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myOtaku.com: PerpetualWolfSage

Sunday, January 1, 2006

First Post of the New year
I'm an not wasted, I do not have a hangover, nor have any new STD's....Hahaha!! Sorry for those of you who partied too much and had to deal with that crap.
Just kidding, I'm just being stupid.
I did play with lots of fireworks and rockets. I came home smelling of Sulfur and hands with little splots of ash all over them. Mmmm...So good. One of the smells that I just adore. The whole block was smokey, and afterwards, a huge fog bombarded us with moisture...it felt good.
At the first house, I mingled with the family and played with the little ones. I plopped my Kifu hat on one of my baby cousins. He looked like a little CHIBI!!!! So kawaii! I showed he parents and they kinda squealed. I swear, he's going to be the favorite of the entire family. Heheh.
He should be in the post above this one, I tried to put it here earlier, and it wouldn't work.
As expected, a few friends and I grew really hyper, listening to some moosiq, banging our heads, raving with out sticks, but with pens and stomping. Well, I was the only one who can stomp, so I stomped. Heh. I have the CD that was played, it's very much oldschool, but awesome nonetheless. After some of that, the elders decided that was enough youngster music for the time being, and put some cool hispanic music on. One of my friends who understands spanish, picked up on the lyrics of the song, as did I. So we danced and yelled the words at our descretion. "TENGO LA CAMISA NEGRA!"
My friend, then looked at his own Camisa, and yells "TENGO LA CAMISA GRIS!!"
He looks at mine (it's black), "TIENES LA CAMISA NEGRA!!"
He looks at my significant other, "TIENES LA CAMISA CAFE!!"
After that, we both just started yelling out random colors in the lyrics as we drove to the next party destination.
At the next destination, we decided to light all of our fire gear. I'm going to try to post one of the cool ones here. That was when the huge fog came.
Everyone wound up getting home around 3 am or so. We made a side trip back to the house to burn the old memories/regrets that we want to get rid of. A good tradition of mine.

We write down all of the bad memories/ regrets on a piece of paper. It can be a regular piece or one that symbolizes something. Write it in a paragraph, picture, random scribbles, or just words, emotions. I like to do a mix. Write all that you wan tto forget: People, places, events, whatever. Throw it in a fire. Any fire, and it's gone forever. That's how we start of the new year, without all that shit in our heads. It's gone.
So happy new year guys, I'm sure we are gonna have a good one. I've made new friends, and I'm going to keep them.
New Year's Resolutions: BAH HUMBUG! I'm just going to keep things in mind for the year and follow my instinct.
I'll post those pics later, I have to go to work. Check back later on today! I'm going to find a way to post the video recordings of some of the fireworks that we blew.
Here's my SO, in all of his fantastic dragon-like Fury:
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*Maki comes back later around 8:00*
heheh, I'm babysitting. I was surprised to see that the youngest one was AFRAID of me...Usually, when I babysit, kids are only shy and then they warm up to me later to the point that they will call out to me if they want to do something. This one screamed if I took ONE step towards her, and whimpered when I said Hi and smiled. I didn't do a thing to her. I sat down in front of her, to my eyes were at her level, and she ran into the closet.
Later on, she was ok when I pushed her swing to make her go higher. She still hangs around my sister more than she does to me. This is wierd...Never happened before.
We were watching TV and this funny show comes on: SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPER FORCE GO!
Usually I'm not all hyper like "Monkeys OHEMGEE! THEY ARE SO RANDOM LIKE WHOAZERS!!" I actually despise that...
Well, anyway, I just thought it was a funny show, and just, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force GO!......
After that show, Power Rangers came on. Let's see, I haven't seen any of that stuff since I was about 5 or 6. This is not just POWER RANGERS,
This is Power Rangers SPD.
This is the like, the hundreth version that crazy Ninja wannabe fighting group, but the characters are still kind of the same:
They move thier limbs funny while in their uniforms or talking
THere's still the 1st hottest girl as the Pink ranger
the second hottest is the Yellow Ranger
One black ranger
One asian ranger
One white guy who is basically the love interest of the Pink ranger.
Unneccessary sharp movements in battle
The enemies still talk funny and they are badly made...
Haha, there is also a girl character named Kat. She's half cat, half girl...

Ani-chan didn't want me to come babysit. Joey, Jess, and Sha'atan had to stay with her at home...crap, she's getting angsty...I hope she'll get used to this, I can't stay home with her all the time and I can't take her everywhere with me.
I'm off to put the little ones to bed. I'll finally have some money after this.
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