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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hello!!! today was all good in the neighborhood. but ya know. what can you say about school? lol today was picture day. it was ok I guess except for the fact that it blinded me. lol we got our tests back. I failed but I'm ok with that. and we get our yearbooks tomorrow. and Danielle if you read this:: they'll send them to you, thought that you'd like to know! ok well theres nothing to talk about. so I'ma go! laterr all!!!
[¢¨ú love ya Thomas! ¢¨ú]

Jessii¢¨ú aka the flying quesadilla!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

hey everone! nothing much going on! I'm gonna go look outside since its so beautiful! later all!!!


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Monday, March 26, 2007

hey everyone! I'm not depressed anymore!!!! =] I'm ok now. I changed my syt into something cool. I have a new song its calles 'Coin-operated boy'. its awesome! ok I need to go cause I have family over, and I have to find my necklace! so yeah later!!!
[¢¨ú ya T!]


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Sunday, March 25, 2007

hi everyone. just woke up. nothing to do. maybe homework. still depressed as hell. I do want to kill myself. but I wont. dont worry about that. nothing to talk about. bye.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007

well I can now say that I'm single. and it happened on the 23rd. right after my birthday. my grandad might die in a week or less or something so yeah. why break up with me over the internet? we tell each other everything. why didn't you just talk to me like you used to? i thought you respected me, but in the end, you are just a coward. thanks Thomas for breaking my heart. I hope you're happy.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hey everyone. sorry that I'm posting so late. just got home from the hospital. grandpapa is doing good. he loves to see me when he's in there. once in a while when I look over he'll have his pointer finger up saying that theres only one more day til my birthday ^^ I just cant sit there I'll either have to be walking or standing. cant sit all the time unless I'm reading which I did when he was napping. after that we went for a walk through the hospital. well just the 4th floor. but he's getting better I suppose. I still love him and pray for him. kk g2g later all!
[¢¾ love you Thomas ¢¾]


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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

omg I cant take this anymore!!! >.< my grandad is in the hospital as you know. I just found out that he's going to stay in ther until friday...I really wanted him home for my birthday. rawr..oh well its ok. I understand though. he's 90 years old anyhow, so yeah.
I'm gonna see if I can understand any of my science homework so I'll ttyl. bye.

[God just keep my papa safe..]

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Monday, March 19, 2007

hey everyone...just got back from the hospital..my great grandad Spiker is there. he has conjestive heart failure and water in his lungs...right now I dont feel like talking about it so yeah..sorry such a short post. just thought that you would like to know whats wrong with me is all. later
[¢¨ú love you Thomas ¢¨ú]


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Sunday, March 18, 2007

hey everyone! its a little bit early in the morning , and I'm tired. we went to the irish dancing thing and its harder than what it looks. but they make it look so easy! me and Thomas tried the first time but we quit and sat down and watched granma Sue and Jeff dance instead. there was a break in between and the band was playing and people were waltzing. Thomas tried to teach me how to but I got dizzy. lol we did some kind of jig thing. [thomas if you remember what it is, please tell me! lol] but it was fun and I got dizzy with that too. then after that we took thomas to his house and went home. by the time we got to his house it was 11pm. lol so yeah.
I finished my 'Postcards from No Man's Land' book. and now I'm starting on 'Endymion Spring' its good so far!
ok well I think thats it! I shall talk to everybunnie laterr!! bye!
[¢¾ love you Thomas! ¢¾]


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