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myOtaku.com: PinkFreak

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Monday, October 11, 2004

   Bored out of My mind
Going insane. Grounded (but off in 2 days ^_^). And very bored. Josh is being mean but what is new. I hate school. Hate Mike. Hate living where I'm liveing. Miss people. Don't you wish you were me?

I'm going crazy! I cannot get enough manga!! I've read both my FLCL books and now I guess I'll have to read them again...

Love friends. Love God. Love Guys. Hate life it all works out.

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Sunday, August 29, 2004

   ^_^ I have no...brain
I am in a strange state of mind right now, even for me! I am on tea right now. Yes, tea SEAMS harmless, but i am alergect to it and so when i drink it it is like a really weak form of speed.......
"You can fly too if you just believe"

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Saturday, August 28, 2004

   Is that an alien on you're forehead?
Yes it is thanks for asking I think I will go over here now and think of all the meanings to the phrase "silent as the grave"

Somebody PLEASE sign my guest book!! I am going insane!!!

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   I am writing a Poem...it is called.....Actually I don't know what it's called....
my name is joe
joe the hoe
sometimes my name is Tiffany Bickford
or Sheena

Oh Shit.....I can't rhyme

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Monday, August 9, 2004

   La La La La La La
I am SSSOOOOOOOOOO very happy
Actually, no just bored.
Quote of the day: "If I were a man with gills I would be a fish!!"
Bravo, man, bravo.
Insane and out of my mind?
oh yes. a thousand times yes.
Something dumb:
My ex (now ex) boyfriend says that I "hurt" him when HE broke up with me! Now how does THAT make scence?
I'll tell you...
Hey! I think i'll eat icecream now...
...*sneeky devilish look* on the ceiling...

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Saturday, August 7, 2004

   Kinda.....out there?
I kinda feel like an ass right now to my friend you see she has been cutting herself for a lot of months now and let's just say I had had enough of this.I was at her house and she had spent a long time in the bathroom one night and i came down stairs to see if she was ok.After MAKING her open the door I took the razor away from her and made her promise me that she would NEVER do it again. I said if she did I would tell her mom. She agreed. 10 minutes later I catch her in her room doing it again! so...I told her mom and showed her the "marks". I dunno. I know it's good but i broke the girl's trust. Maybe she's sick in the head. Her explanation was (seriously) "I was bored". You're bored? So you cut yourself? It dosn't make sense. I dunno if what i did was good or bad. It feels bad but i know it's good. I'm just sick of the whole thing.

Another thing i don't understand. What is the deal with those people who wear long robes and scarfs on their heads? It's the scarf cult. If some real freaky cult (like mormons) decide to do some weird "religious" (but actually they have no religion at all) decides to do something weird, like everyday at exactly 5 scream "Bush sucked my weener". Now , if this whole thing would've existed earlier then it would have been "part of their culture" like the scarf thing. That REALLY dosn't make scense.

Today i was in the store with my sister and she was REALLY pissing me off so i was making a scene. Then these uptight mormon-looking people started looking at me with that scanky ho (oh no she did'nt just steel my man! Giiiiiiiiiirrrl please) look on their faces and i looked right at them (pretty fiercly actually) and said "what are YOU looking at?" and they were like "*Gasp*"(i can't BELIEVE she just said that!) The guy said he wanted to back hand me. Grow up mutherf---ers.....Yeah that kinda pissed me off too, even after my sister pissed me off.

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Monday, July 26, 2004

   I'm not sure
I'm kinda bored right now. But what i am thinking right now is just how much i HATE(with a burning passion)my step dad.He tells me all the time how he owns me and how i have no rights and how he "dosn't care". Sometimes i wish he would die. Anyone with crappy parents know what i'm talking about. I've already ran away twice so it's like what now?

I'm sorry ,for those of you that accually care to read my stuff, if i'm a little random...ok a lot random...but that's the way i am.

How do I feel? I feel like laying at the bottom of a pool and looking up to the surface and seeing the sun through the water and wishing with all my power that i would never get out. To stay in my wattery lonliness. Away from the losers i live with.

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