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Friday, November 5, 2004

Time of post: 11:39 PM

Hey everyone. Most of you probably won't even see this post but that's ok. I wasn't home for almost the entire day which is why this post is so late. I'll keep it short though.

Here's my day in three sentences. I went to the Liberty Science Center with my mom, brother, and Jesse. After that, we went to Olive Garden for dinner. We came home and Jesse and I played NHL Hitz (PS2) for a while.

And there you have it. My day in three sentences ^_^

Oh yeah. Sorry about the lack of comments yesterday. Jesse slept over so I didn't have time at night. Also, I didn't get back home from rehersal until like 6 something (rehersal ended at 1:15 but I went out afterwords) so there was really no time at all yesterday.

Anyway, have a great night and day tomorrow!

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Thursday, November 4, 2004

Time of post: 6:30 PM

Hey everyone. The first day of my four day weekend has been good ^_^

It started with rehersal. Act I went great and then Act II sort of fell apart. That's because there were a bunch of people missing that need to be in Act II. Overall, rehersal was fun though getting home is another story.

See, I rode my bike there in the morning. It was cold but that wasn't a big deal. The problem came in getting back. It started pouring during rehersal and I had to ride my bike back in the rain. Not fun -_-

Anyway, after rehersal, me and a friend of mine went to Old Navy to get something for him and then over to some video game stores to check out what they had. We ended up at Suncoast where I got Wolf's Rain volume 3! Yay ^_^

But it gets even better. When I got home, I returned to the .hack//Legend of the Twilight volume 3 manga waiting for me. I have had it on reserve for like 5 months now and it has finally been released. It's a lot thicker than the first two.

Anyway, now I'm going to head over to Jesse's house. Have a great night everyone!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Time of post: 2:34 PM

Hey everyone. I'm here in Web Page Design again and it's just a free period today. We're watching the coverage of Kerry now.

Today will be a pretty long day though. We have rehersal from 3-5, then a two hour break for dinner, and then from 7-9 today. This is how the entire week before the play will go so I guess I should get used to it.

Anyway, not much else going on today. Rehersal shouldn't be too bad though. It will be long but it's never too boring.

Well, have a great rest of the day everyone!

Edit: 4:52 PM
Hey everyone. Quick update here. I'm sitting in the auditorium right now. There's been a change in schedule. Rehersal will go until around 6 or 6:30 and then end there. The 7-9 part was cancled for tonight because the stage crew needs the time to work on the set tonight.

The 3-5, 7-9 rehersals will still happen though - starting next week (or soon after).

Anyway, that's all for now. Talk to you later everyone.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Time of post: 1:46 PM

Hey everyone! I'm so happy there's no school today. I've been just sort of sitting here playing video games for a while. I haven't done much yet but I think I'll go finish my homework now and then do something after that.

Seeihg as I haven't really done anything at all today, I think I'll just end this post here for now. I might add to it later. Have a great day!

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Monday, November 1, 2004

Time of post: 2:38 PM

Hey everyone. I'm in Web Page Design again. I just finished fixing the spelling on my project and now I'm done again.

Today has been pretty good. We did an activity in Chemistry which I would have a write up for but I finished it in class and handed it in then ^_^ As I expected, we didn't really do much today. Even Latin was fun. We made up questions for a game we'll be playing on Wednesday.

Well, that's all for now. Have a great rest of the day everyone!

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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Time of post: 8:18 PM

Happy Halloween everyone! I would have posted eariler but myOtaku was running really slow for me for some reason.

Anyway, today was good. It started off at Jesse's house with some Silent Scope and Mortal Combat. Video games, as usual, were fun ^_^

Then, after that, was candy time. Jesse, Andrew, and I just sort of randomly went to houses to get some candy. I figure, why pass up free candy right?

That was pretty much all of the day. So, how was yours? Mine was pretty good until I remembered that I still have school tomorrow -_- I really don't want to go. On the birght side though, it's only a 2 day week. We have off Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday ^__^

Well, that's all for now. Have a great night everyone!

Edit: 9:22 PM
In case you're wondering, there is a reason we're getting days off. Tuesday is election day and our school is used as a place to vote. With thousands of people going in and out, the school thought it might be a safety risk and canceled school.

As for Thursday and Friday, the reason is much more simple. Teacher's convention ^_^

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Saturday, October 30, 2004

Time of post: 7:03 PM

Hey everyone. I'm at Jesse's house with Andrew right now. I'm on the laptop and the wireless connection is sort of slow tonight so I probably won't be able to comment tonight. Sorry.

Anyway, I slept here last night and we spent most of it playing video games ^_^ There really isn't much else to do though. For a while, we played Silent Scope for XBox. It's really good with the light rifle.

Right now, Andrew and Jesse are playing Mortal Combat: Deception (XBox) and I'm on here.

Anyway, that's about all for now. Happy Halloween in advance in case I'm late tomorrow!

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Friday, October 29, 2004

Time of post: 2:35 PM

Hey everyone. It's 9th period and I'm in Web Page Design doing nothing now since I finished my project yesterday.

Thank you all for wishing me luck on my Latin test. I just took it last period and I hope I did well but I don't know.

Other than that though, today was good. We had an Academy Award Ceremony in English today. We read The Crucible out loud in class over the last few weeks and we had our own Academy Awards to celebrate finishing the book and to crown our best actors/actresses. It was fun and there was food ^__^

Right after this period, I have rehersal and then I'm free for the night. That's all for now though so have a great rest of the day everyone!

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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Time of post: 8:14 PM

Hey everyone. Today was pretty good. We didn't do too much and I did finish my Web Page Design project ^_^

After school, I had to go back to the Chemistry room to finish the lab from Wednesday which meant more burning of stuff for me ^__^ Seriously though, the colors the flame turns are really cool. Anyway, there were two left to do so we (my lab partner and I) got that done quickly.

All I have for homework tonight is the lab write-up and studying for a big Latin test tomorrow. Like I've said before, our Latin teacher is insane and expects us to remember way too much stuff. My memory just isn't that good... -_- Oh well, I usually do pretty well on them anyway. I hope tomorrow will be no different.

That's all for tonight. Have a great night everyone!

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Time of post: 5:49 PM

Hey everyone!. Sorry about not making it to sites again yesterday. I got caught up in finishing something after rehresal, both of which took a long time. Today was pretty good though. Especially Chemistry but I'll get into that in a second.

First, I want to say, rehersal went amazing today. Oh, and onewingedangel, it is rehersal for our school play, My Sister Eileen. Anyway, everyone pulled together and it really went well.

Now for Chemistry. It was great. We have labs every Wednesday and today's was fun. We got to play with the bunsen burners. What we had to do was take some compounds with metalic ions in them (in liquid form) and burn them to see the color changes. At that point, we also had to use the spectroscopes again to try to see the spectrum that the element gave off. Some of them were hard to see but that's to be expected.

Some of the colors, red in particular, were really cool looking ^_^ It was a fun way to spend two periods.

Anyway, that's about all for today. Have a great rest of the day everyone!

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