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myOtaku.com: PerpetualWolfSage

Friday, February 4, 2005

   rip them from the concrete
Haha, well, another exciting day of crappy dance music, SSDD, match making for me, work and more work at home.
Let's start from this morning i suppose. My sister and I randomly decided to go to school early. Even though it was of my knowledge that Seth would be riding the bus and wouldn't be there like usual. I still went and hung out with Joe and that other girl who's really cool. She's pretty. Joe and I traded arm warmers. Now he has the thick striped one and i have the one with thin stripes. It's awesome, but he stretched it out. So i need to put it in the wash and shrink it so that it fits my arm's form like my other ones did. I liked the way the other ones accentuated the curves on my arm. I don't know if accentuated is a word, but if it isn't, i have a new one. ^.^ Anyway. Sami (my sister) and i went to go get some BREQFAST because she didn't want to go alone. She never wants to go anywhere alone, what a funny gal. When we came back, the whole area was full of people. The buses came in a hurry. My heart picked up speed as i realized that HE might be there. I looked for Yugi and Seth in hopes that he might be talking to them, and for help in case he is spotted...
He was spotted. Seth and Yugi kept trying to get me to talk to him, but again, i was nervous. I tried to, but i would just freeze. Yugi said that she had done something, that had to do with another thing called the Formal Dance at A-kon. Later, i learned that she got him to think about whether or not he will ask me to that dance. I kind of freaked out for a moment. Like i said before, it's been a long time since anything like this has ever happened to me. Haha, It's really weird.
Well, i went to dance class and flirted with the wall *snickers* It was dumb. We had to learna a "Sexy, flirtatous" dance.
Biology was boring. I sat around and listened to Incubus all day. I almost got caught because my CD player was too loud.
We had a sub in History. He let us talk and all that jazz. I got really hyped up becuase i was listening to Mark's Papa Roach CD and felt like starting a mild mosh pit right in the middle of my classroom. I would get everybody up and rolling in no time if he wasn't there. Then Mark gave me some coffee after lunch and i poured in the last of my milk and made Vanalla flavored milk. It was good. At lunch i had to go and type up a report. For some reason i felt like Chris was going to come walking into the library, see me, and come talk to me. So i kept looking at the door and feeling really stupid. I went to get lunch with Andrew and right as i exited the line with my tray, the Bell rang. You could see my practically swallow my pizza whole as i handed the potato wedges *snickers again* to Andrew. I wrapped up my apple and threw that along with my milk into my bookbag. I did all that while trying to catch up with Andrew going up the stairs. We were running so fast, i almost choked. But i made it in time.
GSA was pretty cool. Crystal admitted that she had a crush on me while i admitted i had a crush on her. She's so full of life and always energetic and stuff. Only hides her feelings so that everyone around her can be happy. She only breaks down when it's the right time with the right person to bring her back up. I admire her for putting up with so much shit and still remaining an awesome person. I hate to admit, but I'm not as giddy about her than i am about Chris. But still, it's pretty cool. And i know that i have a better chance with Chris too...probably. She talks about her girlfriend a lot so i think that's taken care of. I like Chris so much though, even though he really didn't say much to me.
Yugi suggested that i write a note about myself to Chris. I did. I mostly talked about A-kon and stuff. Then about Billy and Sha'. The last thing i wrote was "*ring* Well, the bell just rung. I'm off to go attempt to talk to you. See ya!" I gave it to him right before GSA. I actually was able to go up and say what's up and stuff. His smile is so cute!! Such beautiful eyes too!! My legs feel as if they melted into the ground when he actually looked at me while talking. Although, i had to rip them from the concrete before i was late for the meeting.
GOD I WAS SO STUPID!!! Why am i feeling this way again? I thought i was over these stupid giddy emotions....damn. I need help. I really want to go to the dance with him....But what about that Sady Hawkins dance....Shit.

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