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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a normal day in the life of Edge. Thanks to Lordsesshomaru I will actually be able to show you guys who will be fighting who in the up coming matches for the ultimate anime character…ok I need to work on the title. But anyways…I will say that all the match ups were completely random, and most of these fights will show you that, but there is one fight that just happened to work out oddly…I wasn’t paying attention when I was numbering the fighters as the songs played until I wrote down the fighters and their opponents, when it stuck me…I have two characters from the same anime fighting, and what makes it really odd is the simple fact that they have fought before, but never really finished their fight. So in other words my tournament shall prove which one of these warriors was meant to win. And I have some bad news regarding Friday’s story…I might not be able to post one…since I have been caught up in making this tournament…but don’t lose hope, I should be able to write it before I have to post it…but only time shall tell. And I have…sort of changed my site’s song today. It still has Masterplan’s “When Love Comes Close”, but I thought it would be good if I also added in Nickelback’s “If everyone cared”. Why did I do this you ask? Well it’s simple, Monday’s massacre…it’s not really my thing to do anything in memory people I don’t know…but I was effected by that because someone dear to me happens to live near that city…yes its Misty. Luckily she doesn’t go to that school, nor does she even live in the same city…but it was too close for Edge’s comfort, so I placed that song on here to show you if everyone just cared a little more then maybe life wouldn’t be as horrible as it is. So yeah that’s it for this portion of my post, so please do enjoy the rest of it, and I shall try my hardest to comment on your post…but I can’t promise anything. So I’ll talk with you guys later.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lytjuh, and she asks “I see you're doing a tournament…is it like Lordsesshomaru’s ones?” Well in a way yes it is sort of like his, but mine will have one clear difference in it. Mine will actually have battle results. In other words mine will tell you how each fighter won their match. So it should be interesting. Anyways the next question is from Shred, and he asks “Wait so that would make you a knightly Jiraiya?” Yeah that sounds like the best way to put it. I’m Jiraiya with moral standings that not even my pervyness will interfere with.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Fine, I’ll give you back your perv points.” Well you better give me back my points…and don’t think I forgot about getting back at your for your remark about me on your site from yesterday...I will get my revenge. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Cool, the characters are going to have theme music.” No, no theme music. I only gave them songs to help me find out with place they would get in the tournament…hell I don’t even have the paper with the songs and who had which song anymore. Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “The way you chose who would fight is strange. But I like the way you do things Edge. Always thinking outside the box!” Yeah it was an odd way of picking the placement of the fighters…but I wanted to try something new, and hell it work out perfectly…took me forever to do it, but I kept myself from having control over who got placed where, and yes if I had drawn names out of a hat I would have had control over who I picked…believe me Edge is a master at getting things his way. I am the Pervy Sage after all.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Do you think my rules are too strict? Or are they just right? Honestly I think they work perfectly. They may be a little strict, but if I weren’t strict then I may have chaos come my way, and I don’t want that for my first tournament…maybe the second one, but not this one.

Today’s Question

1.) Well there’s the link, so would you agree that those matches look random?

The Un-Named Tournament

Comments (15) | Permalink

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a bad day for Edge…why you ask? Well instead of falling asleep in class like I thought I would do, I actually never even made it to class…why’s that you ask? Well it’s simple…either my alarm clock didn’t go off or Edge was so tired he didn’t hear his alarm clock…either way I missed my only class for yesterday…and that makes me mad because now I have no more skip days left in that class. Anyways on to the tournament, you know how I’ve been saying I haven’t named my tournament yet? Well funny thing is I was thinking to myself (yes I do think) and I thought, “I keep calling this tournament the Un-Named Tournament…why not just name it the Un-Named Tournament?” So needless to say I named my tournament “The Un-Named Tournament” I though it fit the way Edge does things…I also have all the first round matches made out, and ever match was randomly placed together. I must admit I did it in an odd way…I picked 64 songs off of my ipod and I placed them into a separate playlist and set the setting for playing the songs to randomize. And each anime character had their own song, so when a certain song played a certain character was given the number in which the song played (listing from 1-64) I know it is Wednesday, so my tournament shall start this coming up Monday. I do hope you guys are ready for this tournament, because it is coming and it will last awhile…and I will bet some of you will be sick of this tournament…and will probably have me shorten it down for next year…but we’ll see about it. And yes the rules to my tournament are posted below the post…in the same spot as yesterday’s fighters listing. So please do check on those because I will NOT be changing any of them. They are the rules, so deal with them. Anyways, that’s all for my post. I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of it, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites today.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Misty, and she asks “So who's this other girl you're waiting for?” It’s no one to be concerned over. She likes another guy, so Edge’s chances with this girl are slim to not happening. And I know your going to yell at me for not looking at the bright side of this, but there are actually some battles in life that not even the brightest moods can break through. I will admit at one time I actually thought I might have a chance, but then the fates turned against me. So Edge accepts this defeat…but I will admit that I have never given up on something I want, and I don’t plan on anytime soon. Anyways the next question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “So you DIDN'T get her phone number?” No I didn’t, and even if I had there wouldn’t have been anything between us. Because she happens to live 50 something miles from me…and I don’t feel like driving that far just to see some girl I’m not interested in.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Well, I didn't think anything about U and Misty, I just said that it's sweet. So...I'm sorry if I offend U.” Oh…no you were in the right…I’m the one that needs to say sorry…I’m just used to people trying to say me and Misty are dating, so I try now and days to correct anyone who is new to my site abut that…So I am very sorry that I said that. The second discussion is also from Gidra, and she says “I wanted to suggest Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin, but I knew he would get in.” Well actually he only got in because I voted for him. If I didn’t get to pick any characters he would have been left out, thank goodness I like him and when he used it his big sword. Anyways the second discussion is from Grifter, and he says “I always pegged you diggin' on the Southern Belle types. I've been wrong before...just can't remember when.” Edge has no true pre-picked set of girls in which he likes or think is hot…I will admit though I’m not very found of Southern Belles…they actually annoy me with that accent…yes Edge may live in the South, but he is lucky enough to have been raised in different cities around the US that he has no accent…I have taught myself to keep a normal sounding voice wherever I happen to be.” Anyways the fourth discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Russian girls eh? Yet you remained faithful, you get a deduction in perv points.” That’s not fair…my Perv points shouldn’t be effected by my moral standing when it comes to being faithful to a losing battle…I find that unfair. Edge may be the Pervy Sage, but he still has his knightly morals. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Holy crap! 64!!!! Dear god that's a lot! WOW, this should be fun! Edge everyone knows you have your heart set on someone.” Yeah I will agree…and just think I’ll have to write a battle description to each fight explaining how each character won their match…so round one will have a grand total of 32 fights descriptions…this should be a lot of fun. And I suppose all of you do know who Edge has his heart set on, but as I explained to Misty, I don’t see me winning that battle anytime soon…if even ever. Oh well…life goes on. The sixth discussion is from Misty, and she says “I didn't get to choose! I want Chun Lee: Street Fighter, Millinear: Rebirth, Major Motoko: Ghost in the Shell.” Sorry Misty your votes are invalid for two reasons; one – This is a tournament only for ANIME characters, one of your picks is from a video game and another is from a manga, so they would have been thrown out if not for the second reason to why I can’t let you vote, and that would be. Two – You’re vote is a day late, sorry but I have to be strict with this tournament. If I let you get away with this little vote then I’ll have to let someone else get away with it, and I will not have that happen. So once again I’m sorry but your votes have been classified as invalid and shall not be recognized.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So do you like the listing of the fighters? (in other words, do you like the fighters?) Of course I do…I must admit there are a few I’ve never heard of…but I’m sure I’ll get to know of them soon. And I have to like a lot of them since I voted for 20 of them myself. And countless others were also the ones I would have voted in myself.

Today’s Question

1.) Do you think my rules are too strict? Or are they just right?

The Un-Named Tournament

The Rules

“Round ?”

1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is whiteknightken@yahoo.com so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.

Comments (16) | Permalink

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice relaxing day…since I did almost nothing but relax, and go to school…now that was a pain, but I won’t go into details about school…because honestly nothing much happened. Now Sunday was the day in which I couldn’t explain why I was so tired…so now I shall. I actually had to do two stores yesterday, so not only did I have to get up at 4:45 AM just to get ready for the store, the night before I wasn’t able to sleep…so needless to say Edge was on the edge that morning, I then got home around noon…I hoped I could take a small nap…but nope. My family was over here for Sunday dinner…so Edge lost his nap time. I then had to be at the other store at 4:45 PM…and we were in that store until 1:00 AM. But one of the few good things about that night was Edge got to flirt with a hot Russian girl, another good thing was I counted 90% of the backroom…which actually turned out to be over half the store…and the final good thing was…the hot Russian girl was in the backroom with me all night. It’s a shame that Edge has his heart somewhere else or he might have actually been tempted to get her number…but let’s keep this a secret, no one needs to know I have my heart set on someone. So no one say anything. Anyways yesterday was the final day to get your favorite anime characters into my un-named tournament, and the listing of all the combatants will be posted below my post…in the actually area my story would be on Fridays. I should also have my rules set up by tomorrow, so be on the look out for them, and if you do not agree with my rules…well then you don’t have to take place in my tournament. It will not hurt my feelings any. With well over 64 anime characters fighting I really don’t have the time to detail with any whining. And then having all the fight scenes to write…I really won’t have the patience to deal with anyone’s complaints. So either go along with the rules, or just don’t take part in the tournament. And I think it’s funny, I had you guys each pick three characters for this tournament, and I knew it wouldn’t be enough to fill my hopes, in other words I made sure I got to place some of my favorites in this tournament, and believe me I got a lot more votes than any of you…but then again I don’t get to vote in this tournament, so it all works out for the best. Well that’s the end of my post for today, I’ll try my hardest to visit everyone’s sites today…can’t promise if I will or not…but I will try. So please do enjoy the rest of my post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Greendee, and she asks “How do you get music on your site?” Well I use a place called Imeem. And I copy down a code and then I paste that code I my coding for my site, and when I come to my site the music plays. It’s that simple for me…now how you can do it…I have no idea. Anyways the next question is from Basketball babe, and she asks “How do you post a picture on your site?” The same way I do a song, read the instructions…except instead of Imeem, you should try photobucket. The next question is from Unicornrain, and she asks “Are you still physically suffering from the Xterra thing?” Actually yes I am, my back is actually completely screwed up…if I bend over right I will be in so much pain it’s not even full. And if I have been standing for too long my back will actually start to hurt…so in other words my back is the only art of me that is still suffering from that fall.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Well...I'm glad that you’re OK and happy to hear about you and Misty. That is so SWEET.” Please tell me you don’t think me and Misty are boyfriend and girlfriend…because we are not. And I don’t see us going out any time soon, but that’s ok with me because I know she is happy, and that’s all that matters to me. So the second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “I'm glad that your injuries weren't worse than what they were, and that you made it through that alive. I didn't know you all that well at that time. However, I was thinking "OMG!" And now that we are better friends, I am really thankful that you are still with us today.” Yeah that was a horrible day in my life time. I scared two of my friends to death, I know I made Misty horrible sad seeing me like that…and then there was Monika (girl who was driving the Xterra) she was actually horribly worried about me, and then there was Zero…now I was shocked to hear she was there to visit while I was in the ER. But over time all wounds heal. And yes we are now much better friends, and I am glad to admit that, because I love having you as one of my close friends. Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I don't know who that girl in the opening image is, but LS likes.” Her name is Lilith and she is from a manga called Rebirth…yes the very same Rebirth that is also Edge’s and Misty’s favorite manga in the world. One reason why I finally choose to change my theme to it, since I had so much free time I made the background. So I’m glad to admit it turned out very nicely. The fourth discussion is from Squiggy, and she says “The three characters I'd like to see are Domon, Heero, and....Amon! Oh yea!” You already voted!!! You can’t add any more from this account. So I can’t take any of those votes…even though Amon is already in the tournament anyways. Hell he was YOUR first pick, and the first to be added into the tournament.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Alright, so what three anime characters do you want in this tournament? Edge does not vote for three characters…Edge will vote for 20 different characters…which ones? I’ll never tell…just let it be known I picked a few girls with some nice…fighting skills…yeah that it’s skills not looks…

Today’s Question

1.) So do you like the listing of the fighters? (in other words, do you like the fighters?)

The Un-Named Tournament

The Fighters

“Round ?”

1.) Amon – Witch Hunter Robin
2.) Kiba – Wolf Rain
3.) Roger – Big O
4.) L – Death Note
5.) Chad - Bleach
6.) Maes Hughes – Fullmetal Alchemist
7.) Vash - Trigun
8.) Brandon Heat - Gungrave
9.) Beyond the Grave - Gungrave
10.) Kenshin – Rurouni Kenshin
11.) Griffith - Berserk
12.) Gennosuke Kouga - Basilisk
13.) Sesshomaru - Inuyasha
14.) Vegeta – Dragonball Z
15.) Ed Elric – Fullmetal Alchemist
16.) Itachi - Naruto
17.) Kakashi - Naruto
18.) Deidara - Naruto
19.) Rukia - Bleach
20.) Kiba - Naruto
21.) Sai - Naruto
22.) Ichigo - Bleach
23.) Alucard - Hellsing
24.) Light – Death Note
25.) Luffy – One Piece
26.) Sanji – One Piece
27.) Zolo/Zoro – One Piece
28.) Yusuke – Yu Yu Hakusho
29.) Inuyasha - Inuyasha
30.) Haru Glory – Rave Master
31.) Dark - DNAngel
32.) Ban Mido – Get Backers
33.) San – Princess Mononoke
34.) Anna – Shaman King
35.) Nicholas D. Wolfwood - Trigun
36.) Sasuke - Naruto
37.) Naruto - Naruto
38.) Hiei – Yu Yu Hakusho
39.) Sanzo - Saiyuki
40.) Shin – Saint Beast
41.) Guts – Berserk
42.) Jiraiya - Naruto
43.) Zabuza - Naruto
44.) Duo Maxwell – Gundam Wing
45.) Roy Mustang – Fullmetal Alchemist
46.) Goku – Dragonball Z
47.) Cell – Dragonball Z
48.) Mugen – Samurai Champloo
49.) Jin – Samurai Champloo
50.) Gojyo - Saiyuki
51.) Kurama – Yu Yu Hakusho
52.) Kyo – Samurai Deeper Kyo
53.) Saito – Rurouni Kenshin
54.) Yukimaru – Samurai Deeper Kyo
55.) Sanosuke – Rurouni Kenshin
56.) Miroku - Inuyasha
57.) Tsunade - Naruto
58.) Scar – Fullmetal Alchemist
59.) Alex Louis Armstrong – Fullmetal Alchemist
60.) Heero Yui – Gundam Wing
61.) Orihime - Bleach
62.) Abel Nightroad – Trinity Blood
63.) Alphonse Elric – Fullmetal Alchemist
64.) Elie – Rave Master

Comments (13) | Permalink

Monday, April 16, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I hate to say I will not be posting a real post for today, since I just worked my ass off for the past twelve hours…two stores in one day…and I’ve been up since 4:30 AM yesterday morning…time for Edge to go to bed, and for those of you that haven’t put in your votes to see your favorite anime characters in my tournament, then please do so today. I will also not have a Q & A section, nor will I have a Discussion area, and lastly my question of the day will not change at all. So if you have answered it then you no longer have to comment about it. Anyways, and thanks for understanding…now Edge is answer all questions and discussions in tomorrows post. So if you want you can still ask away. Well Goodnight my friends…for it’s time for me to die in my bed.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from No one today.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Not a person.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So what do you guys think of my tournament idea? I loved the idea, that’s why I’m doing it. And I can’t wait to throw Edge and Rire into an argument over who should win.

Today’s Question

1.) Alright, so what three anime characters do you want in this tournament?

Comments (10) | Permalink

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a complete waste of time…I didn’t do a damn thing…ok I did do one thing, but it was only to get ready for the up coming tournament. I was collecting images of the fighters to take place in my tournament. I was also looking at how few comments I got yesterday…and I know how few I shall get today, so I will actually keep the same question of the day up until Tuesday, so if anything everyone will get to vote. And remember you all had three votes, and if you did not take advantage of those three yesterday then I suggest you take advantage of it before I stop the voting, because once I stop on Tuesday I will no longer take anyone’s votes and my vote will take the rest of the empty spaces. And if you happen to vote for the same character another person has I will PM you to tell you that that character is already in the tournament and that I will let you do another vote, but through the PM of course. On Monday I will actually post a listing of the characters that are already in the fight, so if anything that can help you out a lot. So far we have 26 fighters, and that is still not up to the amount that I wanted in this tournament…to be honest it isn’t even half of what I want…I know I’m actually trying for a big tournament, screw those short ones (Sorry Lordsesshomaru and Caprice). Well I’ve also created two new wallpapers off of my favorite manga, I will be posting those up on Monday as well, but don’t go looking for them in my portfolio because I haven’t even submitted them yet, so HA! And before I end this post, I have once again changed my theme…the red was a little too much for me, so I went even darker this time. My theme is now Rebirth, and the song that is playing is my favorite Masterplan song, and its title is “When Love Comes Close” I swear that song fits the character I have in the banner so well you wouldn’t even believe it. Anyways that the end of my post for today, please do enjoy the rest of the post. And I shall try my hardest to get to everyone site’s tomorrow…but I can’t promise because I work two stores today, so if I don’t drop by then I’m sorry.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Gidra, and she asks “What is this talk about U should be dead?” Well Friday April the 13th…well not really the Friday part, but the 13th of April, was the one year anniversary of my fall off of an Xterra. For those of you that do not know what an Xterra is it is an SUV like vehicle that is around seven feet off the ground. Well good old Edge was sitting on top of one when his friend choose to step on the gas sending Edge flying off the top causing him to crack his skull , two neck bones, and even screwing up my lower back. But Edge lived through that…and Misty is still mad at me for doing that to her…she was there when I fell, and ever since me and her have become a lot closer. Hell she was the one that held my head up until my mom got me to the emergency room…I actually woke up in her arms…and chest…But enough of that…you guys don’t need an in depth explanation of what Misty means to Edge…so let’s find something else to talk about…


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Yay! I can't wait for the tournament. That's the one drawback to mine compared to Lordsesshomaru's. I didn't really have much of a commentary. After seeing his, I just felt like I'd be copying to do the same. But I'm sure yours will be really good.” Mine will look like his…but it will not be like his. For a couple reasons really. For one mine will be a lot longer…and I’ll only have about two or three fights a day…because writing these fights scenes will take some time…And hell that actually goes into part two, mine will actually have fight scene details, like how each winner won their match. And finally my tournament will actually be hosted not by two anime characters like in his; mine will be hosted by two characters from my very own story. Edge and Rire…ok so Rire was Lordsesshomaru’s creation…but I made him popular with my writing. So yeah that’s all the differences that I can think of for now…Anyways the second discussion is from NarutoBlackmail, and she says “Haha, near death experiences... Not the most fun things to remember.” Actually I wish I could remember it…the only things I remember is me waking up in Misty’s chest…I mean arms, and then me fighting with the nurses to keep them from cutting off my shirt…I won that fight by the way. And then I remember seeing family members visiting me and then I remember Zero showing up…now that was a shocker for me. I don’t even remember Misty leaving my side…and then one moment she was gone and I didn’t see her until the next day.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So what do you guys think of my tournament idea? I loved the idea, that’s why I’m doing it. And I can’t wait to throw Edge and Rire into an argument over who should win.

Today’s Question

1.) Alright, so what three anime characters do you want in this tournament?

The Original Cursed Knight

Chapter Thirteen

“The death of a Lord”

“Well he does have point with that Edge, wouldn’t you agree…Edge?” Rire asked as he turned around to find me nowhere near him. “It would seem your friend took my advice and is searching for the best armor for himself.” Said Vulcan boastfully as he started to hammer a red hot piece of metal. “So Vulcan, do you think I could grab some armor while I’m here as well. Because you know following Edge around is deadly work, and I’m sure I could use the protection from the armor made by a god could provide.” Stated Rire as he looked over at the armory that eluded him. “Sorry about that small one. But my armor can not be given to one as yourself. You see my armor last as long as the wearer and you being mortal and all…well the armor wouldn’t do you any good, nor would it do my name any good for a mortal to be allowed to wear anything I make.” Said Vulcan as he continued to pound away at the molted metal in front of him. “Great…I won’t be allowed to wear his armor just because I’m mortal…that is just unfair.” Complained Rire as he walked off to a giant stone chair in the corner of the huge room.

As I looked around the armory in which Vulcan kept all his pieces of armor I saw pieces that looked like only a god could wear, but then I realized that all this armor was made to be worn by the gods. As my searched continued I saw pieces of armor that would have worked perfectly with my old style of sword fighting, but for some odd reason I knew my old methods would no longer do me any service. So when I finally came upon the pieces of armor I wished to make into my suit I grabbed each piece and attached them to their respective places upon my body. In the end I choose few pieces that seemed to work out perfectly. I wore gauntlets on both hands, a forearm protector and bicep armor for my left arm and two shoulder covers one on each arm. My chest was covered in a thick breast plat, while my back was covered with a back piece. My thighs were covered with greaves, while both my lower legs were covered as well. And lastly I made sure to grab some armor for my boots. I couldn’t go without getting armor for my feet now could I? But as I was about to exit the armory I saw a helmet that caught my eye. I looked like the very Achilles himself had worn the day he was killed by Paris. As I went to grab it I heard Vulcan call out to me “That’s not for you boy. You know who has worn that piece, so you must know I can’t part ways with it. So grab another helmet like it, and it shall be yours.” Was all his powerful voice calling out to me? I then saw a helmet that just blew me away, it had the very design that embedded into my old suit of armor. I walked up to it and picked it up to get a closer look, and sure enough it was the same design. I then placed the helmet under my arm and I walked out of the armory never to return.

As the days pasted away Vulcan had lent me a large sword that was completely useless to train with. He had told me that my new sword would not be like that I have ever used before, nor would it work right unless I trained hard with a sword like it. So as the days turned into a week I soon realized that the sword I was using was getting lighter and lighter with each thrust I made with it. And upon the ninth day of forging Vulcan had finally finished the blade that defies the gods. “So boy, are you ready to hold the last blade to be held by your hands?” Asked Vulcan as he handed the still steaming blade to me. As I grasped the sword within my hands I could feel the pure power that flowed throughout it. It felt as if this sword was part of my body. “Hey Edge let me hold that sword?” Ask Rire as he walked up to me holding his hand out. I then looked to Vulcan to get his approval. As he shock his head in acceptance I placed the blade into Rire’s hands. But the very second I let go the sword fell straight to the ground taking Rire with it. “What in the fuck is wrong with this sword Vulcan? I can’t even hold it.” Shouted Rire as he tried his hardest to raise the blade from the ground. “Nothing is wrong with the sword, it’s just the fact you were not the chosen one to use it. Only Edge here can hold that sword. I made sure that not even Aries could use this sword against Edge.” Vulcan said in a laughing manner.

“So what is the joyous occasion Edge? Have you finally figured out that I am far better than you could ever hope to be?” Asked a familiar cocky voice. “So Edge is this hot head a friend of yours, or is he trouble?” Asked Vulcan as he reached for his mighty hammer. “I don’t think so old man. My lord has been looking for you for far too long, hell he doesn’t even care if he sees you again, because he has found another master smith to fashion his mighty blade.” Spoke the voice as the room started to glow red. “So Aries wants me dead now that he knows I can no longer do him any good? Start man I must say, but I hope he knows it will be even harder to take this world now with my finally sword crafted.” Roared Vulcan as he grabbed his hammer and threw it into the center of the glowing mass over head. “Foolish old man, even I have the power to kill one as old as you…actually I think I will” The voice said as a massive fire ball crashed down upon Vulcan. “And now to finish you off, Dis Vorago Flamma, Hell’s abyss flame!” Shouted the voice as a black orb of fire crashed upon the older blast causing a massive explosion that sent me and Rire flying back. “Well Edge, it looks like it’s finally my time to join my friends and family. And before I forget, your swords name is Acies.” Was the last words I heard from Vulcan as the fireballs died out leaving nothing in there place, but a giant smoking hole. “So that’s all a god has to offer. How sad…now Edge it is your turn to die at my hand.” Said the voice with a mocking tone to it. “Why don’t you just get your sorry ass down here Exuro? So if anything we can finally have a battle worth you bragging about.” I called out to Exuro. “Alright, I’ll take you up on that offer, and since you have your own sword I don’t have to go easy on you. In other words I finally get to use my full strength.” Said the cocky Exuro as he appeared before me in the great chamber that was once Vulcan’s workshop. “Well then get ready for the battle of your life, for it shall be the last battle you get to be in.” I said as I readied myself with my new blade Acies. “Ah I see you have new armor and you even have a big sword now. This should be fun watching your one big sword fall against my two swords.” Exuro said as he pulled his two swords from his waist. “Kill that coward Edge, you can take him with ease.” Shouted Rire from behind me. “A coward? How dare you call me, a Elemental Lord a coward? I swear upon the blood I will shed here today I will enjoy killing you with my bare hands.”

“Would you stop flirting with Rire and fight me already?” I said as I started to get impatient. “What in the hell was that for Edge?!” Screamed Rire as he threw a rock at me. “It’s what you get for not keeping your mouth shut the last time I fought this bastard.” I said mockingly as I stared Exuro down. “Fine by me Edge, killing you will probably be the highlight of my life. So let’s get my glory on the way.” Exuro said as he charged at me full force. As he got closer I felt my blade pulse with a force I had never felt before, and right when Exuro swung his blades upon me I swung my sword slicing right through both of his swords as if they were made of wood. “That’s…that’s not possible. My swords were crafted to cut anything, not to be cut themselves…this can’t be happening…” Said Exuro as he dropped the hilts of both his blades while he backed up in pure shock. “Nothing is impossible when you’re sword is made by the ultimate sword smith.” I said as I closed in on Exuro. “Aroth…please you must save me…I don’t want to die here, I can’t die here…” Was all Exuro said as he fell to his knees looking up to the top of the room. “Well Exuro, it would seem it is your time to die. I hope you burn in hell for al those you’ve killed.” I said to him as I raised my sword over my head readying myself for the final blow. “You fucking idiot. Do you think you could kill me so easily?” Exuro said as he clinched his right fist and drove a flaming punch into my gut sending me back a couple of feet. “That is low Exuro, you can not even die with honor. So I suppose I’ll have to kill you the slow way.” I spoke as I rushed towards him with my sword at my side. “Edge I will kill you with the very move that killed a god! Dis Vorago Flamma…” Was all he could say before my blade was cutting through his abdomen.

“But…how…I’m an Elemental Lord? I can’t be killed by the likes of you…” Were Exuro’s last words as my sword came out of his back, but the very second my sword exited his body a massive explosion erupted from him surrounding me and caused the volcano to erupt in a massive display of destructive force. I soon awoke far from the catastrophe that was that battle. “Rire? Where are you Rire?” I shouted as I sat up on the ground. “I’m right here, now shut up I’m trying to sleep.” Was all he said as I looked at him lying near me. “How in the fuck did we get out of that? I was sure Rire would have died.” I said to myself as I stood up and walked over to a small brook that was near the spot in which we awoke. “I brought you here. I told that bastard not to attack you, so in return for his stupidity I saved your friend there, and I brought you both here to safety. But that does not mean we are friends, and it sure as hell does not mean I will not kill you the next time we fight.” Said a female voice behind me. As I turned around I saw the beautiful Aeris standing there in all her glory. Her beautiful dark brown hair, her lovely brown eyes that could case a man to lose himself, her shapely figure that just tempted the eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked me with a confused look on her face. “No reason, I was just trying to understand why you did what you did.” I said as I turned around fast as to not let her see my reaction. “I already told you why I did that, now just forget about it.” She said as I heard the wind blow behind me as I turned around she was no where to be seen. “Ha, Edge…I saw that look. You do like Aeris! Man next time I see her I’m going to tell her you love her and how you want to fondle her breast and that you…” Was all that fool Rire could say before I shoved my fist into his face.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a day of…well nothing really. Went to math class, sat around listening to the teacher talk about math…and then I went home to play on my favorite computer. An you believe I forgot about my A-anniversary yesterday…yesterday was the one year anniversary of Edge’s near death experience, so yesterday was one year of defying the doctors that told me I should be dead. HA, in your face you stupid people with white coats!!! And since a lot of you agreed that I should do this tournament I was thinking about I will now actually start to write the rules and how the whole thing will work out. And to give you a heads up, the question of the day will ask you to give me three ANIME characters you’d like to see in this tournament. You don’t have to give me any characters, but if you see no characters you like in my tournament, then it is only your fault. I have a predetermined amount of characters chosen, so if it is not filled by you guys then I shall put anime characters he likes into it. Oh and as a last request, please do not give me video game characters or anyone else, this is a strictly anime tournament. And I have come to who will be doing the commentary for the fights; it will be no one other than Edge and Rire from “The Curse Knight”. Yes you heard me right; Rire and Edge have come out of the story just to do commentary for this event. So not only will we hear from them on Fridays in “the Cursed Knight” but now we’ll get a chance to hear from them all week…or at least when I get the tournament started. So that’s it for my intro for today, so I do hope those of you that have come by today enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall talk with you guys later.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Squiggy, and she asks “Salad dressing on a ham sandwich?” Ok let me clear this up for you, Salad dressing down here is actually just like mayo but it’s a little sweeter…ok it’s actually a lot sweeter than mayo. But it’s not the kind of salad dressing you’re thinking of. Anyways the next question is from Shireishou, and he asks “Wow...he is so hot. I like it. He is the one in your AMV right?” Yes that is Griffith and he is the white haired guy in my AMV that I posted a couple days ago.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “LOL, funny stuff with Rire near the end.” Yeah that was that little twist I was talking about in the end. Funny thing I was going to have Rire say a lot more stuff…but I found that to be a little…dirty so I had Edge punch him before he said anything. Anyways the second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Oooh, nice pic of the day. *stares longingly*” Well if you’d like I could get you a nice picture of him completely in the nude. But I hate to burst your bubble, but Griffith there isn’t quite on the straight side of the sexual world. He happens to have a longing for Guts, the guy that’s on my banner up there…or better yet in today’s picture of the day. Anyways the third discussion is from Zero, and she says “Well if you have no classes, then you can have no excuse to come on the beach trip.” Well actually money can still be a major issue with that trip for me…but if I have no classes…then you do have a point. The fourth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “On the plus side your chapter was awesome today!!!!!! Exuro dies!!!” Yes he did…and not only that all the Elemental Lords die…oh wait…I wasn’t suppose to reveal that part of the story yet…

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So what do you guys think of my tournament idea? I loved the idea, that’s why I’m doing it. And I can’t wait to throw Edge and Rire into an argument over who should win.

Today’s Question

1.) Alright, so what three anime characters do you want in this tournament?

The Original Cursed Knight

Chapter Thirteen

“The death of a Lord”

“Well he does have point with that Edge, wouldn’t you agree…Edge?” Rire asked as he turned around to find me nowhere near him. “It would seem your friend took my advice and is searching for the best armor for himself.” Said Vulcan boastfully as he started to hammer a red hot piece of metal. “So Vulcan, do you think I could grab some armor while I’m here as well. Because you know following Edge around is deadly work, and I’m sure I could use the protection from the armor made by a god could provide.” Stated Rire as he looked over at the armory that eluded him. “Sorry about that small one. But my armor can not be given to one as yourself. You see my armor last as long as the wearer and you being mortal and all…well the armor wouldn’t do you any good, nor would it do my name any good for a mortal to be allowed to wear anything I make.” Said Vulcan as he continued to pound away at the molted metal in front of him. “Great…I won’t be allowed to wear his armor just because I’m mortal…that is just unfair.” Complained Rire as he walked off to a giant stone chair in the corner of the huge room.

As I looked around the armory in which Vulcan kept all his pieces of armor I saw pieces that looked like only a god could wear, but then I realized that all this armor was made to be worn by the gods. As my searched continued I saw pieces of armor that would have worked perfectly with my old style of sword fighting, but for some odd reason I knew my old methods would no longer do me any service. So when I finally came upon the pieces of armor I wished to make into my suit I grabbed each piece and attached them to their respective places upon my body. In the end I choose few pieces that seemed to work out perfectly. I wore gauntlets on both hands, a forearm protector and bicep armor for my left arm and two shoulder covers one on each arm. My chest was covered in a thick breast plat, while my back was covered with a back piece. My thighs were covered with greaves, while both my lower legs were covered as well. And lastly I made sure to grab some armor for my boots. I couldn’t go without getting armor for my feet now could I? But as I was about to exit the armory I saw a helmet that caught my eye. I looked like the very Achilles himself had worn the day he was killed by Paris. As I went to grab it I heard Vulcan call out to me “That’s not for you boy. You know who has worn that piece, so you must know I can’t part ways with it. So grab another helmet like it, and it shall be yours.” Was all his powerful voice calling out to me? I then saw a helmet that just blew me away, it had the very design that embedded into my old suit of armor. I walked up to it and picked it up to get a closer look, and sure enough it was the same design. I then placed the helmet under my arm and I walked out of the armory never to return.

As the days pasted away Vulcan had lent me a large sword that was completely useless to train with. He had told me that my new sword would not be like that I have ever used before, nor would it work right unless I trained hard with a sword like it. So as the days turned into a week I soon realized that the sword I was using was getting lighter and lighter with each thrust I made with it. And upon the ninth day of forging Vulcan had finally finished the blade that defies the gods. “So boy, are you ready to hold the last blade to be held by your hands?” Asked Vulcan as he handed the still steaming blade to me. As I grasped the sword within my hands I could feel the pure power that flowed throughout it. It felt as if this sword was part of my body. “Hey Edge let me hold that sword?” Ask Rire as he walked up to me holding his hand out. I then looked to Vulcan to get his approval. As he shock his head in acceptance I placed the blade into Rire’s hands. But the very second I let go the sword fell straight to the ground taking Rire with it. “What in the fuck is wrong with this sword Vulcan? I can’t even hold it.” Shouted Rire as he tried his hardest to raise the blade from the ground. “Nothing is wrong with the sword, it’s just the fact you were not the chosen one to use it. Only Edge here can hold that sword. I made sure that not even Aries could use this sword against Edge.” Vulcan said in a laughing manner.

“So what is the joyous occasion Edge? Have you finally figured out that I am far better than you could ever hope to be?” Asked a familiar cocky voice. “So Edge is this hot head a friend of yours, or is he trouble?” Asked Vulcan as he reached for his mighty hammer. “I don’t think so old man. My lord has been looking for you for far too long, hell he doesn’t even care if he sees you again, because he has found another master smith to fashion his mighty blade.” Spoke the voice as the room started to glow red. “So Aries wants me dead now that he knows I can no longer do him any good? Start man I must say, but I hope he knows it will be even harder to take this world now with my finally sword crafted.” Roared Vulcan as he grabbed his hammer and threw it into the center of the glowing mass over head. “Foolish old man, even I have the power to kill one as old as you…actually I think I will” The voice said as a massive fire ball crashed down upon Vulcan. “And now to finish you off, Dis Vorago Flamma, Hell’s abyss flame!” Shouted the voice as a black orb of fire crashed upon the older blast causing a massive explosion that sent me and Rire flying back. “Well Edge, it looks like it’s finally my time to join my friends and family. And before I forget, your swords name is Acies.” Was the last words I heard from Vulcan as the fireballs died out leaving nothing in there place, but a giant smoking hole. “So that’s all a god has to offer. How sad…now Edge it is your turn to die at my hand.” Said the voice with a mocking tone to it. “Why don’t you just get your sorry ass down here Exuro? So if anything we can finally have a battle worth you bragging about.” I called out to Exuro. “Alright, I’ll take you up on that offer, and since you have your own sword I don’t have to go easy on you. In other words I finally get to use my full strength.” Said the cocky Exuro as he appeared before me in the great chamber that was once Vulcan’s workshop. “Well then get ready for the battle of your life, for it shall be the last battle you get to be in.” I said as I readied myself with my new blade Acies. “Ah I see you have new armor and you even have a big sword now. This should be fun watching your one big sword fall against my two swords.” Exuro said as he pulled his two swords from his waist. “Kill that coward Edge, you can take him with ease.” Shouted Rire from behind me. “A coward? How dare you call me, a Elemental Lord a coward? I swear upon the blood I will shed here today I will enjoy killing you with my bare hands.”

“Would you stop flirting with Rire and fight me already?” I said as I started to get impatient. “What in the hell was that for Edge?!” Screamed Rire as he threw a rock at me. “It’s what you get for not keeping your mouth shut the last time I fought this bastard.” I said mockingly as I stared Exuro down. “Fine by me Edge, killing you will probably be the highlight of my life. So let’s get my glory on the way.” Exuro said as he charged at me full force. As he got closer I felt my blade pulse with a force I had never felt before, and right when Exuro swung his blades upon me I swung my sword slicing right through both of his swords as if they were made of wood. “That’s…that’s not possible. My swords were crafted to cut anything, not to be cut themselves…this can’t be happening…” Said Exuro as he dropped the hilts of both his blades while he backed up in pure shock. “Nothing is impossible when you’re sword is made by the ultimate sword smith.” I said as I closed in on Exuro. “Aroth…please you must save me…I don’t want to die here, I can’t die here…” Was all Exuro said as he fell to his knees looking up to the top of the room. “Well Exuro, it would seem it is your time to die. I hope you burn in hell for al those you’ve killed.” I said to him as I raised my sword over my head readying myself for the final blow. “You fucking idiot. Do you think you could kill me so easily?” Exuro said as he clinched his right fist and drove a flaming punch into my gut sending me back a couple of feet. “That is low Exuro, you can not even die with honor. So I suppose I’ll have to kill you the slow way.” I spoke as I rushed towards him with my sword at my side. “Edge I will kill you with the very move that killed a god! Dis Vorago Flamma…” Was all he could say before my blade was cutting through his abdomen.

“But…how…I’m an Elemental Lord? I can’t be killed by the likes of you…” Were Exuro’s last words as my sword came out of his back, but the very second my sword exited his body a massive explosion erupted from him surrounding me and caused the volcano to erupt in a massive display of destructive force. I soon awoke far from the catastrophe that was that battle. “Rire? Where are you Rire?” I shouted as I sat up on the ground. “I’m right here, now shut up I’m trying to sleep.” Was all he said as I looked at him lying near me. “How in the fuck did we get out of that? I was sure Rire would have died.” I said to myself as I stood up and walked over to a small brook that was near the spot in which we awoke. “I brought you here. I told that bastard not to attack you, so in return for his stupidity I saved your friend there, and I brought you both here to safety. But that does not mean we are friends, and it sure as hell does not mean I will not kill you the next time we fight.” Said a female voice behind me. As I turned around I saw the beautiful Aeris standing there in all her glory. Her beautiful dark brown hair, her lovely brown eyes that could case a man to lose himself, her shapely figure that just tempted the eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked me with a confused look on her face. “No reason, I was just trying to understand why you did what you did.” I said as I turned around fast as to not let her see my reaction. “I already told you why I did that, now just forget about it.” She said as I heard the wind blow behind me as I turned around she was no where to be seen. “Ha, Edge…I saw that look. You do like Aeris! Man next time I see her I’m going to tell her you love her and how you want to fondle her breast and that you…” Was all that fool Rire could say before I shoved my fist into his face.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day to get some of my goals crushed into the ground. Why do I say that? Well it looks like I may not be able to take summer classes…or I might have to take only one class. Why is this you ask? Well I’ll explain it to you, it would seem I’ve used up most of this school years funds (Pell Grant, Loans.) so in other words I’ll have to pay out of my pockets…which isn’t that bad…but then they tell me I have to pay $850 dollars for my two classes by May 1st…now Edge can’t raise that much money in that short of time, but one class will cost me $400 dollars, so if I can at least raise that much then I’ll be ok…and if I can’t, then I won’t take any classes this summer, and I’ll be behind next year…oh well shit happens. Now onto more exciting things. Like for example “The Cursed Knight”, yes today is the day in which the latest chapter is to be posted. And as always it is posted below the rest of the post, so I hope you guys enjoy the twist, and turns I have thrown into it. A god dies, a legend is born, and Rire acts stupid…wait that always happens…and the final twist a lord falls from grace. And I might even throw in something ever more out there, but you’ll have to see for yourself. And one last thing before I close my post…I know that I have two friends on the Otaku that do tournaments (Lordsesshomaru and Caprice), but I was thinking I should try one out for myself…why you ask? Well…to be honest, I’m bored most of the day anyways, so coming up with a tournament would give me something to do…and I could even write fight results, like for example if we had Kenshin Vs Vash. I would give a summary as to how the victor of the match won. In other words I have fights with commentary. Sounds like a good idea, right? Anyways that’s it for my post today, so do enjoy the rest, and please enjoy reading today’s chapter. I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today, so see you then.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “What's your favorite sandwich condiment?” well it all depends on the sandwich to me. If it’s a plain turkey sandwich then I just use plain mustard. If it’s a ham sandwich then I use salad dressing (southern style of mayo) and the list goes on for me. Anyways the next question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “I dunno I guess I saw you as knightly. Is that even a word?” Yes it is actually a word, and I am knightly…just around certain people I don’t act like a knight because these certain people do not deserve to see Edge at his best. So in other words you guys are used to Edge at his best…and some of my friends are used to me at my worst.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Haste usually makes waste, but so far you've avoided doing that (if you do believe you're going too fast, that is).” Well actually I don’t even think I’m writing it too fast. I was only asking because I had a feeling some of you weren’t able to keep track of how the story progressed…so I felt I should ask if I was moving too fast, because as you all know if I can’t get a chapter out by Friday then it won’t be posted until the next Friday, sorry I hold no remorse for when I can’t seem to write. Anyways the second discussion is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she says “One, cause I have writers block....” Well if you ever need help, I don’t mind at all with helping you figure things out. Believe me I know how hard it is to get a chapter out…but as I said if you ever need help thinking of something just ask me and I’ll try my hardest to help. Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “LOL, my mistake, Edge is an all around pervert. Please forgive me. LOL.” It is alright, I shall forgive this time…and possible the time after that…and I’m sure I’ll forgive you the time after that one as well…but I can’t say anything about the time after that one…so you might want to watch out. The fifth discussion is also from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Nope, if you didn’t get the stories out as quick as you do there would be a riot!” Oh really? Is that a threat? Because I’m sure I can hold out against all of you for a lot longer than you think, and it wouldn’t hurt me any not to post my story…so you sure you want to go against the almighty Edge? Here I am the Ultimate Power!!!

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Am I writing the chapters for “The Cursed Knight” too fast? Well I think I already answered that up in the discussion area…but let me check…*takes a look*…yep I answered it up there.

Today’s Question

1.) So what do you guys think of my tournament idea?

The Original Cursed Knight

Chapter Thirteen

“The death of a Lord”

“Well he does have point with that Edge, wouldn’t you agree…Edge?” Rire asked as he turned around to find me nowhere near him. “It would seem your friend took my advice and is searching for the best armor for himself.” Said Vulcan boastfully as he started to hammer a red hot piece of metal. “So Vulcan, do you think I could grab some armor while I’m here as well. Because you know following Edge around is deadly work, and I’m sure I could use the protection from the armor made by a god could provide.” Stated Rire as he looked over at the armory that eluded him. “Sorry about that small one. But my armor can not be given to one as yourself. You see my armor last as long as the wearer and you being mortal and all…well the armor wouldn’t do you any good, nor would it do my name any good for a mortal to be allowed to wear anything I make.” Said Vulcan as he continued to pound away at the molted metal in front of him. “Great…I won’t be allowed to wear his armor just because I’m mortal…that is just unfair.” Complained Rire as he walked off to a giant stone chair in the corner of the huge room.

As I looked around the armory in which Vulcan kept all his pieces of armor I saw pieces that looked like only a god could wear, but then I realized that all this armor was made to be worn by the gods. As my searched continued I saw pieces of armor that would have worked perfectly with my old style of sword fighting, but for some odd reason I knew my old methods would no longer do me any service. So when I finally came upon the pieces of armor I wished to make into my suit I grabbed each piece and attached them to their respective places upon my body. In the end I choose few pieces that seemed to work out perfectly. I wore gauntlets on both hands, a forearm protector and bicep armor for my left arm and two shoulder covers one on each arm. My chest was covered in a thick breast plat, while my back was covered with a back piece. My thighs were covered with greaves, while both my lower legs were covered as well. And lastly I made sure to grab some armor for my boots. I couldn’t go without getting armor for my feet now could I? But as I was about to exit the armory I saw a helmet that caught my eye. I looked like the very Achilles himself had worn the day he was killed by Paris. As I went to grab it I heard Vulcan call out to me “That’s not for you boy. You know who has worn that piece, so you must know I can’t part ways with it. So grab another helmet like it, and it shall be yours.” Was all his powerful voice calling out to me? I then saw a helmet that just blew me away, it had the very design that embedded into my old suit of armor. I walked up to it and picked it up to get a closer look, and sure enough it was the same design. I then placed the helmet under my arm and I walked out of the armory never to return.

As the days pasted away Vulcan had lent me a large sword that was completely useless to train with. He had told me that my new sword would not be like that I have ever used before, nor would it work right unless I trained hard with a sword like it. So as the days turned into a week I soon realized that the sword I was using was getting lighter and lighter with each thrust I made with it. And upon the ninth day of forging Vulcan had finally finished the blade that defies the gods. “So boy, are you ready to hold the last blade to be held by your hands?” Asked Vulcan as he handed the still steaming blade to me. As I grasped the sword within my hands I could feel the pure power that flowed throughout it. It felt as if this sword was part of my body. “Hey Edge let me hold that sword?” Ask Rire as he walked up to me holding his hand out. I then looked to Vulcan to get his approval. As he shock his head in acceptance I placed the blade into Rire’s hands. But the very second I let go the sword fell straight to the ground taking Rire with it. “What in the fuck is wrong with this sword Vulcan? I can’t even hold it.” Shouted Rire as he tried his hardest to raise the blade from the ground. “Nothing is wrong with the sword, it’s just the fact you were not the chosen one to use it. Only Edge here can hold that sword. I made sure that not even Aries could use this sword against Edge.” Vulcan said in a laughing manner.

“So what is the joyous occasion Edge? Have you finally figured out that I am far better than you could ever hope to be?” Asked a familiar cocky voice. “So Edge is this hot head a friend of yours, or is he trouble?” Asked Vulcan as he reached for his mighty hammer. “I don’t think so old man. My lord has been looking for you for far too long, hell he doesn’t even care if he sees you again, because he has found another master smith to fashion his mighty blade.” Spoke the voice as the room started to glow red. “So Aries wants me dead now that he knows I can no longer do him any good? Start man I must say, but I hope he knows it will be even harder to take this world now with my finally sword crafted.” Roared Vulcan as he grabbed his hammer and threw it into the center of the glowing mass over head. “Foolish old man, even I have the power to kill one as old as you…actually I think I will” The voice said as a massive fire ball crashed down upon Vulcan. “And now to finish you off, Dis Vorago Flamma, Hell’s abyss flame!” Shouted the voice as a black orb of fire crashed upon the older blast causing a massive explosion that sent me and Rire flying back. “Well Edge, it looks like it’s finally my time to join my friends and family. And before I forget, your swords name is Acies.” Was the last words I heard from Vulcan as the fireballs died out leaving nothing in there place, but a giant smoking hole. “So that’s all a god has to offer. How sad…now Edge it is your turn to die at my hand.” Said the voice with a mocking tone to it. “Why don’t you just get your sorry ass down here Exuro? So if anything we can finally have a battle worth you bragging about.” I called out to Exuro. “Alright, I’ll take you up on that offer, and since you have your own sword I don’t have to go easy on you. In other words I finally get to use my full strength.” Said the cocky Exuro as he appeared before me in the great chamber that was once Vulcan’s workshop. “Well then get ready for the battle of your life, for it shall be the last battle you get to be in.” I said as I readied myself with my new blade Acies. “Ah I see you have new armor and you even have a big sword now. This should be fun watching your one big sword fall against my two swords.” Exuro said as he pulled his two swords from his waist. “Kill that coward Edge, you can take him with ease.” Shouted Rire from behind me. “A coward? How dare you call me, a Elemental Lord a coward? I swear upon the blood I will shed here today I will enjoy killing you with my bare hands.”

“Would you stop flirting with Rire and fight me already?” I said as I started to get impatient. “What in the hell was that for Edge?!” Screamed Rire as he threw a rock at me. “It’s what you get for not keeping your mouth shut the last time I fought this bastard.” I said mockingly as I stared Exuro down. “Fine by me Edge, killing you will probably be the highlight of my life. So let’s get my glory on the way.” Exuro said as he charged at me full force. As he got closer I felt my blade pulse with a force I had never felt before, and right when Exuro swung his blades upon me I swung my sword slicing right through both of his swords as if they were made of wood. “That’s…that’s not possible. My swords were crafted to cut anything, not to be cut themselves…this can’t be happening…” Said Exuro as he dropped the hilts of both his blades while he backed up in pure shock. “Nothing is impossible when you’re sword is made by the ultimate sword smith.” I said as I closed in on Exuro. “Aroth…please you must save me…I don’t want to die here, I can’t die here…” Was all Exuro said as he fell to his knees looking up to the top of the room. “Well Exuro, it would seem it is your time to die. I hope you burn in hell for al those you’ve killed.” I said to him as I raised my sword over my head readying myself for the final blow. “You fucking idiot. Do you think you could kill me so easily?” Exuro said as he clinched his right fist and drove a flaming punch into my gut sending me back a couple of feet. “That is low Exuro, you can not even die with honor. So I suppose I’ll have to kill you the slow way.” I spoke as I rushed towards him with my sword at my side. “Edge I will kill you with the very move that killed a god! Dis Vorago Flamma…” Was all he could say before my blade was cutting through his abdomen.

“But…how…I’m an Elemental Lord? I can’t be killed by the likes of you…” Were Exuro’s last words as my sword came out of his back, but the very second my sword exited his body a massive explosion erupted from him surrounding me and caused the volcano to erupt in a massive display of destructive force. I soon awoke far from the catastrophe that was that battle. “Rire? Where are you Rire?” I shouted as I sat up on the ground. “I’m right here, now shut up I’m trying to sleep.” Was all he said as I looked at him lying near me. “How in the fuck did we get out of that? I was sure Rire would have died.” I said to myself as I stood up and walked over to a small brook that was near the spot in which we awoke. “I brought you here. I told that bastard not to attack you, so in return for his stupidity I saved your friend there, and I brought you both here to safety. But that does not mean we are friends, and it sure as hell does not mean I will not kill you the next time we fight.” Said a female voice behind me. As I turned around I saw the beautiful Aeris standing there in all her glory. Her beautiful dark brown hair, her lovely brown eyes that could case a man to lose himself, her shapely figure that just tempted the eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked me with a confused look on her face. “No reason, I was just trying to understand why you did what you did.” I said as I turned around fast as to not let her see my reaction. “I already told you why I did that, now just forget about it.” She said as I heard the wind blow behind me as I turned around she was no where to be seen. “Ha, Edge…I saw that look. You do like Aeris! Man next time I see her I’m going to tell her you love her and how you want to fondle her breast and that you…” Was all that fool Rire could say before I shoved my fist into his face.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day to go to school…yeah I had my math class yesterday. As I’ve stated before, I know what he’s teaching, I just can’t seem to remember the old stuff…this sucks majorly because he was talking about the Compass test to get out of the class and the time and date and everything, but since I know I can’t pass his class this time I don’t need to listen because only the passing students get to take the exiting test…but how gives a shit about math anyways… (Sorry if I offend anyone who loves math) Anyways after that I went to US History…Edge loves history…but for some odd reason I hate US history…hmm, maybe it’s because compared to the history I do like US history isn’t nothing but a baby. But enough about me talking about my stupid classes. Let me talk about my awesome story, and for a matter of fact the newest chapter will actually be posted this Friday (Yeah I’m actually staying on track with my story!!!) So yes we will get to see some action in this chapter…believe me I’m making sure of it. So I believe that to be the end of today’s post, thanks for stopping by, and please do enjoy reading the rest of my post. And I shall try to and talk with you guys later.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “Oh jeez, that sounded kind of personal didn't it?” Well it only sounded personal if you wish it to sound personal…if you don’t think about it, then it didn’t sound that way at all. And I would know, I say a lot of thing like that, and then I shrug them off as nothing…I am the master of letting nothing bother me.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “But I hate Griffith. I think he's the only anime character I hate.” Yeah I must admit I’m not a fan of Griffith either, I must admit I’m a Guts guy myself…I swear I see myself in too many anime characters. Now if only I had his sword…then Edge would be a very happy camper. Anyways the second discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Man then I would love to meet you in person if you truly are Jiraiya I mean you and I would have a ball...the female pervert right hear *raises hand* LOL But seriously I bet you are a bunch of fun!!^^” You better believe I’m a bunch of fun, Edge loves having fun…but then again it all depends on the kind of fun. And I’m sure I’d rather not know what you were trying to say with that you and I would have a ball…but then again I’m not acting like the normal Edge…well the Otaku one at least…I’m starting to act like the REAL Edge…good lord, I better stop talking soon, before I say something… Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Were all a little perverted on the inside. *wink*” Well I hate to disagree with you on that…Edge is not perverted on this inside…he’s perverted on the outside, inside, left side, right side, the up side, and the down side, hell he’s just a perv through and through…depending on the people I’m around of course…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Oh, I see you added me on DeviantArt.” Well of course I did, you are one of my bestest friends on the Otaku. And hell if you have a Da account then I would be happy to add other friends from here as well.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So what did you think of the video? Well I think I went a little over board on the beginning…using Mozart…but hey I liked it, so I did it. But yeah other than that I liked it a lot, heck I was watching it all day yesterday as I read your guys comments.

Today’s Question

1.) Am I writing the chapters for “The Cursed Knight” too fast?

Wallpapers made by Edge

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Hosted By theOtaku.com.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice boring sleep filled day. Who could believe that me…Edge would actually fall asleep in my only class of the day, a raise of hand would be nice. *Starts counting the hands in the air*…alright…I see that everyone here would agree that I would sleep in my only class of the day…but it’s not my fault. The teacher was playing music you’d hear in a church (Gregorian chats) man that stuff can knock out the strongest of insomniacs. But yeah that was my whole school day…yeah college life for you. But I also signed up for my classes for this summer and fall semesters. Yes I’m taking summer classes, but that is because Edge was slacking off too much this past semester so now I have to make up for it…and the summer is the time in which to do that. Oh as promised today I will have up my AMV, so needless to say I will be taking the song off auto play so the two won’t make a bunch of noise. So please do enjoy my AMV, and of course the rest of the post…since that was my whole day…So I shall talk with you guys later.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “Isn't there anyone who can help you with your math?” Well…yes there is…to be honest my school offers a free tutor system…but it’s not that I don’t understand what we are studying. It’s just I can’t seem to remember the stuff from a month or two ago. If only he could test us on what we’ve been studying then I would be passing his entire test, but when he only gives me thirty problems and only six of them are on what we just studied…and the rest aren’t. My mind just loses all understanding for the other stuff. Anyways the next question is from Iruka Sensei, and she asks “Oh when you said you were Jiraiya were you serious?” Yes I’m serious. I have been compared to Jiraiya in many ways. The only reason why you don’t seem to notice it is only because I happen to keep a public face here on the Otaku, so I try not to show that side of me as much as I would in normal day living… that and I have been told I sort of look like Jiraiya if I were to dye my hair white…and put red lines under my eyes. But believe me if you knew the true Edge you would think “My god…he is Jiraiya.” Yeah…


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “I only wish to become as good as you one day…” Oh please…I’m not that good. I just have too much free time and complete boredom on my side. Believe me if I was that good at making wallpapers I wouldn’t be leaving little mistakes everywhere in them. Anyways the second discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I mean you seem to be the Kakashi type and if you are perverted you keep it hidden” Hmm…I do like Kakashi…but as I’ve stated I tend to be more like Jiraiya in person, so my perverted side on the Otaku is like Kakashi, while in person is Jiraiya…hmm I am the ultimate pervert when the two come together. Anyways the third discussion is from Unicornrain, and she says “Your opinions on certain matters would be really interesting though. You just have one of those minds that don't think like normal society. You tend to look deeper than most.” Let me guess you actually read my thoughts on girls huh? Yeah that would easily show that I look deeper into things than most people are even willing to attempt. But that’s just my nature. I enjoy seeing things other people over look. And then as you stated I just think differently than everyone else, but that’s a good thing in my beliefs.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Do you know of any meanings for the color red? Well I see no reason for me to list all the stuff you guys listed, and yes all of you were right, so there’s nothing more to say about the color red.

Today’s Question

1.) So what did you think of the video?

AMV made by Edge

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Picture of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day to say the least…I got back my math test I took on Friday…and I hate to report that I once again failed it…but you know what it’s not my fault. I tried my hardest, and the damn teacher keeps putting stuff on the test we haven’t studied in over months…and the stuff we do talk about in class are always at the end and there aren’t enough of them for me to pass with…I can only understand a limited amount of math at once…Edge’s brain was not made for mathematical crap…I am a fucking history major for god’s sake. Anyways on to more important things…well I submitted five new wallpapers yesterday…yep you heard me right, five. Even though three of them were actually made later in the week I just submitted them yesterday because I had to put some finishing touches on them. And then I submitted two of my older Naruto wallpapers that were at one time extremely popular. Hopefully they will regain what was once lost. And lastly I put the finishing touches on a AMV I have been making for the past two weeks or so. For some reason I’m in a Berserk anime mood…so needless to say my AMV happens to be Berserk. I’ll probably put it up tomorrow if you guys want to see it, and if you don’t want to watch it…well then it would seem you’re shit out of luck. But then again you really don’t have to watch it…it’ll just be there for anyone who does want to see Berserk in it’s bloody glory. Anyways that’s it for my post, and I hope to talk with you guys later. And please do enjoy the rest of my post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Forgotten-Heart, and she asks “Are women really that captivating to you?” I believe you mistook my captivation of women the wrong way. I have the up most respect for all women and in doing so I have realized the beauty of women. Not like the way men these days see women, but more in the context of the romantics of the past. If I could truly put my thoughts into words I probably could get any girl I wanted, but I am nothing like that, nor do I have the knowledge to speak the words that lay in my heart. So in other words my captivation is nothing of the physical beauty that all men look at, my captivation is from the inner beauty in which it takes a true…well…romantic to see. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “How many people do you think love you anyway?” Well that all depends on the context of love in which you are speaking. I have countless friends that love me, but I only have few people in which love me to a certain degree, and even fewer people that truly love me. It truly is hard for me to answer this question because it leaves too much of an open ended answer…and I hate those. So if you could make the question a bit simpler then I shall answer it to the fullest.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Forgotten-Heart, and she says “I honestly don't see what the big deal is about stating your religious and political standing.” Well honestly there isn’t a big deal about it. I just promised myself I wouldn’t let anyone know. I just hate talking about my religious beliefs, because to me religion is one thing that everyone has a different option on…and not to sound rude or anything, but I really don’t care to hear what people have to say when it comes to that topic. But don’t get me wrong, I am fully willing to listen to people’s beliefs, heck I listen to Misty’s all the time…and that reminds me I don’t even know what version of Christianity she worships under…hmm…I need to find that out. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “hmmm the only thing I think of about red is it's the color of love hmmmmm…” Well don’t think too hard, because you are right about that one of the many meanings of the color red is love. And some of the others would be strength and courage. There are plenty more…but I could only think of those three at this time.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So which of the four wallpapers posted below do you like the most? Well as you all should have been able to tell the Berserk one was my favorite from yesterday…or else I wouldn’t have made it my site’s newest theme, am I right or what? Of course I’m right.

Today’s Question

1.) Do you know of any meanings for the color red?

Wallpapers made by Edge

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