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myOtaku.com: PerpetualWolfSage

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Look at what I re-found

It is currently 3 47 in the morning.
I'm so bored right now....and the bags just keep getting heavier, and heavier.
I'm not going to that baby shower this weekend. And I don't want to hang around with the bunch of men that my dad is having over (all my uncles)
But I will be home. And I'm inviting whoever wants to come to the house on Sunday, over! My dad and uncles will leave us alone if you come. Yey. We shall watch movies, anime maybe, and or just goof around depending on if my sister goes out or whatever. Anyway, give me a call. If you don't have my number, ask Seth, or Lemony, or Kisa, or...um....I don't know who else has my number....
Who has my number? Really? I want to know. I'm serious.
I feel weird. Lyk....whoa.
Just kidding, kinda.

Anyway. I guess it's time that I head out to bed. Or something.

I did a new layout thing. I hope you like it. It's not all done up like the rest of my friends, but it's cool.

Actually, I take that back. I'm going to finish watching AMV Hell 3 and stuff. THEN I'm going to bed.
Sooo....45 more minutes.

Ani-chan: *holds Maki's head up to watch the video*
Oh dear....

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