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Monday, August 15, 2005

   Hihi This actually has to do with MArk the llamma
Hi ho Hi ho its off to band I go, I leave at 3, come home at 9 hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho.

wow that actually fits the song pretty well.
Well any way... My Durant, my friend, is sad, heer dog might pass, right?
So I was sad to (bout something else)
She told me I cant be sad,
I just cant because because Im the one who cheers every one up!
So in that case... I started telling her the story... of Mark the llama to try and cheer here up.
Wanna hear it?
Too bad here it is;

Once there was a llamma, but he was no ordinary llamma, no... he was Mark the llamma... What does that have to do with any thing... well it doesnt.. thats why his name is mark, not paul, not suzy, not arron, not Saiyuko, not Tsumi, not Hayabusa, no, thats why its just Mark.
Well mark one day had a bit of a problem... a big problem, a very very very very very very very (2 years later0 very very big problem... so big it was tiny to god... a very ery very very very big god named Peter
now, mark was thirsty, so thirsty inface he could eat a whole vat of asparagus (a green grassy vegitable ^^) but not a small vat, no, a tiny vat so tiny that peter would not be able to see it, so to us its a pretty big vat of vegetables
now... Your probably wondering where this is going right?
Well... The answer is quite simple.. Its going no where... I ust made this story up off the top of my head to try and amuse you ^^ so shall I continue?
alright... well mark the llama was thirsty so asparagus wouldnt cut it, no so instead he walked over to the nile river. Hey he was a bi-ig llama...

its about a llama named mark, who is thirsty
and goes off to drink the nile the end

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Brain washing, mind consuming, satanism, eye drying outting! Its tetris.. Dude two of my brothers friends came over and started hanging out with me right? well hes 18 now, and his friends are like 17 and 19 ^^, so they came over and we started playing tetris and eating beaf jerky.
And we like talked, but no words came out, it was death match tetris, we kept saying one more game and we played for another hour...
when we talked, we blabled, and spoke sounds like errrgggaa.a... lol

^^ i love nick and lauren they are soo nice and cool ^^

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very hott, no air conditioning at all...

Any who I downloaded YYh movie one and in the process of downloading the second one... Which is takeing forever.. tomorrow I should be getting petshop of horrors on dvd ^^ or tuesday.. or when ever.

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Im off to church ^^ well for now any way..
but I'll be back

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

   Hi ho
Ok well this post is going to be mutually silent and non exasperating or enthusiastic.
The bowling was suprisingly fun.
We got free tokens to the arcade, and guess where i was... thats right in the arcade with another dude from the party thinger.
Well any way me and him played like 8 games of air hocky, and we like zoned out the games took like an hour each because we werent givin in, and we were so visious too! The puck went every where some times it even hit some one!
People like swooned in watching lol.
It was crazy fun. ^^

well now Im kind of depressed I have one more day of freedom before band camp, yea! I like band camp but I really didnt do any thing this summer, nothing. I hung out with friends yes, but thats normal. I sat around, walked, ate, slept, and went to the bathroom. No beach, no vacation, no camping, no hikeing, no fishing, no picknics, no parties besides a birthday or two with a friend, no theme park... aye this summer BLOWS, and its over...
And I dont know why but now iM not myself....
*sighs* see ya for now ^^

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since I dont know what to put again...

Song of the day:
one by one (by foo fighters)

Movie of the day:
Vampire Hunter D blood lust (go D's hand!)

Manga of the day:
Petshop of horrors volume 2 (woo!)

Color of the day:
Green (live grass is this color)

Flavor of the day:
Green Tea (its a tea ^^)

Word of the day:
Ebonite (hard rubber)

Character of the day:
Yomi (from YYH)

pic of the day:

Site of the day;
one of my happy dappy sites I go to when I wrote something I get bored alot ^^

I love you friends HAHA no serious I cant hate any one ^^
So Im sitting here Gtg I have no free time today... Dang I could have wrote about that... *sniff* Im so stupid hehe.. Well I am friends with the princaples daughter >.< Um I have a party to go to (boo I hate bowling but its ok)

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Friday, August 12, 2005

   Worst nightmare
my entire out fit was see through...
Walking around in my underware with ou t knowing it... Dureing the highschool orientation...
Well apparently when I got dressed this morning the skirt had a slip, but the slip was bilt in, and it was stuck up in the top, so me and my mom didnt know it know it had one, so apparently you could see through it, and my shirt was see through in the back and apparently the front too. A see through mini-skirt and a see-through white top! Kill me now... (not realy)

so I was walkin a round in my underware

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   OH MY GOSH.. Barney boot cam.
The orrientation was run by a complete MORONIC IMBISIL!
it had nothing to do with going into high school! WTF
they got this volunteer thats 54 years old named Jack k? well Jack first of all made us all (about 80 people) In the same area sitting in an auditorium sit up strait and face and watch him. We got in trouble if we looked around.
Then he had us (after 20 minutes of "self disapline") line up in groups and stand in a strait line. Oh my it gets worse.
He then starts makeing our groups do weird things like line up in a strait line, longest hair to shortest hair. Tallest to shortest, oldest to..
countinued later

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Of the day?!
Awe every one has a something of a day so today Im just gunna say some thing of the day in this post ^^ read below post for todays happinings ^^

Todays song;
Cry little sister

Todays movie;
Rocky horror picture show

Todays word:

Todays color;

Todays emoticon;
_-_ o _-_
---- / \ ----
Ta-da its an angel ^^

Todays physical object;

See ya around ^^

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   WOO 7:27 AM
its 7 in the morning and Im getting ready for a high school orrientation at 9 but we're leaving at 8:30 because lisa's pa drives the back roads to avoid traffic. 30 minutes to the school *flat face* |_|' ^^ yay

hmmm Im eating a pop tart which has no nutritional value!

And have you seen the red beer comercials? No well they're funny as boiling poo: read below... or else ^^
(please take no offence to any race of people it is how it is in the video and to take full effect I need nationalities)

Hispanic male in early 40's holding a ugly red stripe beer bottle is standing next to a yes hott guy whos just sitting in a seat.
HM- Redstripe beer, its in the bottle thats so ugly it makes ugly people look beautifull. *turns to hott guy* Hello sir, do you think your ugly?
HG- no, well I think Im----
HM-*cuts off HG* Your ugly, ugly your very ugly!... Here hold this *gives the guy the red stripe beer* Now you are beautifull, *turns to camera* He is a beautifull person!
*every things quiet*
HM- *turns to camera* Redstripe, its beer.... yay beer!
HG-- Yay beer? *dosnt know what just happened*

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