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myOtaku.com: linkinuzelos

Thursday, October 19, 2006

   hmmm lets try something new


Since i don't get much of a response when i submit a post at night/afternoon maybe i should do it either late at night or in the morning...

Well im in the library right now. Heh this is my first time to be in the school library..isn't that sad? heh ive been here since aug. The funny thing is for the longest time i didn't even know where the campus library was! I had to come down here for a class. We were learning how to use the library's electronic databases. I had to pick a topic for a retorical annalisis (gosh my spelling) paper. I think im going to do NASA funding.....
Speeking of NASA did i tell you all that im thinking about possibly working for nasa one day? I think that would be so cool! Everyone needs mechanical engineers. Heehee i might even see if i could work for nintendo too helping with making the systems or working with programing games. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Wow im just rambling. Tomorrow im going to see The Gaurdian! Im so excited! I love movies. Since ive been at college i haven't been in a while (not only because i have no money and no time...but there hasn't really been any movies out that interest me). Going to the movie theater (or drive in) is one of my favorite things to do. And Gosh...popcorn is one of my all time favorite foods! I could eat an extra large popcorn if someone let me. lol then i would probably get sick. Oh have any of you tried eating chocolate with popcorn. Next time you go get popcorn and a bag of M&m's, its so good! The only problem with movie theaters is they jip you on food...heehee i usually sneak a water bottle in in my purse and some candy and then split a popcorn there. Drive in's have much better pricing on there food.
Heehee man I'm just getting of topic...
oh do you think i should change my avatart to this?

it makes me laugh...heh..fai
I kinda prefer moving icons though
hmmm whatelse can i fill up space with
heehee check out this icon...if it was a little slower it would be better...the words go by to fast

ok well i probably should get back to my room and eat a snack or something...i have a lab soon and it is from 10:50 to 1:40...right in the middle of lunch and i didn't have breakfast this morning!
*stomache grumbling*
hmmm maybe some ham and cheese
lol well ttfn!
when i saw that in the manga i about died!

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