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myOtaku.com: mman

Monday, December 10, 2007

   "I'll Take A Potato Chip..... And Eat It!"
Question on my mind all day: Was Saturday's Death Note supposed to be that hilarious?

It's raining in Arizona today, and I had to walk home through it. It sucked, to say the least. I cheered myself up by going to vgmusic.com and downloading a bunch of old-school video game MIDI tunes. I'm still kind of wet, though...

7th period pissed me off, today. There was an annotation assignment due on Huckleberry Finn in English(yeah, we're reading that...) and, by rough estimate, I'd only gotten through half of it. She checks all the books and returns mine and I turn to the right page and see a big fat zero there (well, it wasn't actually big or fat, but you get the idea). Sure, we'd had an extra weekend to do it 'cause she wasn't there Friday, and sure I blew it off, but... yeah, I deserved it. But my grade's already low, and another zero isn't going to help one bit. So I couldn't help being mad, though I kept my composure. I didn't take the matter up with her, either, because I knew what she was going to say. That's the only notable thing of my day, and that happened the last period.

I'm going rollerskating with my church later. I'm not looking forward to it 'cause I suck at skating. Even though I haven't tried in several years, I recall the last time I tried... Not pretty. I remember pain in my ankles very vividly...

My brother's a turncoat.

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