IF your wondering about my layout, just look at yesterdays post. XD I dun wanna explain again. XD

Today was... long... But, it's actually spring-like out! It's warmer and sunny! I don't usually like too much sun, but now and then is nice. It's beautiful out...~

I've, uh, found out alot of cool stuff about being an animator lately. Yup. Says i need to accept critisizem and be able to work for a long time (my short attention span doesn't seem to affect me when i'm drawing. XD ) I'm pretty sure i can do those things... I've also been thinking, about my art. I look back at my art from 1 or 2 years ago, and I think I've improved quite a bit. O.O And even if i haven't, I have my whole high school career to improve during, and learn new stlyes. I'm always worried about getting skilled enough so i can get into a good art school and learn more. But now i've been thinking, since i learn pretty quickly, i don't have to worry. ^_^ (This is why i try not to pressure myself about school. i'm putting enough pressure on my self about my art. XD)

a bit of a diary entry there, eh? Oh well. Hope you guys don't mind reading all that. XD I should go now... i have a bit of homework to do. I HATE algebra. I don't even know what they're talking about half the time. T_T; See ya later!

The song from my title. The anime is Ceres. ^_^x


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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's almost April...

... and i saw a snow flake today. T_T; SPRING NEEDS to come NOW! Gah. I'm done with winter. It's getting depressing. ^_^; It's almost here... I hope... X3

Spring break is next week... thank God. XD My stupid teacher assigned this dumb thing in History. T_T; It's this weird newspaper thing. We have to make 6 articles, and then put it together as a news paper from WWII. There are all these specific things to it too, it's so STUPID! I hate history. It's useless, and i swear the teachers look for the most boring things to do in that class. T_T; I'd rather write a research paper than this dumb thing. ::sigh:: At least we get to work with partners.

I have some homework to do... but it's no big deal. Easy stuff. I'm just worried about that dumb project. D: Part of it is due after Spring Break! I might have to do it then! ;_; Because my partner and I have to do research and stuff... D: Sad, sad, SAD! GAh, this week was supposed to be EASY. :(

Oh, you guys like my new layout? I don't know if the music works... sorry. I'll try another way of putting it on later. The reason it's Baten Kaitos: Raven, is I'm pretty sure Kalas name means "Raven" :)

Gotta go! See ya!


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Sunday, March 19, 2006


I've been playing that game all day. XD Yay for lazyiness. I figured it'd be okay becuase i've been so stressed lately. Not that i should play video games all day everyday... XD

Umm ummm... I'm sleepy. XD Yeah. So sorry for not visiting lately! I've either been busy, or, in today's case, i've been lazy. Mostly busy, though. XD I think this week will be better. The only major thing i think i have going is we're starting research for carear speeches. I might do an animator! That would be SO fun. X3 An assignment i wouldn't mind? OMG, the world is ending.

AH! I saw the last FMA episode. It was sooo sad, i almost cried. When it ending i was like "OKAY, THAT MOVIE NEEDS TO COME TO AMERICA NOW!". XD I can't down load vidoes off the internet, so i'll have to wait. D: ::sits:: Blah.

I ordered the Baten Kaitos soundtrack the other day off amazon. It should be here on Tuesday or something... I really wanna get it! The music is cool! ::looks impatiently at mailbox::

Oh yeah, you know my picture i posted about in my last post? Well, here's the song. [link]
God, i love dogpile.com. XD You can find the weirdest songs there...

One last thing, any ideas for a new layout? I'm getting bored with this one. ::Lloyd'ed::

I should go now! I'll try to visit some people today! ^_^x Oh, and thanks for being so nice to me when i was feeling sick. :3 I'm better now. Thanks!


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Friday, March 17, 2006

   I spent an hour in the nurses office today.

I feel like poo. D:

I have to go to this stupid ass orchestra contest that will take hours, and i feel terrible. ;_; At least it's the weekend. Finally. This week has been bad. We had state testing. D: Not fun. And i though this week would be EASY...

Well, i don't have basketball anymore. Our season is over. yay. Kind of. :/ I'm kinda sad the season's over, but oh well. No more long practices.



Hey, new piccie. LINK Check it out please. :D

ooh, music vid. time. Really, really, strange anime, but goooood song. ^_^


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Saturday, March 11, 2006


It's been a tough, hard, loooong week. T_T; Yuck.

I have to baby sit tonight. That wouldn't be a problem if i wasn't feeling so sick (AGAIN) today. ::sigh:: There are 3 kids. Hopefully they'll go to bed quickly. T_T; Don't get me wrong, they're adorable and cute, but I don't feel like running around.

I'm so sleepy... i'm just gonna go be lazy now.

AMV! The song is "Stupid Girl" by Cold. They're a pretty good bad. I'll have to find you my favorite and play it.

Blue is phsyco! O.e;


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