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Monday, July 24, 2006


Quote from Jillian by Within Temptation. That song reminds me of Ed and Al from FMA. 83 It's so sad...

Hiya! Conference meet went well... I didn't place too well, but that's okay. :D Now I can stay up all night and sleep late. XDDD YES!

I'm focusing most of my free time on beating Baten Kaitos. >:D I really wanna beat it by the time summer's over. But it has so many super hard boss fights... Then when I'm not playing BK I'm either writing or drawing. I'm trying to both improve my anime style, and develop a sort of semi-realism style. I'm not sure how well I'm doing, though. Maybe I'll scan the picture I'm working on now and see what you think.

Not sure what I'm gonna do right now. Maybe play some more BK. XD *obsesses* I'll leave you with an FMA AMV, by the same bad I quoted above. *points* Good stuff. It's called "Forsaken", and the video is actually pretty darn good. ^_^

Take care!


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Friday, July 21, 2006


I finally got un-stuck in Baten Kaitos yesterday. I was, like, giddy afterward. XD It was funny. I giggled. When Giacomo finally "died" I was, "In your FACE you feather headed SOB!" I think I actually said that. Or I might have just thought it. XD I'll stop ranting now because most of you haven't played Baten Kaitos. ^_^;

New art~! Both original, so I'd REALLY appriciate feedback. There's one of young Kisuke and then their's a cool looking Tashrio. Please check them out! Pleeease! I really want to improve. ^_^x

Okay, so, today was my last swim practice. And tomorrow's the big conference meet. Our coach told us to lay around and eat lost of carbs today, so we'll go reeealy fast tomorrow. X3 So I think I'll just play Baten Kaitos today. Not that it's any different from what I usually do... XD

NEW LAYOUUUT! I'm still trying to find a code for a little scroll bar for my posts... And I know it's a little busy, what with all the words, but I still like it. I made ALL of the grphics with pictures I took! I'm so proud! I'll try and get a background song soon. I'm trying to decide what. Hmm. I'll figure that out later. XD

I updated my Baten Kaitos fanfic, if anyone's interested. But like I said before, not may of you have played it, so you probably don't want to. XD I worked a while on it though. o.o It turned out okay, I guess. And now that swim's over, I'm hoping to get more writing done. ^_^x With a new chapter up, I'm starting to get into a writing mode. X3

OKAY. That was one long rambling post. Hee. I'll try and be on more often now. Since I practically died for a week. See ya later!


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Sunday, July 16, 2006

   Eh heh.

Hiya! Long time no post! Heh... Sorry folks. I've trying to work on my man fanfictions. I'm determinded to get a least a chapter up for one of them before summer's out. XD I think I can do it, but we'll see. Right now I've got Baten Kaitos on the brain, so I'll be working on that one. I still haven't beaten that freaking game. Grr. And what really sucks is, my friend Kyba's on vacation, and she still hasn't given me back my Baten Kaitos OST. I need to for inspiriation in my fic! XD I need to harness as much inspiriation I can before I lose compeltely! D:

The swim season's almost over! The last meet is next saturday. I hope I do well; last year I got two 1st places! w00t. Maybe I will again.

I STILL need a new layout. I can't think of one. D: Sad. Maybe I'll make something out of my photos! I took this really cool one of a street sign and made it an icon. I could make a background of a different photo like it. What do ya think?

Anyway, I'm sorry for being absent for so long. It's just summer and not much is going on. ^_^; Until I find more things to say, I'll be off!


(My cool icon I made!)
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Friday, July 7, 2006


I'm seeing Pirates of the Carabien today. It should be good. X3 I'm going with almost all of my friends. It'll rock. w00t.

Uhh. I'm back from vacation! :D Happy! It was fun. I was with my little cousins for a while. THEY'RE SO CUTE! My cousin Abby said to me, "Grace, this place is pretty fun, but my favorite part was playing with you!" My heart melted! She's sooooo cute. X3 I did almost die due to lack of internet though. XD I made it! ^.^ I drew a picture of Kisuke. Go check it out! I kinda like it. ^_^;

Well, right now I have to take a shower. I smell like the pool because of swim practice. I'll leave you with an AMV. It's of FF: Advent Children. I've never seen it, but it looks goods. There are spoilers, I guess. You can just listen to the sone. X3 It's "The Walk" by Imogen Heap. I'm obsessed with her music. It's amazing and beautiful. X3 Okay, gotta go! Enjoy!


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Friday, June 30, 2006

   Hello and Goodbye

I'm leaving on vacation in about and hour. XD I'm just posting to say hello, I'm not dead, just boring, and then tell you I'll be gone for 5 days. XD Oops.

Ah, I do have a new fanart up. It's more of a fandoodle than anything else, but I posted it just the same. XD It's right here. It's a Kratos/ Anna picture! Yay! X3 Speaking of Kratos/ Anna, I've had a new burst of inspiration with my KxA fanfiction. I decided that all the chapters I've done so far are pretty lame, so I'm fixing those, and I'm formulation the next chapter in my head. XD I think, truthfully, all the role-playing I've been doing has made my writing better. O.O I don't want to sound full of myself, but I really think that. I wanted to die when I read my old stuff. XD So vague and icky. Blah. Anyway, if you've been reading it (I don't know who is reading it. Did anybody read it? XD Just wondering. I forget. I'm not trying to guilt you into reading it or anything, just curious. That's what I think I sound like I'm trying to do. ._.; ) please re-read the chapters when I'm done. Thanks! Cause you all know I love feedback, whether it's art, photography, or writing. XD I just want to improve. ^.^x

Soo, that's it. Since I won't have access to the Internet for 5 days, I'm hoping to get a lot of art done. I've been in a bit of a slump, so I hope to get back on track . ^.^x I also hope I can hold the inspiration I found for my fanfic... If I loose the mood I'm in now, I won't be able to work on it for a long time. T_T; Does that happen to anyone else? ^_^;

Okay, I've gotta get going. Take care everyone!


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Monday, June 26, 2006


Got my tablettttt! I started using it. I started the bg for this picture the other day.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

It's Lynn, from my character Eden's story. I've decided to call it Something like... Sunshower. Something like that. XD Any way, this is Lynn dressed as a gypsy. Or... I tried to make Lynn look like a gypsy. XD I'm slowly chipping away at the background. I'll post it here when I'm done. ^_^

I'm so excited! My friend Kyba is coming over today. YAAAY! We can be nerds the whole time. X3 We'll play ToS, listen to cool music, wander on the internet... she'll probably kidnap my tablet. XD ::hides it:: Yah. It'll be fun. And my mom's letting me skip swim tomorrow! So I can stay up as late as I want. XD Weee. I have a meet that night though. It'll be long too, because there's only 4 lanes at this pool. It'll take longer, and our team is HUGE. DX Eww. Oh wells.

I am out of things to say. XD Okay. Bye guys!


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Friday, June 23, 2006


Uhh. I haven't been on, because I haven't had a thing to say. So. I'm here updating, because I finally found something to blabble about. ahem.


EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I almost died when I saw this. AHHH! It's coming out in Japan next year. Personally, I'd much rather watch it in Japanses, because they probably won't use the same voice actors they did in the game. I love Cam Clarke! XD And the other voice actors. I thought most of them were pretty talented. But it'll probably be too hard to get all of them to do it. STILL! I told my friend Kyba who obsesses over ToS with me, and she said. "... I would jump around and scream, but... my mom is standing right here..." then she came to my house and danced around. XD It was cool. I can't wait. IF THEY SCREW IT UP, I'LL HUNT THEM DOWN. XD Oh, here's some info about the anime.

Okay. I've got to go buy my TABLET NOW. X3 I hope it works well. See ya! :D


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Monday, June 19, 2006


My mom asked me that question today and it made me happy. I like having to make that desicion. It means I have nothing to do! I love it! I'm probably just gonna sit on the computer for a while... Then draw. Maybe even do some of my honors english assignment... Naw. Don't think so. XD I'll get distracted.

Oooh! Okay, so I got a ton of money for 8th graduation (Though I feel silly accepting it. I just passed 8th grade. It's not that exciting. XD ) and I'm thinking of spending it on a Wacom Tablet! It could help me improve my digital art alot, which would be good. I hope it'll be worth my money. XD I guess that's up to me. I'll make it worth it! :D

Uhh... practice was hard today. D: And tomorrow we're doing things called "Lactate Sets" which means we're going to swim so hard that lactic acid builds up in our muscles and makes us feel icky. Lactic acid is the stuff that makes your muscles burn when you exercise. D: Ahhh! Scary. I know it'll make me faster, but I don't care about being fast that much. Ergh. My mom won't let me skip practice either. ::sulks::

Sleepy. I'm gonna go wander around cyber space now. XD Leaving you with an AMV. Fruits Basket... with a Madonna song called Frozen. O.O; Weird combination, but it's a good song. ^_^x


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Sunday, June 18, 2006

   Ha, I didn't die.

But my internet did. For a week. Some construction people knicked the comcast line while doing some work. So yah. I amlost died from internet withdraw. XD Oh well.

We've had a few swim meets these past few days. I'm tired. D: And because a bunch of people skiped out on the Saturday meet, we have to swim extra tomorrow. DX Ewww. I hope I survive. I will say this though. My arms are getting and feeling more muscular now that I've been swimming almost every day. Which is funny because my shoulders were very braod to begin with. O.O; It's even funnier that I'm not that fast of a swimmer. XD Hee.

Urgh. I have new art up for Shelby P. Wolfwood's contest, but It's so bad I won't link it. Her arms are two different lengths. I'm looking for that in all my pictures now. XD It's a silly mistake to make. I'm happy when I notice things like these in my art though. It means I can improve! And that makes me happy. Dunno why. ^_^;

Hmm... I wanna new layout. Maybe I'll make my own! With my own pictures! That might be fun... Maybe something with Ami, Tashiro, and Kisuke. I'm not sure whether to add Kisuke or not. :/ Then the picture ends up looking like a Fruits Basket wanna be. I mean, Kisuke sometimes looks like Yuki. XD I've been messing with his hair so he doesn't looked like a green-haired copy of Yuki. I'll get it someday. XD

Wow. Got sidetraked there. So, any suggestions besides my own characters? ^.^;

M'kay. I'm gonna go now. Bye!


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Friday, June 9, 2006

   Oh my silly dog...

My dog Billy was just laying on our patio table... Just lying there like a king. XD He's an odd one... And he's quite the porker. O.O Bill's getting fat. ::pats fat puppy:: I love him anyway though. XD

Uggh. It was too cold to swim today, but practice was NOT FUN. We did what we call dry land, which consisted of ab workouts and jogging, then push-ups. I can't push ups, so I did them on my knees. XD Sad. A swimmer who can't do push ups... I don't know why I can't do them. I'm not that slow of a swimmer... Oh well, back to what I was saying. I've dubbed our head coach the happy, peppy, hyper DRILL SARGENT. She says things like this:

"Okay, let's do bridges for a minute 30.(those HURT!)"

*we all groan and complain*

"Aww, common guys, this is EASY and FUN!"

*collective evil glare*

Eww. I miss our old coaches. They were fun. At one point, someone said "I'd rather be swimming right now!" and our coach said, "Just wait, by mid-season you wont!" Eh, scary. Swim is supposed to be fun! If it's like this all year, I don't think I'll want to do it anymore. Now practices are more a chore than it is recreation. ::sigh:: I might want to quit, and that bums me out because swim is the only thing that keeps me active all summer. T_T; I'm not the only one thinking this way, either. Almost all of my friends are the same. Oh well.... I'll figure this out later...

Today is a lazy day. Again. XD Weee! I don't know what I'll do yet. ::thinks:: I'll find something. Well, guess I best get going. Bye!


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