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myOtaku.com: punkboy

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

PunkedUpKitty (02/24/07)

Koolness!!! U like Greenday and i do to. Awsome!!! (^^) I'm adding u to my friends because I want to so HA

BlueAngel4 (07/04/05)

hey there...Luv'd the art can't wait to see more...I like ur site so far...If ya want any help on anything Ill be more than happy to help ya...Dont forget to come say hey and check my site out...Til Then ~IM OUT~

MiraBell (07/04/05)

hi there!

nice work on naruto! looks real cool ^^

i wanna see more drawings!! :p

k, me going to add u as my fren ^^

longstar (07/04/05)

hi cool bg ill keep eyes on ur site 4 improvements then ok laterz [+_+]

catak (06/19/05)

wow.nice site.I love the background,come to my site and ill add you as a friend.bye

minni14 (06/18/05)

hi. you site rocks. i luv you back round. ill add you as a friend. come by my site sometime. c-ya l8r

silverslither43 (06/17/05)

hey, sign mah gb, ill add ya as a friend, also what kinda music do yu listen to?

cuddy (06/17/05)

Your site looks cool so far.. Keep up the good work..

Soul Sucker (05/20/05)

Guess im the first to sign your Guestbook! ^_^
I'll be coming by to check your updates! I look forward to hearing from you!