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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Well...today was pretty horrible. -__-U
I was in AP US History 1 this morning, and I got back a pretty bad grade, though it wasn't failing. I got all paranoid, and I had these "what if" thoughts like "what if I keep getting grades like this? will I pass this class?!"
I did pretty bad on the Accoutable Talk today. The teacher was so proud of me yesterday, because I brought up some interesting points about the Great Awakening, but today was all about the French and Indian War (or the Seven Years' War), and I wasn't really prepared to talk about it, so I spoke only when spoken to, or if I felt really secure about what I was about to say. I did poorly, I guess...since the teacher called my mom.
I kinda started crying in her class yesterday (about the "bad" grade). I gess I've been kinda waiting to break down for a while...but I wish it didn't have to be in the middle of AP US class. *sigh* I exused myself for a looong while.
The "rumor" that I cried in class spread like wildfire throughout the school, and I got sympathetic looks everywhere I went. "You okay, Lauren?" "Do you want to go see the councelor?" "I can get you an appointment to see a shrink!" I did a mental twitch.
But it was very nice after school. I was talking to a friend after school, and she told me to look out the window...and her and a bunch of my other friends were out there with a poster that read "Keep Holding On, Lauren! Made made dane."
I couldn't help but laugh, it doesn't get much better than that. ^_^
Ah, "made made dane" is a TeniPuri reference which means "you still have a long ways to go" in English. I'm very surprised they remembered that.
Wow...so I think I just posted 2 days in a row...sorry about that!
Hope everyone else is doing fine.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Well, sorry I haven't been on in a while~! XD
My week was jammed packed with homework. I kinda felt like I was imploding on myself a bit. Literally cried today over it. -___-lll
I get too stressed out sometimes!! DX
Friday was a good day, though. I had to babysit last minute. I watch over my brother's friend's brother...and he's mentally retarded...and hyperactive. He's 6 years old, and he's the cutest thing. lol
"Yeah, Hughie?"<--his name is Hugh, but we call him Hughie
"Will you marry me?"
"*insert long awww sound w/. trembling lip*"
"Wiiiiillll youuuu?!"
"We'll see when you're older, Hughie"
"Oh...Hey, Lauren?"
"Yeah, Hughie?"
"When will I be 35?"
"Why do you wanna know that, Hughie?"
"Cuz...don't people get married at 35?"
Ah hahahaha. I love this child to death.
Quirky Fact of the day: Many people in Bayonne, New Jersey are trying to make it illegal to flip someone off while driving. They want to consider this road rage and for the offender to recieve a fine for road rage. XD In my opinion, this is ridiculous. How are you ever going to prove that the other person flipped you off in the car?! My town is dumb.
Hope everyone's doing well in school. I'm off to start my homework. =P

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Lauren, the Pessimistic Babylonian"
Well...I guess I wasn't paying attention in Theology 10-Scripture Study today...and then all of a sudden, my teacher calls me a "pessimistic Babylonian", and told me to sit in the Babylon corner of the room while all the rest of my classmates were Jews. It's kinda weird...but I laughed a bit since the Babylon corner had a fan, and the Jew corner didn't. So..."Pessimistic Babylonian" is my new nickname. I hate it. I specifically don't talk in class so that no one has anything mean to say about me except that I need to talk more. *sigh* Whatever!

Oh, I remembered three random facts about me that I should've put when I was tagged.
1) I hate going out to eat with family or friends. It's not like I hate people, or hate eating...I just hate the way it sounds when people eat, especially my mom. I can't stand it...
2) Burping. I have no problem with it. If you need to burp...then just do it! But please, do not let this get to your head and try to burp the fucking alphabet. Alphabets are for soup...not for that.
3)I hate the word "birdie (or -y)". It makes me cringe for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I love birds...but I just hate that word....If you have to pronouce it wrong say "burr-duh" or something! *frazzled*

Other than that. It was a pretty okay day. It rained a lot the last two days...and my AP US class was convinced it was the teacher's fault, since she prayed for rain and did a rain dance, and BANG, it happened (i always knew something was off about her, lmfao). And I learned today that the fire bells in my school are louder than the music at Warped and Bamboozle put together. XD

Don't you just despise fire drills?


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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tomorrow is the firt full day of school! Whoho.
I think I'm actually looking forward to it. I'll get to see all the new freshmen. And I'll be that nice sophomore that helps them get their lockers open! Sometimes you have to bang on the top and then kick the bottom after getting the combo right. XD
*yawn* Last night was pretty bad...my mom was crying about my dad, cuz he left us a while ago...and I can't stand it when people I dislike cry, so we kinda said mean things to eachother. Then it was a battle of who can say the most retarded curse. I think I threw out Ace's "ass hat" at the end. lmfao.
I'm a light sleeper, so I couldn't sleep because she couldn't. So I proped myself up against a wall and waited till I passed out. Don't sleep like the people. Your neck will hurt...*sigh*
I was a bit iffy on my theme...since I did it on my laptop, I thought it didn't fit the sceen. Turned out, though, that I think it's just my laptop doing that to it. ^_^
So, how's everyone feeling?

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to school...
Yessir, time to haul ass at 5:30 in the morning again and get to school. *sigh*
I'd like to take the time to ramble about my schedule now. I have 4 classes a day, each of which are 80 minutes long (that's an hour and 20 minutes, people), a homeroom class, and lunch.

Block 1: Theology 10
Basically Old Testament Scripture study, where we get to learn about "blood, sex, scandals and God." (as quoted by my Theology teacher...who has a very heavy Irish accent might I add...)

My God...I have this woman named Hernandez as the moderator. She's the Spanish and French teacher. Seriously, if she wasn't a blonde, I'd call her a Nazi General or something...she has something stuck up her ass. You'd expect new teachers to be nicer than her. I'm glad I didn't continue French this year. XD

Block 2: AP US History 1
....with Ms. Rosenbaum. *twitch* She scares me...it's like she's PMSing 24/7.

Block 3: Honors Biology
Taught by a little woman with a very tiny voice. Really surprised me when she cracked the whip on us about homework assignments. She wants us to read the newspaper...can't we just watch the news?! At least 1 report a week, 2 tests a month, 4 quizzes a month, 1 project a month, and written homework assignments every night. She told us if anything was late that she'd beat us wth a stick and force us to drink frog guts.

Block 4: Honors Algebra 2
Ahhhh. Miss Way Way Lo (i know...it's kinda funny). She's a little Chinese woman, and she's just adorable~! I love her to death. ^_^
She asked me to celebrate Chinese New Year with her in February. Hopefully I don't get sick of her accent, too.

And that's going to be my days until around January. Thanks for listening to me ramble~!

Does everyone like their classes so far?


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Friday, August 31, 2007

Well...it's around midnight here in New Jersey. Friday morning, I guess. It doesn't seem that late.
I've just done the dumbest thing. I have this retainer I'm supposed to wear...and I thought it really wasn't important (plus I'm forgetful of these things) so I never wore it. My mom told me today that I had an orthodontic appointment at the end of September, so the guy could see how I was doing with my retainer. I had a big "oh shit" moment.
So...I jammed my retainer in around 6pm Thursday. It...wasn't too bright. Since I'm sitting here now, and it's STUCK to my teeth. That's right, it won't come off...
-___- I feel like a biiiig retard. I should've seen this comming when it wasn't going on right...
I can't talk or eat or anything.
I thought I'd share this with you guys. HAHA. I'm trying to find the humor in all this (to make myself feel better). But I'm sure you're all getting "hahas" outa this. XD
Oh, and I wanted to thank you all for leaving me so many comments on my last post! It makes me feel sooo happy. ^_^
Anyone esle do anything stupid lately?

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Well. Summer is almost over. I go back to school September 6th. It feels like I havent left, with all the summer courses and homework I've been doing! XD
I just got back from cleaning the school library. The librarian absolutely loves me.
*sigh* It's been a very long year...
Anyway, I'm back for the most part, and I'm answerig PMs, and slowly getting back into the groove of checking up on some of my friend's sites. It feels like I'm new here again. Haha.
I'm also going to try to make at least...2 (or 3) posts a week. I wanna try and be here more often! ^_^

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Ah, Lauren is back. I probably wont be making that many posts...but I frequently check my PMs, so if you ever wanna talk, just PM me~! I'll look forward to it!
Anyway, I was "tagged" by Ace (akai-ryu), and I figured I'd play along.
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.

My random facts
1) No matter how much I deny it, I do sing in the shower.
2)I could be the smartest person you ever met...but I get easily distracted by shiny things...I have no common sense whatsoever.
3)I wear flip flops in the shower since I'm paranoid of getting warts...and it makes me feel better since I'm hydrophobic.
4)I usually have a different hair style every 3 months
5)I love my girlfriend. <3 (you're probably all like "gasp, lauren! you were gone too long!")
6)I like Math...but I hate Stats and Probability.
7)I'm pretty mature, but I have a very childish voice.
8)All my fingers are double jointed from spraining them so much in basketball, combined with the idiotic doctors that Bayonne Hospital has. I'm glad they're closing down. haha.

And...I will tag
1)Jenny (Shallow Heart)
3)Alice (Angel Asuka)
4)Bonnie (knightwolfgirl)
6) J Briones
7)Jen (marlinmanson)

Also...since I don't plan on posting again anytime soon...take this survey please if you're bored!
1.I committed suicide:

2.I said I like you:

3.I kissed you:

4.I liked someone you didn¡¯t:

5.I was hospitalized:

6.I ran away from home:

What you think of my:


8.Who are you?

9.Are we friends?

10.When and how did we meet?

11.What do you think of me?

12.How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?

13.Do you love me?

14.Have I ever hurt you?

15.Would you hug me?

16.Would you kiss me?

17.Are we close?

18.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

19.How long have you known me?

20.Describe me in one word.

21.What was your first impression?

22.Do you still think that way about me now?

23.What do you think my weakness is?

24.Do you think I'll get married (if yes to who)?

25.What reminds you of me?

26.What's something you would change about me?

27.How well do you know me?

28.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

29.If so tell me now? (or PM me)

30.Do you think I would kill someone?

31.Are you going to put this on your otaku site and see what I say about you?

Hope everyone's been doing well!

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm sorry to say that...I'll be leaving MyO for some time...
My grades are suffering a bit from all the activities I'm in, and my parents are really wack...I can't even begin to describe this month.
Well, I'd still love to talk to you guys~!
So please, e-mail or IM me at Lsparkledude (@aol.com) or I have a myspace http://www.myspace.com/lsparkledude
I'd really love to stay in touch with you guys....looking forward to some e-mails and stuff.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm just a painter and I'm drawing a blank...

Well, this weekend pretty much sucked.
But at least school was cancelled last minute!! ^_^
I've been working really hard at school...funny thing is though, it's not paying off. I need to meet with the guidance councelor about my grades, since they're slipping, and I rank in with the top six at my school. It looks bad. *sigh*
Now my friends have been bugging me to write a manga...which I'm not doing. I sit with a bunch of artists, which really looks bad, cuz they can just sit there and draw...and then after they're done I copy with they do and make it my own. I feel like Satoshi from DNAngel. T_T
Gah. *collapses* I'm going to change my bg yet again. I dunno, I get bored quickly, and this seems a little girly to me. ^_^
Hope everyone has a good day today, sorry if you're stuck in school~!

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