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myOtaku.com: PsiGuy

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Greetings. If you have ventured to this dark corner of the Internet, then you have discovered the hidden site of the nearly-omnipotent PsiGuy, Lord of the Gaming Realm. Please enjoy your stay in my humble abode/website/pocket dimension.

I happen to be a dedicated fan of the MegaMan X series. When I become an Anime Producer, one of my first projects is gonna be making an Anime series based (very closely based, I might add) on the MegaMan X series. This, of course, would require a contract with Capcom. How hard can that be?

I might also get a contract with Marvel and make an X-Men Manga. The Manga will be primarily intended to correct all those ridiculous errors that the "new" writers made. Cyclops having an affair, Rogue permanently losing her powers...THEY NEARLY FREAKIN' KILLED OFF WOLVERINE, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!! ...Suffice to say, I don't consider anything after Dec. 1999 to be "Canon".

I'm also a fan of the InuYasha series. I'd have to say my favorite character is Kagura. She and I have a similar desire for freedom. We both are forced to do many things we don't wish to, many of which we have moral reservations about, and we recieve nothing but pain in return. We also share a temper problem ;)

My current project is a Tales of Symphonia Fanfic, which features all sorts of hilarious crossovers, ranging from InuYasha to MegaMan X to The Matrix.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

   Can't sleep...sort of.
My sleep schedule is SEVERELY screwed up. I guess this is fine for watching InuYasha and other stuff that has to be done late at night, but I end up sleeping through the greater part of the day. I've been trying to get my sleep schedule back to normal, but to no avail. The worst part is I think it's given me Chronic Writer's Block. But, if that were the case, I wouldn't be writing THIS, now would I?

On a different note, I seem to have the song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" by The Beatles stuck in my head. It's a pretty funny song, though, and I like The Beatles, so I guess if I'm gonna have a song stuck in my head, this is the one to...be...stuck in my head.

Well, it's almost 7:00 AM. Time to get to bed.

Sleepely Yours,
Lord PsiGuy

P.S. Try out Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It's pretty nifty.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

   About the fanfic I'm writing...
Well, like I said earlier, it isn't a "traditional" fanfic. I'm CERTAIN at least one of my readers has been to GameFAQS.com, and seen the "Never-Ending Cheat" joke topics on the message boards. I LOVE these, but, evidently, the people who post on them don't love me. In fact, it would be fair to say most of them HATE me. As such, I took the liberty of writing a Tales of Symphonia Never-Ending Cheat on Microsoft Word. That way, there's no annoying n00bs to judge me.

So far, Zero (From MegaMan X), E-123 Omega (From Sonic Heroes) InuYasha and Jack Bauer (From 24) have joined Lloyd and his companions. Whenever Yuan shows up, he is bothered by Agent Smith, who inexplicably calls him "Mr. Anderson", despite the fact that Yuan is NOT Neo. Yuan later joins the party.

Lloyd and his companions fight against a time-and-dimension-spanning evil organization appropriately named EVIL (an acronym for Every Villain Is Lemons). This organization is led by Smithy of Super Mario RPG fame, and includes an all-star lineup of Supervillains, including Naraku, Skeletor (from He-Man), Galvatron (from Transformers), and Emperor Palpatine (from Star Wars). Cruxis has also shuffled their ranks a bit. Their "Four Seraphim" now include Remiel, Kikyo, Voldemort (from Harry Potter), and an original character named Mabus. Other menaces to the party include Agent Smith, Char Aznable, and Sesshomaru.

The Never-Ending Cheat has taken the party to Feudal Japan, 22nd Century New York, a Chrysler plant in downtown Detroit (where my dad worked before he retired), the Tower of Salvation (which inexpicably appeared in Wisconsin), the Dark World (from Darkstalkers), Cybertron (from Transformers), and of course, the room with The Architect. Guest appearances have included the aforementioned Architect, Morrigan Aensland, Sephiroth, and numerous characters from InuYasha and Homestarrunner.com. In fact, at one point Remiel tried to force Kagura to marry Strong Sad. Neither Kagura nor Strong Sad relished this thought.

I have almost FORTY PAGES of this Never-Ending Cheat done so far. Like the title says, it's never-ending...

Eternally Yours,
Lord PsiGuy

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Monday, March 14, 2005

   Free as the Wind at last...(maybe)
Oh ho! My parents MAY be starting to listen to reason. Make no mistake, they ARE good people, but the school had kinda pulled the wool over their eyes. I've talked with my parents, and they seem to agree that it may be time to stop utilizing the school district's "sevices", and if possible, get the "fact" (which soon may no longer BE a fact) that we EVER utilized such services stricken from all public records. Needless to say, the school district is probably gonna fight this to the bitter end. We'll probably have to go through some red tape, but it'll be worth it.

"I am the Wind. One day, I shall be free."

Irrepressibly yours,
Lord PsiGuy

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   As free as a worker ant
Sometimes I fear that I will never know what "freedom" really feels like. First of all, anyone who has been to school knows how tyrannical some teachers can be. Combine this with the fact that the school duped my parents into signing my legal rights over to a special needs "service" and you have one VERY oppressed student. All I wanted was a normal four years in High School...something nice to look back on when I'm old and gray. This "service" cruelly stole this from me, and left their mark on my permanent record in order to ensure that I never get anything other than a "volunteer" (all work, no pay) job. What's worse, this program forced me to go about singing their praises wherever I went, and forced me to disclose my so-called "disability" (really I don't have one, but they tricked my parents into thinking I do) to everyone I met. Furthermore, they wouldn't let me go out on dates unless it was a pre-arranged "pity date". The staff tried to portray me as either "mentally challenged" (which I'm not, my I.Q. is over 150) or "psychologically unstable" (which they may have been right about by the end of my High School career).

The staff were permitted to do whatever was "necessary" to ensure COMPLETE compliance. This included beatings, destruction of my personal property, use of a behavior plan (which was there PURELY for my humiliation. Occasionally the staff would take steps to provoke me or frame me, creating the illusion of necessity), attacks on my friends and other such unpleasantries. I would complain to my parents about it, but the response was always the same; "They're your friends. They're here to HELP you."

Needless to say, I'd rather forget my High School days. I'd LIKE to forget about it, but noooooo. One of the conditions for my going to college was that I be forced to take a liason from this "service" EVERY STINKIN' PLACE I GO. These people are going to bother me until THE DAY I DIE. Because of them, I can never have a job, never own property, never fufill ANY of my dreams.

But I take it in stride to this day. Never have I retaliated, Rarely have I attempted to defend myself.

To the world, I am nothing. I will NEVER be free. Not even in my dreams.

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