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myOtaku.com: Miburou

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Heh heh, yeah, sorry everyone for my absence, in case anyone cared at all. And yes, my old name used to be "Kitamura", and I've been in myotaku for awhile now, so don't you people who don't know me treat me like a newbie, okay? -_-" Anyway, where was I, oh yeah, my computer once again atrracted a virus, and this time it got bad, and I had to get a new computer. *Hugs new computer* This one tiz pretty, and it's got more memory so that's good I suppose. Though, I might not be able to post as frequently because I start school in a few days, and you know how homework is.

So again, sorry I had to change my name for like, the third time now, but these viruses just kill meh! X_X; And--as you noticed, my theme so far is Kitamura Suzu *Huggles*. Though, for some reason, I don't really think of him so much as a bishie anymore, more of just a cute guy and that's it. Huh. Oh, if none of you don't know who he is, he's just a white-haired teen from PMK/SIP. ^^ As you can tell from the pics...

Actually, not to confuse you at all, the avi is from SIP (Shinsen Imon Peacemaker), and the image and BG are from PMK (Peace Maker Kurogane).

Music: Rainy Days BY My Brilliant Green


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