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myOtaku.com: Push Back

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Do, a deer, a female deer!
Re, a drop of golden sun!
Mi, a name I call myself!
Fa, a long, long way to run!
So, a needle pulling thread!
La, a note to follow so!
Ti, a drink with jam and bread!
Then we come back to do~!

Introduction by Mr. Roboto funded by the Evil Red Sperm of the slot machines and Psychotic Inc.

My name is Push Back 'cause that's what the computer told me it was. I have 103 characters remaining. Now 100 characters now 98654321079777573971 9659629695795495194894594294 9379349319289 AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!

God, now I have to type something substantial! What to type, what to type? NOTHING!

Friday, September 8, 2006

Adding a post
[color=brown]Apparently this is a journal. Never knew. Or maybe I did. Whatever. Maybe I should put my crane count on here? I have over 400 now and finished my fourth sheet.[/color]
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Monday, July 10, 2006

[color=brown]Ummmm.... yeah, a lot of stuff has happened. A lot. And... I'm alive! Whoopie! Isn't that great to know? I think it is. Yay me! Yeah.... Something.[/color]
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Saturday, December 3, 2005

   Wow! I'm alive!
Wow! I'm alive!
Now to wreak havic on your hamster bread!!!
Mwa ha ha ha exclamation mark exclemation mark exclemation mark...

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