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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Three days and worn out!
Time: 22.45pm
Listening/Watching: 50 Greatest TV Stars
Mood: Tired!!

O my days, what a day it has been! I was awake at 7am today thinking me and my sisters were goin gto go shopping because i know how much my older sister hates shopping when it is busy. Geez, was i wrong.
Well, i was awake at early hours whilest everyone else slept away, as i had nothing better to do i was going to the kitchen getting something to eat as i get rather hungry during the day when i wake up now.
I realised that my mum was awake and so made soem tea and had breakfast then went to go and get ready seeing that my sister was up as well.
I was wrong again.
She was not up, infact she woke up and got ready for 1pm!!! 1PM!! O MY DAYS! but we did go shopping to and outlet village where everything is cheap, got myself a reebok jumper and some books on how to make cocktails along with some make up! Why not treat yourself!!
Well spent most the day out and came home and watched star wars- return of the jedi, very enetertaining!!!


First word game - remember it is the first word that comes in to your head.

1. frost
2. jedi
3. star
4. princess
5. Warrior

Here are mine:

1. Bite
2. knight
3. wars
4. Prince
5. Sword

have fun!!


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