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myOtaku.com: ms random

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

   Im back!^-^
hello!I said I will getr back on Sunday and I did...but my damn sister screwed with the computer so I coundnt say Im back..My cousins had the Wii so I able to try the thing..we went to the beach to..I gots all wet and gots some shells!!It was boring though and a bit painfulll because the bed I slept in hurt my back...then when my got near the border it was A FREAKIN LONG LINE!I needed to go to the bath room but I couldnt so I had to wait 7 FREAKIN HOURS to go across the border and find the nearest gas station!but it was fun..though Im glad to be home..
..Im at school right now...I guess the school really doesnt care about me going on the O...yay...
Aw man!I have to do a presentation on chapter four of "All Quiet on the Westeran Front"...I hope I do good..well one of my freinds is going with me to so I guess it wont be that bad!^-^..

..IM GOING TO THE ANIME CONVENTION IN 2 DAYS!!!!WEEEEEEE!...I decided not to cosplay because I really wasnt able to make the costume...Illl take pictures though..you know of other cosplayers and stuff..it gonna be so FUN!!With alll my freinds and sister stuck in a big 'ol' van together!Then we have the most AWESOMEST hotel that were going to stay at!(i have to sleep on the floor though^-^')Its gonna be so fun!^-^I wonder if anyone at theotaku is going to go to the Phenoix convention in Arizona.....
Well Ill see ya laters...and I want to ask you one question, have you ever gone to a convention? LATERS!!!damn this is long..

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