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Saturday, July 8, 2006

   Im back!


Well how has everyone been?
I had a GREAT time at Student life camp. i have lots of stories but i think ill tell you a funny story about camp every day so this post won't be so long! ^-^
First i have to tell you something really exciting! Every camp sometime during the day we go into the auditorium of the college and sing with a praise band (this year it was Steve Nee) and have some videos, some dramas and a speaker (this year was JR Vasser, he was VERY good)...in between there are some other stuff but that is not important right now. Anyways during free time there are some activities going on on certain days. on of the days you could go hang out with the drama people. there are only 4 people on the drama team. anyways, we played some improve games. lol i didn't get to play until the last one but one of them was the game they play on who's line is it anyways, ya know the one where there is a party and the host has to guess who the guests are? lol one of the people was jack sparrow (which by the way i went to see that movie yesterday and it was AWESOME. i think im going to see it again. it was pretty funny). back to the story, after i played the last improve game (we had to stand in a line and take turns telling it. each one of us had to tell the story in an emotion. it doesn't matter what is going on in the story, you just have to be telling it in the certain emotion they gave you. lol i was the last person in the line and i had to be furious! Everyone cracked up when i started "flaring" it was a lot of fun!) the pulled me and 2 other people over. they asked us if we wanted to help them out doing a small extra part in one of their skits over the week!! I would help them that night and the other 2 would help out the next night. I was so shocked! i always new the drama team would ask students to help sometimes but i never knew i would get to do it. Anyways i decided not to tell anyone about it...well i did tell 3 people that were there with me and my dad, but the rest of my youth group had no idea! I went backstage later that day and they explained what i had to do. All i had to do was walk out on stage when they said a certain line, sit down and pretend im reading a magazine. they walked over and i got up and said, "hey guys! how's it goin'?" One of the actors then put his arm around me and talked to me as we walked of stage. and that was it. Before all this it was really cool because i got to meet all the staff backstage. everyone was really nice. I got to pray with them before the service started. Before the drama, one of the girl actors told me that the drama team likes to pray befor they go on also. so we got in a "huddle" and everyone had there arms around each other. She prayed and i felt so special to be there and not nervous at all!
The coolest part was walking out on stage and i heard all this murmering...heh heh it was my surprised youth group! That was a lot of fun! I've been thinking about working for student life one year, not as a drama person....im not really that good, just wild..heehee. but maybe as a rec or missions leader. i don't know, I'll just have to see where God leads me.
Tomorrow ill tell you some more stories of camp...mostly funny! ^-^
oh yeah and i got to play lots of ultimate frisbee!!

Question: Have you guys seen the new pirate movie yet?!
Me: as i said before....YES!!! Isn't it awesome! It was better than i thought it would be! I can't wait till the next one comes out! Lol i was sitting in the 3 row from the front and there was this one part i practically jumped in the air i got so scared (for those of you that have seen it, near the end when that octopus thingy roars or what ever in Jacks face!)

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