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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

   my spanish teacher is a bitch!
well it was kinda sad cuz i slept in again and now my choir teacher might start thinking im skipping even though im not that kind of person but im having troubles...
i met "Jilly" and she makes me sad cuz she found out i can't speak any chinese either even though im half chinese and from saying "how can u call yourself japanese????" went to "how can u call yourself chinese??" it's not entirely my fault i only speak english.... TT__________________TT
and she luvs hamtaro too. XD and it was really funny when she was talking about wanting to cosplay as someone from Sergeant Frog, she said something like "im gonna go to Target and get some big balls and--" and then i think me and Tim were thinking similar thoughts and we were both looking at her. and she was like "what? i said im gonna get some balls--(at this point we were all laughing quietly)-- oh u know what i mean! those green balls--(more quiet laughing) and cut it out and put that on and make it look like a frog. XD

now then... to a change of subject.... MY SPANISH TEACHER IS A FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT I WANT TO JUST THROW HER OUT A FUCKING WINDOW AND TORCH HER STUPID CORPSE AND THEN TEAR IT UP WITH A MACHETE/BLENDER!!!!!!!! .... that damn teacher will never redeem herself. EVER. u know what she's done? she has forbidden me to bring any more manga to spanish class damn it!!! i had fruits basket and kyle was bugging me a LOT cuz he wanted to see it but i didn't think he would treat it right and damage it and besides it's not even mine it's homsar88's and don't want to ever return something back to her in a condition even slightly less than how she gave it. he wanted to know about his zodiac year and was irritating me to see what kind of person he was and it seemed like he might just take it so i took it off my stack of stuff and held it rather close to me and since i was already finished with the section we happened to be working on, i was half flipping through it and taking a look at some end pages to wait and the that bitch walks up to me and says "from now on i don't want u to bring those books from now on, im banning 'em cuz u don't pay attention and im sure your parents weren't happy when i said that at conferences." OMFG, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL???! first fucking thing i wanted to say to that bitch was i wasn't even reading it really and i haven't been reading manga in school or at home for that matter for a long time cuz im too damned busy with school work and also, i finished with that section u told us to be working on so why the hell can't i?? it's not cuz of manga that i EVER get distracted by, and another fucking thing is even if i DON'T pay attention which i DO despite not wanting to, i still do 10 fucking times better than all the other moronic losers in this shitty class(except kat, ross, and cristina they r the only ppl i have respect for) and one more thing! how the hell would SHE know how my parents would be feeling??! they didn't actually care that much! they spent less than 30 seconds saying it was "a bit disappointing but oh well." i don't give a damn im gonna bring whatever the hell i feel like, but im gonna hide it in my binder and im seriously gonna kick kyle's ass cuz it's all his fault for bugging the shit out of me.

in anime club at least i cheered up a bit seeing homsar88 and everyone else and "Couch" was demonstrating to everyone how i reacted to him like he was acid and i was shrieking in amusing ways and then when homsar88 pokes me i just sigh with pleasure. it's ok for her to do that, but when some creepy guy i barely know does that....
it was hilarious in Black Cat when the guy is forced to disguise himself as a woman and this other guy chases after him and then later after losing the weirdo, he trips while attempting to follow train and eve. and i luv that little girl who has an endless amount of popsicles and she keeps saying "hey where did my popsicle go??" and she does this hilarious kissy face. and i just luv her jiggly gelatinous popsicle and her 2nd popsicle splats onto the dude's hat which has been named the "cooler" and the evil dude looks like broccoli on steroids. XDDDDDD.
in teh doll episodes we watched some things that were hilarious were "oh your cheeks r so soft! cheek! cheek!" or when the dolls were being emo. or the "magic skittles" or the talking flowers that remind me and homsar88 of the sprite commercials. or "yay!! strawberries!" or when the boy is molested by dolls. and one part looked like they were doing it for a second. XD.
and there was this one doll that is totally middy!! and in the flashback i comment how that clown's ass was *zoolander voice* ridiculously big looking! but the best part was when Jun gets back from his "dream" the dolls appear under the covers close to his ass and that was sooo freakin' hilarious!! it would have been funny if he said "uh... i can explain sister... *awkward turtle*" and then chihirochan and animelover12344 said it was like he was giving birth to 'em or something. that was just too funny and yet oh so wrong.... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. and once i did the doop a little close to homsar88's face and at one point i said "SNUGGLE!!" and then i gave her a hug because i felt like it. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.


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