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Monday, October 4, 2004


You know it's just my luck, stupid KTOV backs out of the ticket thing and at the last minute change their location and make it a raffle instead...darn them! Also I've noticed about my luck whenever I meet a current champion, like get to say hi to them and what not, by the next Pay-Per-View they lose their title, this past one...Booker T...I was cheering for it, JH and I were actually making bets on how Cena would beeat Booker ^0^ We're so bad. Sorry for not being around lately, I'm trying to actually do more homework and stuff for school and that but it is so much better here in cyberspace...I submitted two new greetings a while ago and I was suprised that they aren't doing the whole 24-48 hour wait for the greeting to be expected, I was surprised! Well I have to go run alcohot over all my skeeter bite, ugh...

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Sunday, September 26, 2004


Wow 5 days really? What have I been doing since we last talked? Hmmm....working on English and History work, mostly. Friday was kinda cool 'cuz Booker T was in town at a car dealership to do autographs. I really don't care for Booker T but I went anyway for promise of coke and WWE prizes, which there were none :( However I was able to make a few new friends and snag the offical poster for Smackdown Nov. 9th! ^___^. And this morning (or Saturday if you will) I woke up really early to wait in line to get tickets to go see it, sadly JH couldn't come with...however next weekend we will be camping out to see if we could get him a ticket, cuz by now it's probably sold out, and then we could actually sit together and have even more fun together! Then I had to go looking again for a dress for my brothers wedding, torture!

Something to entertain...well I guess that's all for today.

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Monday, September 20, 2004

   Handicap drivers are nucking futs

Well, first off lemme say that I am happy to report that 4 new greetings have been accpeted, as well as 2 wallpapers, and 1 new fan art ^____^. The sketch I did was of Naruto eating ramen, I think it still could use some more work but it looks awesome all the same! So please check it out, vote and leave comments, please. Sorry if I didn't or don't get to comment on your site, my bad. I didn't get into too much trouble the other day *if that's not the understament of the year* I just have to wear pink more often *TORTURE and just kidding a big ole yelling my ear out was punishment enough for all the help I did do the other day* And the title is there because for about the third time since the school ended in May another handicapped driver tried to take over the right of way when I am halfway through my turn, and I have obviously have the right of way, grrr....and to make things worse, two of the drivers that have done that to me, know me. Well more at another time I have to go watch RAW ^_________^.

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Saturday, September 18, 2004

   Real quick post

Hey everyone! How've ya'll been? I'm doing good here, I have to make this one a short and quick one I'm sad to say since today we are doing a bridal shower for my brother's fiancee here at my house, ugh. We've been cleaning and decorating for the past TWO DAYS!!!! Other than that not much to say....more new stuff will hopefully be coming soon....OH NO BUSTED...dun dan duuuuuuuuuuun....it might be a while for the next post.

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Thursday, September 16, 2004

   FUN, Chaos and a smirk

Well as you might have been able to tell I'm starting to change some things around here, and the picture you can see in my background here is a screencap from the trailer to Princess Mononoke and due to my hyper finger tapping activity I was able to screencap this to where all I did to it was resize it ^_^. I'm glad I got to see WWE Unforgiven, me and Pink Addict one of my friends that has just joined MyO, went to JH's house and saw it there. Speaking of JH we went to our old school *like it was so long ago we graduated* to visit a few friends and teachers and got stuck there due to some power issues that were going on but at least that is all over. And I'm smirking because I found out not too long ago that Smackdown will be coming to my town to the new stadium, that is in the process of being finished, in November ^___^ yay! and this time there will be the whole show *hopefully I get to see "THE WHOLE DAM SHOW" (Rob Van Dam)* but what I mean is pyro, cameras, announcers, and more hopefully I can get a good seat and go again with JH.

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Friday, September 10, 2004

   It's Friday, yay!!!

Where to begin, sorry if I haven't made it to your site in the past few days I've been a little preoccupied with school and auditions. Well the posted up the casting for Cabaret and I wasn't on it, it's ok though it gives me more time to be crazy and silly and not have to be bugging out about missing a step in the dance *since apparently I don't have enough coordination to learn a dance after the first time I see it done* Anyways I'm going to have fun this weekedn regardless, plus it helps that I know on Sunday, at Unforgiven Shawn Michaels is gonna wail on Kane!!! Classes are going good though *even though I kinda slept through my first and one of my favorite classes yesterday. I am currently in the process of making new stuff, oh and one of my buddies just joined MyO last Saturday his O name is Slashfanatic...well I can't really think of anything else to say so...

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Tuesday, September 7, 2004

   4:20 PARTY TIME! J/K

Let's see today was... today was...
Why you ask. Hmm...no not really scary just well in my first theatre class we were doing trust games. And it doesn't help that I have trust issues, or that my head still hurts from my last hazardous fall *can't remember when or what that was.* Also in a few hours is auditions for Cabaret *a musical!* I dunno if I actually will go through with doing the auditions because I can't dance, but I can sing a little, ok a lot. I'll post again later. Oh yea, if you didn't know 6 more greetings have been accepted YAY!!!! I think I'll try wallpapers next.

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Sunday, September 5, 2004

   What! You expect me to write something here!!!

Wow! It's been a while, eh? Sorry about that. Let's see what have I been up to? School and trying to find a job, finally got paid for my last job but now my money is in the limbo of my newly created bank account. Grr, always something! Something to lighten the mood a bit.

Lord of the Rings humor!

To see more LOTR Humor Click Here

I'm starting to get boring yes....oh but if you haven't noticed I got three more greetings accepted and I just finished making about 8 more that I just submitted yesterday. Hope at least half get accepted *crosses fingers* Some good news about my limbo money, before it went there I was able to buy Photoshop Elements and finally got a copy of Princess Mononoke, so yay for that! Other than that I hopefully *again crosses fingers* will soon start writing another fan fic.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

   Results and more!

Good morning otaku! First a little clairification....Tuesdays and Thursdays are my Theatre days, meaning I have FUNdemntals of Theatre *or as JH referred to it Moaning and groaning 101* and Children's Theatre(CT). Both are great classes. Yesterday in CT we did this game zip zap zop...IT'S DODGEBALL ALL OVER AGAIN!!! lol....and then after doing the mirror exercise we did a super slow motion martial arts fight! TOO COOL!!!! I loved it. Me and this guy that I had to fight ended up doing like two mini fights and I won the second one and to celebrate I did the Miroku's "I must resist temptation" gestering for laughs. I'm happy I have at least one great class everyday!

Well I guess that was a hard picture to do a caption to and so the rankings are....


Now a gif to celebrate

I was looking through some of the quotes from YYH and here are two that I thought would have been great for the caption...and no they are not really who says them in the real quote but hey....y not...

Ogre: Why do I get a feeling that he is not just trying to be cute


Koenma:I'm gonna mess your face up so bad the kittens wont even look at you!

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Saturday, August 28, 2004

   I ate it!

The subject is me saying my response to everything...especially the "Where's the..." Anyway how are ya'll doing today??? I'm doing great! I love my classes *well Tuesday and Thursdays mostly* and English *but then again I always loved English. Anyway, if you didn't notice the table up on my intro is actually to one of my other sites but you don't need to go look it over there because that table has everything it has at the very bottom there is a link to all the animated gifs me and JH have made, so if you want to use them there they are in HTML format and everything all you need to do is take out the extra space in the < URL> ya. Anyhow I think I'm going to do a caption contest now...I will be taking submissions/entries until Monday at 5pm central time, results and prizes will be revealed on Tuesday Night/Wednesday.

Good luck and "May you go with God's grace...oh yea thanks for the apple"

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