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myOtaku.com: Miburou

Thursday, September 8, 2005

For the first time in I don't know when, I have NOTHING to post about. Pathetic, ne? Lol.

Well...today was okay I guess. I visited my old teacher from last year cuz my friend's made me, yeah, they're even more weird than me believe it or not. I might be going to skateland with them later too, even though I don't know how to skate! XD Kinda sad for a 14-year-old, huh? Yeah, rollerblades scare me for some reason.

But If I go, I know they're just going to make me skate, and I'll fall on my ass like a wimp. XDDD Won't that be a riot...

Well, I might, or might not go. It IS a week night anyway, so my Mom might say I can't go because of school.

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OMG, OMG! Okay, I'll name everyone! ^_^

Left side: Suzu ( When he was innocent), Yoshida
Right Side: Saizou, Saitou
Top: Susumu, Kondo, Yamanami, Ayumu
Middle: Sanosuke, Heisuke, Shinpachi
Center: Souji, Tetsu

And that's Peacemaker Folks! ^_^ Tiz the best anime/manga EVER!!!!!

Hey! I'm makin' a club for people who love darkness/gore/blood/hate, so I'll have it up and running soon! But you can ask me now if you wanna join!! ^^

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