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myOtaku.com: ravemaster13

Sunday, October 2, 2005

hiya. yesterday i saw FMA, inuyasha, FLCL, and Bobo bo-bo bo bo, or wuteva itz called. it was funny. i didnt watch samurai champloo cuz it was a repeat and i was sleepy....Z.Z ANYWAYS, friday i downloaded the rest of MCRs cd, three cheers fro sweet revenge. then last nite i downloaded their whole 1st cd, i brought you my butllets, you brought me your love. itz soooo good. rite now im listenin 2 Early Sunsets Over Monroeville. itz soooo good. ~in sayin u love me, makes things harder at best, but does anyone notice, theres a corpse in this bed?~ itz a slow song, and i fuckin LOVE IT!!!!!! im prob goin 2 their concert on the 21st, and maybe the 14th. i love them sooooo much.
yesterday i had a soccer game and we won 2-0, then i had b ball boot camp and a scrimmage, and i was IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!
now i hav 2 do effin homework, damn.

im prob not gonna post as often, cuz when i do, nobody visits. the last 5 post, no one commented, except on one, and that was only one person, so yeh, i mite not be around as much.


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